Maine Running Photos Running Photos & Video Across the State of Maine

March 6, 2022

2022 Irish Road Rover 5k

Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 6:52 am

IRR_8807  Matt RandIRR_8824 Marah Borgman

  • Start images courtesy of Don Penta & David Colby Young 100+ images
  • Finish images courtesy of Don Penta 1000+ imaages & David Colby Young 500+ images
  • 2022 Results Courtesy of Bay State Race Services
  • February 2, 2020

    2020 Cape Elizabeth Mid Winter Classic 10 Miler 2 Feb 2020

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , , , — David Colby Young @ 12:38 am

    2020 Mid  Winter Classic 10m

    DSC_0441 Mid Winter Classic Start



    Finish line Video recorded fast & Posted slow. Perhaps not worth viewing?

    This is Todd Michaud, the Newspaper gave him a different name

    While you wait for the race results & media reports. Please view past years.


    Past Results not posted to & are open to the public

    1999 Mid Winter Classic 10 miler
    1998 results
    1997, 1996 ,1995 ,1994 ,1993 ,1992 ,1991 ,1990 ,1989,1988a ,1988b ,1987, 1986 ,1985,1984 ,1983 ,1982

  • Mid Winter 10 Mile Classic Event Web Site
  • July 28, 2018

    2018 Peaks Island 5 Miler

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , , , — David Colby Young @ 8:04 pm

    Results ~ 421 Finishers


    • Set 1 courtesy of Beth Rand 83 photos
    • Set 2 uploaded 1600+ photos courtesy of Don Penta

    July 30, 2017

    2017 ~ Peaks Island 5 Miler

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , , , — David Colby Young @ 5:12 pm

    2017 Results ~ 498 finishers
    matt rand_PI50285

    Courtesy of Beth Rand


    July 30, 2016

    2016 ~ Peaks Island 5 Mile Road Race

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 6:27 pm

    Peaks Island 5 Mile Road Race

    Peaks Island, ME, July 30, 2016

    [Overall Results etc Winners | ]
    DSC_1118DSC_1115  Hannah Gore


    • Set 1 courtesy of Don Penta (1000+ photos)
    • Set 2 courtesy of Beth Rand (111 photos)


    Bloggers report:1 Kiersten Pfeifer,.3.,4.,5.6,.7,

    July 26, 2014

    2014 Peaks Island 5 Mile Road Race

    Filed under: Portland — Tags: , , , , — David Colby Young @ 2:49 pm

    Peaks Island 5 Mile Road Race

    Peaks Island, ME, July 26, 2014  Archived Results

    Photos (soon)

    • Set 1 courtesy of Beth Rand photos for Maine Running photos
    • Set 2 courtesy of Don Penta (part 1 of two parts finish Line) see fb
    • Set 3 courtesy of Don Penta (part 2 of 2  parts finish Line)
    • Set 4 courtesy of Don Penta Pre 5 miler see fb
    • Set 5 Awards see FB
    • Fun Run Start Video
    • 5 Miler Start Video

    July 27, 2013

    2013 ~ Peaks Island 5 Miler

    Filed under: Peaks Island — Tags: , , , , , — Don @ 6:12 pm
  • Results Courtesy of MTC
  • Matt Rand.Samantha Cox



    • Set 1 courtesy of Don Penta (190+ photos)
    • Set 2 Start of the 5 Miler courtesy of Don Penta (17 photos)
    • Set 3 Finish Line courtesy of Don Penta ~ 700+ images
    • Set 4 Finish Line Courtesy of Don Penta ~ 300+ images
    • Set 5 Courtesy of Don Penta ~ Awards ~ 94 images

