The Healthy Aging Program is very pleased to announce that, effective today, the new Maine Senior Games Coordinator is Jo Dill. Jo is a retired Health and Physical Education teacher in the Kennebunk area school district. She is currently the Executive Director of the Maine Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance – a position she has held for 12 years and will continue to hold while she works 20 hours per week for the MSG.  Some of you know Jo from the MSG Women’s Basketball tournament, where she plays on the Maine Pioneers 60+ team. She also coordinates the Corner Cupboard Non-Food Pantry in Sanford, and serves on the board of various organizations including Unlimited Vision Montessori School, and the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Sports, Health and Wellness.
Jo lives in Lyman, ME. Her office telephone: 207-396-6519. Her email:
I am sure all of you wish Anita Chandler the best of times in her retirement and I am sure all of you will enjoy working with Jo. We will soon have Jo’s office telephone linked to her cell phone and I March she will have the capability to send and receive email messages from a portable device.
Also new this year will be the registration for the MSG and the reporting of results. The National Senior Games has a web based registration 207system which is now ready for the rest of us to use. Jo and other staff will learn how to use it later this month and then make it available to everyone.
Edward S. Trainer, Dr.P.H.
Director of Healthy Aging
Southern Maine Agency on Aging
136 US Route One
Scarborough ME 04074
(o) 207-396-6577
(c) 207-468-4535
(f) 207-883-8249