    November 24, 2008

    USATF Region 1 XC Championship 11-23-2008

    Filed under: april,Photos — Tags: , , , — David Colby Young @ 7:41 pm
    (This repost is courtesy of the Sub5 Track Club. The Sub5 has been the best site for
    information & news relating to Maine Youth Running.  As of today, this information was not
    found on the Maine USATF, USATF or any NE USATF web site.)
     (N.B. The Lakers TC. Lewiston Rec & Scarborough are Maine USATF Teams)
    (Team Scores)
    Results post on USATF National Web site
    Licensed to USATF - Connecticut - Organization License
                                          HY-TEK's Meet Manager 11/23/2008 10:01 PM
                       USA TRACK & FIELD -REGION 1 - 11/23/2008
                      JUNIOR OLYMPICS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP Held in New York State
    Event 1  Girls 5k Run CC INTERMEDIATE
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Women
      1 Briasco, Elizabeth           Awesome Powe          19:12.43
      2 Nicholas, Jackie             Litchfield T          19:24.10
      3 Halligan, Kelli              Unattached            19:27.32
      4 Francis, Claudia             Team Evoluti          19:28.43
      5 Garry, Kira                  Unattached            19:54.65
      6 Bishop, Chelsea              South Windso          20:10.53
      7 Lam, Melody                  Lakers TC             20:12.19
      8 St. Lawrence, Nicolette      New York Sta          20:25.58
      9 Anderson, Emily              South Windso          20:28.08
     10 Morio, Kaitlyn               Unattached            20:28.47
     11 Piatta, Desiree              South Windso          20:46.78
     12 Meinertz, Katie              Sentinel Str          20:49.64
     13 Burr, Taylor                 Lakers TC             20:53.14
     14 Coleman, Fiona               South Windso          20:58.85
     15 Arvisais-Anh, Monique        North Countr          21:01.10
     16 Earwalker, Andrea            South Windso          21:04.40
     17 Weightman, Bailey            North Countr          21:05.54
     18 Dresser, Kaitlin             Gcs Triad             21:06.66
     19 Leonidas, Kendra             North Countr          21:09.53
     20 Haluska, Michelle            Lakers TC             21:16.71
     21 Beede, Morgan                Lakers TC             21:20.67
     22 Kriwox, Emily                North Countr          21:25.26
     23 Cullenberg, Addie            Lakers TC             21:26.88
     24 Pedersen, Harriet            North Countr          21:36.00
     25 Ward-Smith, Stephanie        Sentinel Str          22:14.51
     26 Palms, Danielle              Sentinel Str          22:16.71
     27 Hynds, Keyana                Bronx Intern          22:21.06
     28 Russo, Jodi                  Litchfield T          22:42.56
     29 Thomas, Taia                 Team Evoluti          22:56.49
     30 Redington, Ashley            Granite Stat          23:20.00
     31 Dockery, Katy                Ruff Kutz TC          23:23.05
     32 Hanlon, Samantha             Unattached            24:06.48
     33 Flores, Anagely              Rabbit TC             24:20.77
     34 Nixon, Mia                   Unattached            24:28.99
     35 Murphy, Kayleigh             Unattached            24:31.88
     36 Hudson, Soroya               New York Sta          24:39.61
     37 Souza, Jessica               Sentinel Str          25:37.24
     38 McMichael, Amanda            Sentinel Str          25:47.39
     39 Allyn, Alyssa                Sentinel Str          26:44.97
     40 Simonis, Dempsey             Team Evoluti          31:11.46  
    Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC INTERMEDIATE
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Men
      1 Geoghean, William            Lakers TC             16:25.33
      2 Fontaine, Luke               Lakers TC             16:29.54
      3 Cullenberg, Kelton           Lakers TC             16:38.56
      4 Price, Logan                 Lakers TC             16:41.59
      5 Terwilliger, Jack            Lakers TC             16:44.98
      6 Moser, Alexander             Lakers TC             16:45.26
      7 Gallo, Alexander             Sentinel Str          16:55.61
      8 Cassidy, Liam                Lakers TC             16:59.40
      9 Jakaus, Sebastian            Unattached            17:02.06
     10 Fields, Daniel               South Windso          17:02.34
     11 Bonazelli, Joseph            South Windso          17:18.04
     12 Shepard, Timothy             Unattached            17:21.16
     13 Newcomb, Kieran              Awesome Powe          17:23.65
     14 Jones, Charlie               Lakers TC             17:29.81
     15 Agostino, Tyler              Fairfield Co          17:35.92
     16 Cathcart, Ryan               Nashua Pal            17:36.49
     17 Martin, Michael              Sentinel Str          17:37.08
     18 Miller, Nathan               Awesome Powe          17:38.19
     19 Glidden, Edward              Granite Stat          17:42.27
     20 O'Heron, Daniel              Unattached            17:44.91
     21 O'Donnell, Brandon           Nashua Pal            17:52.93
     22 Chapman, Matthaw             Nashua Pal            17:54.71
     23 Jordan, Christopher          Unattached            17:55.65
     24 Gravel, Teddy                Litchfield T          17:59.67
     25 Musard, Brian                Sentinel Str          18:01.66
     26 Bennett, Christopher         Sentinel Str          18:08.34
     27 Olsen, Gabriel               Litchfield T          18:13.64
     28 Coogan, Adam                 Sentinel Str          18:14.41
     29 DeCristofaro, Thomas         Sentinel Str          18:15.60
     30 McHugh, Ryan                 Granite Stat          18:16.86
     31 Beede, Brian                 Lakers TC             18:19.62
     32 Mcleod, Brenson              Fairfield Co          18:20.87
     33 Bennett, Brian               Fairfield Co          18:23.21
     34 McCrory, Colin               Bullet Hill           18:24.95
     35 Ronketty, Thomas             Nashua Pal            18:26.84
     36 Gerlach, Kyle                Sentinel Str          18:28.55
     37 Chadwick, Zachary            Sentinel Str          18:29.26
     38 Shaw, Kyle                   South Windso          18:35.43
     39 Davis, Thomas                Fairfield Co          18:37.52
     40 Kent, Trevor                 Onteora Runn          18:42.76
     41 Pike, Nathaniel              Nashua Pal            18:48.27
     42 Shaheen, Chris               Nashua Pal            18:51.04
     43 Dumschott, Alexander         Litchfield T          19:10.61
     44 Mattera, Nick                Unattached            19:11.89
     45 Luchini, Alex                Lakers TC             19:14.05
     46 Sherman, Eric                Nashua Pal            19:24.74
     47 McGahie, Brian               Central Mass          19:26.42
     48 Mackeon, Mathew              Litchfield T          19:28.63
     49 Tomoszewski, Igor            Unattached            19:34.04
     50 Lyndon, Samuel               Muskteers             19:48.11
     51 Stiller, John                Fairfield Co          19:51.06
     52 Greco, Christopher           Bullet Hill           19:55.80
     53 Whelan, Michael              Fairfield Co          19:59.82
     54 Fiorenzano, Nicholas         Sentinel Str          20:06.33
     55 Ellison, Skylar              Unattached            20:12.10
     56 Hernandez, Adolfo            Rabbit TC             20:45.53
     57 Gannon, Sean                 Litchfield T          20:53.85
     58 Tillow, Christopher          Litchfield T          21:16.32
     59 Eugenio, Jonathan            Rabbit TC             21:16.58
     60 Tantone, Ryan                Unattached            21:24.91
     61 Hodge, Spencer               Lakers TC             22:24.26
     62 Ramirez, Javier              Rabbit TC             22:40.83
     63 Unknown, Unknown             Unattached            22:41.54
     64 Sevilla, Morro               Rabbit TC             22:49.06
     65 Carino, Omar                 Rabbit TC             25:50.85  
    Event 3  Girls 1 Mile Run CC SUB BANTAM
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Women
      1 Douglas, Jasmine             Jeuness                6:36.60
      2 Simeon, Kadreya              Zodiacs                7:14.70
      3 Guerrero, Lindsay            Red Hook Str           7:19.40
      4 Duncan, Marley               Prospect Par           7:22.80
      5 Shakwi, Sanaa                Zodiacs                7:47.60
      6 Wandres, Gabriella           Prospect Par           7:50.10
      7 Mitchell, Klarke             Red Hook Str           8:20.30
      8 Soleski, Sydney              Prospect Par           8:45.90
      9 Molinsek, Kate               Delmar Track           9:53.30  
    Event 4  Boys 1 Mile Run CC SUB BANTAM
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Men
      1 Claxton, Syncere             Westchester            6:44.33
      2 Schulz, Scott                Lake Placid            6:48.84
      3 Hill, Jordan                 Westchester            6:51.84
      4 Gilhuley, Sean               Prospect Par           6:52.13
      5 Perrineau, Quintin           Zodiacs                6:58.13
      6 Alderson, Henry              Prospect Par           7:13.74
      7 Rice, Ethan                  Prospect Par           7:23.57
      8 Monico, Riccardo             Prospect Par           7:40.53
      9 Frankson, Niara              Prospect Par           8:00.68
     10 Mitchell, Kahari             Red Hook Str           8:06.30
     11 Meehan, Thomas               Prospect Par           8:25.00
     12 Guerra, Particio             Prospect Par           8:28.36
     13 Cotingham, Brendan           Prospect Par           8:51.11
     14 Cesare, Juozas               Unattached             9:05.72
     15 Pomroy, Mason                Granite Stat           9:07.55
     16 Guerre, Joaquin              Prospect Par          10:15.69  
    Event 5  Girls 5k Run CC YOUNG WOMEN
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Women
      1 Gray, Haley                  Unattached            19:43.87
      2 Hulburd, Emma                Unattached            20:11.31
      3 Capuano, Caroline            Sentinel Str          20:50.76
      4 Linley, Safiya               New Horizon           22:50.84
      5 Nyeima, Deterville           Muskteers             23:48.36
      6 Durvin, Laura                Sentinel Str          24:14.90
      7 Thybulle, Nastacia           Elmont Panth          25:58.82
      8 Sanchez, Rosa                Rabbit TC             27:27.91  
    Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC YOUNG MEN
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Men
      1 Kaake, Jason                 Lakers TC             16:21.59
      2 Leveille, Mitchell           Sentinel Str          16:23.75
      3 Hunt, Craig                  Fast Track E          16:26.49
      4 Seekins, Sam                 Lakers TC             16:31.74
      5 Rand, Matt                   Lakers TC             16:39.41
      6 Robinson, Craig              Lakers TC             16:41.23
      7 McCauley, Mark               Lakers TC             16:42.57
      8 Schmid, Jeremy               Litchfield T          16:44.06
      9 Dundas, Taylor               Lakers TC             16:45.58
     10 Coogan, Corey                Sentinel Str          16:49.85
     11 Lepage, James                Lakers TC             16:54.70
     12 Gjojdeshi, Xhoi              Sentinel Str          17:03.79
     13 Camacho, Dionis              Sentinel Str          17:13.92
     14 Gonsalves, Anthony           Sentinel Str          17:16.93
     15 Waterbury, Michael           Litchfield T          17:19.45
     16 LaPointe, Raymond            Litchfield T          17:21.29
     17 Zilenziger, James            Unattached            17:22.20
     18 LaMountain, Everett          Sentinel Str          17:32.07
     19 Johnson, Tim                 Litchfield T          17:40.61
     20 Johnson, Weymour             Ruff Kutz TC          17:41.56
     21 Greeley, Justin              Lakers TC             17:42.51
     22 Haverly, David               Unattached            17:49.94
     23 Failing, Kalib               Glencadia Bu          17:51.68
     24 Montesino, Pedro             Sentinel Str          17:52.63
     25 Antalek, Dylan               Unattached            18:00.88
     26 Ernest, Tristan              New York Sta          18:08.95
     27 Normandin, Eric              Litchfield T          18:09.72
     28 Duclos, Christopher          South Windso          18:18.29
     29 Gannon, Colin                Litchfield T          18:23.78
     30 Purcell, Stephen             Lakers TC             18:24.16
     31 Gale, Colton                 South Windso          18:24.97
     32 Hill, Brandon                Westchester           18:34.36
     33 Joyce, Benjamin              Unattached            18:41.01
     34 Bronner, Lloyd               New York Sta          18:50.76
     35 Duncan, Jonathan             Litchfield T          18:57.00
     36 Breakell, Robby              Litchfield T          19:05.49
     37 Padilla, Lucas               Unattached            19:06.78
     38 Secore, Brody                South Windso          19:15.01
     39 Velasquez, Matthew           South Windso          19:16.47
     40 Brooks, Richie               Unattached            19:20.15
     41 Flores, Emigdin              Rabbit TC             20:20.96  
    Event 7  Girls 3k Run CC BANTAM
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Women
      1 Rivers, Danae                New Haven Ag          12:32.84
      2 Hurta, Sage                  Unattached            12:38.52
      3 Shoemaker, Hannah            Averill Park          13:00.50
      4 Valin, Cassandra             Nashua Pal            13:04.58
      5 Rivers, Leah                 New Haven Ag          13:27.87
      6 Brams, Leah                  Waltham TC            13:31.93
      7 Gerland, Stephanie           Holy Spirit           13:35.23
      8 Apajee, Jessica              Unattached            13:38.90
      9 Hale, Erica                  Shaftsbury S          13:39.31
     10 White, Adrianna              Lewiston Rec          13:54.07
     11 Shape, Erica                 New Haven Ag          13:56.11
     12 Taylor, Chloe                Waltham TC            13:56.82
     13 Rowell, Jaycee               Bradford Ele          13:58.18
     14 Ntengeri, Helen              Nashua Pal            14:02.70
     15 Lynch, Cianna                Unattached            14:03.56
     16 Byrne, Emma                  Unattached            14:07.00
     17 Goode, Aviana                2nd Wind TC           14:09.94
     18 Stevens, Megan               Unattached            14:10.34
     19 Ntengeri, Heidi              Nashua Pal            14:16.01
     20 Robinson, Shiseido           2nd Wind TC           14:16.38
     21 King, Allison                Litchfield T          14:19.28
     22 Williams, Courtney           Infant Jesus          14:22.80
     23 Shape, Tiffany               New Haven Ag          14:27.66
     24 Andrade, Gabriela            Unattached            14:28.43
     25 Poublon, Danielle            Nashua Pal            14:28.73
     26 Bello, Leanna                Notre Dame T          14:29.09
     27 Andrews, Lauryn              New Haven Ag          14:31.86
     28 Yarborough, Angelique        Quiet Storm           14:33.80
     29 Lundy, Nia                   Hall's Expre          14:35.36
     30 Bazan, Stephanie             ST Patricks           14:36.64
     31 Johnson, Brianna             Westchester           14:48.47
     32 Aviles, Lauryn               New York Sta          14:50.83
     33 Hernandez, Isabella          Unattached            14:52.24
     34 Smith, Caroline              Granite Stat          14:52.95
     35 Collier, Hannah              Nashua Pal            14:54.20
     36 Legacy, Brianna              Shaftsbury S          14:55.03
     37 Williams, Brittany           Infant Jesus          14:56.29
     38 Thurber, Sabrina             Greenwich TC          14:59.17
     39 Eaddy-Holmes, Avry           Bradford Ele          14:59.99
     40 Acevedo, Nina                New York Sta          15:00.30
     41 Conway, Chloe                Granite Stat          15:03.74
     42 Winston, Emily               Infant Jesus          15:08.61
     43 Cousineau, Shayna            Unattached            15:13.23
     44 Blinkoff, Grace              ST Patricks           15:18.50
     45 DeLorenzo, Katrina           New York Sta          15:19.57
     46 Scafidi, Sophie              Granite Stat          15:20.45
     47 Lai, Jessica                 Unattached            15:23.47
     48 Gillis, Hannah               Granite Stat          15:24.05
     49 Lambert, Amy                 Granite Stat          15:24.39
     50 Tucci, Annaliese             Prospect Par          15:25.32
     51 Hymel, Hanna                 Unattached            15:30.13
     52 Slyer, Caroline              Averill Park          15:31.16
     53 Begg, Molly                  Unattached            15:31.45
     54 Howard, Haley                Wilton Runni          15:31.98
     55 Machabee, Hollister          Delmar Track          15:33.64
     56 Rice, Sydney                 Prospect Par          15:33.99
     57 MacGregor, Jillian           Nashua Pal            15:36.62
     58 Myers, Sophia                Elmont Panth          15:37.72
     59 Savickis, Samantha           2nd Wind TC           15:38.32
     60 Poore, Zoelena               Unattached            15:38.80
     61 Carnes, Anna                 Bullet Hill           15:43.34
     62 Schumacher, Cheyenne         Bullet Hill           15:48.70
     63 Ewart, Sarah                 Granite Stat          15:51.06
     64 Pomroy, Courtney             Granite Stat          15:52.35
     65 Metzger, Leah                Waltham TC            15:55.47
     66 Ntengeri, Rebecca            Nashua Pal            15:55.86
     67 Cline, Kijara                Hall's Expre          16:03.01
     68 Simpson, Mollie              Granite Stat          16:03.70
     69 Jones, Tatiyana              Hall's Expre          16:08.28
     70 Srudgert, Kaleigh            Bullet Hill           16:17.65
     71 Morse, Caroline              South Windso          16:22.37
     72 Smith, Taylor                Age Grp Athl          16:22.64
     73 Lightbourne, Alyah           Zodiacs               16:22.92
     74 Schewe, Sophie               Delmar Track          16:34.46
     75 Trader, Olivia               Nashua Pal            16:39.61
     76 Unkown, Unknown              Unattached            16:45.84
     77 Thybulle, Zhanela            Elmont Panth          16:46.72
     78 Tejata, Jada                 Hall's Expre          16:47.05
     79 Vahar, Mariel                Waltham TC            16:47.54
     80 Davis, De-Janay              New Haven Ag          16:49.48
     81 Myers, Phoebe                Elmont Panth          16:52.60
     82 Tarascio, Sara               Bullet Hill           17:00.29
     83 Walsh, Sophia                Wilton Runni          17:00.56
     84 Lewerk, Margaret An          Age Grp Athl          17:00.88
     85 Fiordalisi, Caroline         Infant Jesus          17:10.00
     86 Hanlon, Brianna              Unattached            17:12.80
     87 Milne, Claire                Unattached            17:15.21
     88 Andres, Maddie               Delmar Track          17:19.60
     89 Sellas, Emma                 New Haven Ag          17:20.87
     90 Quackenbush, Emily           Delmar Track          17:23.16
     91 McInerney, Kristin           Averill Park          17:32.91
     92 Keppler, Cassidy             Delmar Track          17:38.10
     93 Skidmore, Roseanna           Bellmore/Nor          17:43.11
     94 Pynn, Bridgette              Prospect Par          17:46.76
     95 Wandres, Olivia              Prospect Par          17:47.10
     96 Molinsek, Eliza              Delmar Track          17:47.97
     97 Fitzgerald, Jacqueline       Waltham TC            18:01.99
     98 Holmes, Mikayla              Averill Park          18:06.19
     99 Grant, Kayla                 Zodiacs               18:14.90
    100 Theleen, Kim                 Bullet Hill           18:16.67  
    Event 8  Boys 3k Run CC BANTAM
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Men
      1 Jackson, Spencer             Zodiacs               12:25.81
      2 Canfield, Conor              Nashua Pal            12:31.27
      3 Kennedy, Brenden             Granite Stat          12:33.20
      4 Oe, Sebastian                Greenwich TC          12:45.43
      5 Aibel, Alesandro             Greenwich TC          12:47.74
      6 McLaughlin, Aidan            Nitehawks SC          12:50.45
      7 Ricks, John                  Fairfield Co          12:51.07
      8 Schulz, Karl                 Lake Placid           12:51.34
      9 Taylor, Jeremy               Waltham TC            12:52.87
     10 Sholl, Andrew                Scarborough           12:53.64
     11 McKinley, Xavier             Duanesburg E          12:56.17
     12 Javois, Keshaun              Young Exploy          12:56.85
     13 Jackson, Cameron             Nashua Pal            12:57.28
     14 Anzel, Luke                  Nashua Pal            13:01.61
     15 Langer, Christopher          ST Patricks           13:02.21
     16 Sullivan, Riley              Infant Jesus          13:04.29
     17 Wolf, Jordan                 South Windso          13:04.89
     18 Sliney, Troy                 Bradford Ele          13:06.48
     19 Tardiff, Colin               Scarborough           13:06.93
     20 Hartman, Bryce               Lake Placid           13:07.32
     21 Baker-Occeus, Gerodano       Granite Stat          13:11.99
     22 Smith, Grehson               Bullet Hill           13:15.51
     23 Dunham, Deaquan              Unattached            13:16.16
     24 Davis, Sheldon               Westchester           13:16.69
     25 Dargenio, Noah               Bullet Hill           13:30.39
     26 Gibbons, James               Bullet Hill           13:30.76
     27 Fosher, Garrett              Granite Stat          13:32.46
     28 Tiedy, Holden                Greenwich TC          13:34.42
     29 Fraser, Hugh                 Zodiacs               13:35.71
     30 Mackenzie, Calgary           Unattached            13:36.23
     31 Mayo, James                  Unattached            13:36.56
     32 Weston, Joseph               Bradford Ele          13:37.74
     33 Hawkins, Ishar               ST Patricks           13:43.89
     34 Gibbs, Cooper                Bradford Ele          13:48.41
     35 Scoville, John               Fairfield Co          13:50.19
     36 Ray, Jason                   South Windso          13:51.24
     37 Gaffney, Scott               Bullet Hill           13:54.26
     38 Morrier, Simon               Nashua Pal            13:59.21
     39 Grover, David                Scarborough           13:59.98
     40 Tretter, Thomas              Bradford Ele          14:00.75
     41 Keegan, Henry                Unattached            14:03.51
     42 O'Donoghue, Daniel           Waltham TC            14:04.30
     43 O'Donoghue, Michael          Waltham TC            14:04.55
     44 Coffin, Maxwell              Scarborough           14:05.81
     45 Rusak, Sam                   Scarborough           14:06.76
     46 Whelan, Kris                 New Haven Ag          14:07.33
     47 Laderer, William             ST Patricks           14:13.57
     48 Smith, Jordan                Jeuness               14:14.36
     49 Carty, Christopher           Granite Stat          14:16.99
     50 Wise, Darius                 New Haven Ag          14:18.73
     51 Zoda, Mark                   Nashua Pal            14:20.24
     52 Kozakiewicz, Sam             Wilton Runni          14:24.96
     53 Palumbo, Samuel              Bullet Hill           14:31.34
     54 Stanis, Jack                 Infant Jesus          14:31.66
     55 Szostak, Jordan              Unattached            14:33.47
     56 Wertz, Aidan                 Bradford Ele          14:36.52
     57 Oliver, Zachary              Litchfield T          14:40.51
     58 Woolbert, Griffin            Bradford Ele          14:42.31
     59 Gilmore, William             Bradford Ele          14:43.17
     60 Cormier, Bryce               Age Grp Athl          14:43.50
     61 Lavallee, Tyler              Bradford Ele          14:46.42
     62 Satkowski, Thomas            Bullet Hill           14:51.36
     63 LaChance, Sam                Nitehawks SC          14:57.94
     64 Carroll, Edmund              2nd Wind TC           14:59.11
     65 Bramton, Thomas              Litchfield T          14:59.39
     66 Arsenault, Riley             Scarborough           15:12.41
     67 Benjamin, Dion               Unattached            15:12.76
     68 Jampel, Jacob                Waltham TC            15:19.87
     69 Richardson, Caleb            Augusta Recr          15:20.94
     70 Gordon, Darius               Zodiacs               15:21.70
     71 Gazaille, Matthew            Greenwich TC          15:26.04
     72 O'Day, Kieran                Fairfield Co          15:28.63
     73 Bartlett, Charles            Fairfield Co          15:31.46
     74 McCardle, Michael            Fairfield Co          15:34.00
     75 Schaef, Alexander            Unattached            15:34.30
     76 Edmond, Camden               Age Grp Athl          15:37.20
     77 Carroll, Ian                 2nd Wind TC           15:38.60
     78 Laplante, Andre              Nashua Pal            15:40.57
     79 Soleski, Mason               Prospect Par          15:41.18
     80 Manfreoi, Christopher        New Haven Ag          15:43.36
     81 Williams, Cameron            Infant Jesus          15:52.63
     82 Wood, Ethan                  Lake Placid           15:53.70
     83 Scott, Ajani                 Zodiacs               15:55.43
     84 Welch, John Paul             Holy Spirit           16:02.41
     85 Dumont, Jacob                Granite Stat          16:03.91
     86 Harris, Carl                 Granite Stat          16:11.38
     87 Flynn, Sean                  Prospect Par          16:13.82
     88 Schumacher, Jeffrey          Bullet Hill           16:14.75
     89 Ward-Smith, Nicholas         Sentinel Str          16:18.74
     90 Laderer, Christian           ST Patricks           16:22.41
     91 Hawkins, Gyan                ST Patricks           16:24.15
     92 Bazan, Jared                 ST Patricks           16:25.87
     93 Satkowski, David             Bullet Hill           16:27.62
     94 Steinman, Thomas             Greenwich TC          16:28.91
     95 Lippe, Matthew               2nd Wind TC           16:32.39
     96 Cass, Robert                 Holy Spirit           16:33.20
     97 Gazaille, Daniel             Greenwich TC          16:39.56
     98 Hall, Allester               Hall's Expre          16:44.48
     99 Goldrosen, Nick              Prospect Par          16:47.32
    100 Mizener, Ryan                Delmar Track          16:49.20  
    Event 9  Girls 4k Run CC YOUTH
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Women
      1 MACE, Abby                   Lakers TC             15:16.15
      2 Hendry, Fiona                Lakers TC             15:37.18
      3 McGahie, Kaitlin             Central Mass          15:54.44
      4 Davis, Kellie                New Haven Ag          16:01.79
      5 Davis, Christine             RUN                   16:04.68
      6 Zambarano, Sierra            RUN                   16:06.74
      7 Smith, Elizabeth             Granite Stat          16:07.07
      8 Milne, Lee                   Emerging Eli          16:07.81
      9 McCauley, Kaitlin            Waltham TC            16:10.46
     10 Mendelson, Brittany          Bullet Hill           16:11.18
     11 Kennedy, Kaleigh             Granite Stat          16:11.68
     12 Conway, Elizabeth            Granite Stat          16:12.32
     13 Reardon, Alexandra           Sentinel Str          16:12.80
     14 McMahon, Katie               Lakers TC             16:13.80
     15 Dickens, Sarah               Lakers TC             16:15.71
     16 Nabadduka, Medinah           New Haven Ag          16:18.37
     17 Westover, Maeve              Unattached            16:22.90
     18 MacLachlan, Lisa             Unattached            16:23.37
     19 Pike, Christiana             Gcs Triad             16:31.46
     20 Kendall, Kali                Atoms TC              16:33.66
     21 Linehan, Morghan             Granite Stat          16:34.28
     22 Hawkins, Courtney            Gcs Triad             16:41.47
     23 Campo, Joling                RUN                   16:43.88
     24 Donovan, Erin                RUN                   16:44.98
     25 Tocci, Kerri                 Gcs Triad             16:48.13
     26 Bobinski, Megan              Litchfield T          16:51.21
     27 Pisarik, Jennie              RUN                   16:54.23
     28 Banaian, Hannah              Granite Stat          16:56.04
     29 Meinertz, Emily              Sentinel Str          16:57.33
     30 Musard, Sarah                Sentinel Str          17:13.27
     31 Marino, Caitlin              Sentinel Str          17:14.62
     32 Plaza, Niallah               Westchester           17:15.88
     33 Gross, Robin                 Waltham TC            17:16.30
     34 Stephens, Victoria           Unattached            17:16.62
     35 Maeda, Saaya                 Waltham TC            17:17.35
     36 Willsey, Jacqueline-         Unattached            17:17.63
     37 McCartney, Kylie             South Windso          17:24.86
     38 Bishop, Briana               South Windso          17:27.46
     39 Ambrosecchio, Nicole         Grass Roots           17:28.25
     40 Guillaume, Sarah Jane        Wilton Runni          17:29.45
     41 Bouwman, Dana                Fairfield Co          17:30.28
     42 Regg, Erin                   Unattached            17:31.79
     43 Vecchio, Victoria            Sentinel Str          17:32.08
     44 Chavarie, Sara               Lakers TC             17:32.49
     45 McGrath, Kendall             Unattached            17:35.59
     46 Tellier, Rebecca             Sentinel Str          17:39.06
     47 Henderson, Suzanne           West Point R          17:39.96
     48 Benoit, Chloe                Bullet Hill           17:40.84
     49 Houghton, Joannah            Rutland TC            17:42.20
     50 O'Neill, Kelly               Sentinel Str          17:46.60
     51 Jeffers, Abigail             South Windso          17:49.36
     52 Curtis, Sydney               New Haven Ag          17:50.80
     53 Peterson, Sara               Litchfield T          17:53.23
     54 Richard, Emma                South Windso          17:54.47
     55 Andrews, Chloe               Sentinel Str          17:55.43
     56 Burke, Shannon               Granite Stat          18:00.92
     57 Zimmerman, Christine         Granite Stat          18:04.83
     58 Tangney, Katie               Fairfield Co          18:08.30
     59 Chouinard, Jennifer          Granite Stat          18:14.95
     60 Holmes, Precious             New Haven Ag          18:15.64
     61 Velez, Taylor                Zodiacs               18:19.34
     62 Ofria, Jackie                South Windso          18:20.08
     63 Wilcox, Lucy                 Lakers TC             18:25.34
     64 Crnic, Meg                   Fairfield Co          18:28.63
     65 Cleary, Meggie               Fairfield Co          18:30.03
     66 Kuchinski, Margaret          Unattached            18:37.04
     67 Curtis, Whitney              New Haven Ag          18:42.30
     68 Graves, Sarah                West Point R          18:45.50
     69 Iannone, Sara                Litchfield T          18:47.88
     70 Hulzenga, Kaelyn             Unattached            18:50.17
     71 Jollota, Erin                West Point R          18:51.37
     72 Krough, Caroline             Fairfield Co          18:53.14
     73 Singh, Ouawattie             Quiet Storm           19:16.01
     74 Ruth, Nia                    New Haven Ag          19:19.69
     75 Steven, Deajah               Hall's Expre          19:23.23
     76 Bassilakis, Karen            South Windso          19:25.11
     77 Sullivan, Eileen             West Point R          19:27.21
     78 Neureuther, Destinee         Lakers TC             19:33.51
     79 Beliveau, Sylvia             Lewiston Rec          19:33.87
     80 Dinizulu, Abena              Jeuness               19:34.20
     81 King, Laila                  South Windso          19:54.21
     82 Henig, Ariel                 Unattached            20:05.23
     83 Ryan, Meghan                 West Point R          20:19.38
     84 Paul, Shani                  Awesome Powe          20:34.46
     85 Unknown, Unkown2             Unattached            21:13.84
     86 Lugg, Cassidy                Zodiacs               21:19.67
     87 St. Lawrence, Natalie        New York Sta          21:54.20
     88 Gorman, Colleen              Holy Spirit           22:01.51
     89 Phillips, Emily              West Point R          22:27.48
     90 Myers, Elizabeth             Elmont Panth          22:33.17
     91 Diarra, Sally                Quiet Storm           22:35.77
     92 Merz, Katelyn                Holy Spirit           23:34.88
     93 Dunn, Ethanity               Zodiacs               24:19.66
     94 Healy, Kelly                 Unattached            24:31.99
     95 Mcpheson, Emily              Hall's Expre          25:09.79
     96 Rivera, Itzel                West Point R          25:20.13
     97 Glymph, Treasure             Zodiacs               26:50.48  
    Event 10  Boys 4k Run CC YOUTH
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Men
      1 Collopy, Jack                Granite Stat          13:27.26
      2 Rog, Connor                  Fairfield Co          13:33.72
      3 Reifman-Pack, Andrew         Unattached            14:15.87
      4 Sroka, Mitchell              Granite Stat          14:17.32
      5 Latham, Brandon              Nashua Pal            14:19.84
      6 Vinnenberg, Jonathan         Granite Stat          14:22.11
      7 Winn, Stephen                Granite Stat          14:24.30
      8 Hale, Zachary                Unattached            14:26.88
      9 Galford, Daniel              Unattached            14:27.22
     10 Dwyer-McNult, Declan         Onteora Runn          14:28.51
     11 Ewart, Daniel                Granite Stat          14:29.64
     12 Babcock, Luke                Granite Stat          14:29.90
     13 Izzo, Joseph                 Lake Placid           14:32.36
     14 Johnson, Scott               Granite Stat          14:32.97
     15 Owens, Hunter                Infant Jesus          14:33.58
     16 Pienta, Robert               Granite Stat          14:39.61
     17 Moriello, Nicholas           Unattached            14:40.50
     18 Phelps, David                Granite Stat          14:41.22
     19 Wood, Benjamin               Unattached            14:42.19
     20 Schloth, Billy               Fairfield Co          14:44.05
     21 Porto, Luis                  Rabbit TC             14:51.22
     22 Brody, Ryan                  Granite Stat          14:52.37
     23 Peck, Alexander              Granite Stat          14:54.12
     24 Satkowski, Matthew           Bullet Hill           14:56.09
     25 Conway, Alex                 Sentinel Str          15:06.89
     26 Johnson, Jordan              Unattached            15:07.30
     27 Simons, Jacob                Unattached            15:09.38
     28 Powers, Winslow              Cape Ann Cru          15:10.56
     29 Crawley, Trevor              Sentinel Str          15:13.73
     30 Nock, Matthew                2nd Wind TC           15:15.87
     31 Grella, Jack                 Fairfield Co          15:21.23
     32 Lawlor, Seamus               Unattached            15:22.78
     33 Rivera, Alberta              Rabbit TC             15:23.69
     34 Leahy, Joshua                Granite Stat          15:24.49
     35 Gagnon, Griffin              Granite Stat          15:27.17
     36 Raymond, Tyler               Unattached            15:28.03
     37 Chabot, Patrick              Granite Stat          15:30.57
     38 Kulm, Scott                  Hill n Harri          15:31.82
     39 Bauer, Andrew                Sentinel Str          15:32.35
     40 Camplin, Brady               Granite Stat          15:32.85
     41 O'Day, Connor                Fairfield Co          15:33.23
     42 Brandon, Peter               Unattached            15:34.49
     43 Chung, Felix                 Waltham TC            15:35.50
     44 Cutler, Brendan              Unattached            15:37.62
     45 Ornstein, Daniel             Scarborough           15:38.14
     46 Gladstone, Caleb             Hill n Harri          15:38.44
     47 Gannon, Ryan                 Litchfield T          15:43.44
     48 Reardon, Andrew              Unattached            15:45.20
     49 Doerfler-Lud, Alejandro      Awesome Powe          15:49.62
     50 Salandra, Robert             Fairfield Co          15:49.98
     51 Church, Richard              Sentinel Str          15:51.71
     52 Wihbey, Joe                  Litchfield T          15:55.60
     53 McGonnigle, Michael          Fairfield Co          16:00.87
     54 Voelker, Ryan                South Windso          16:01.29
     55 Matthews, Noah               Bullet Hill           16:04.01
     56 Cross, Blake                 West Point R          16:07.05
     57 Cheng, Robert                Fairfield Co          16:09.62
     58 Howard, Thomas               Sentinel Str          16:11.86
     59 Corona, Patrick              Fairfield Co          16:15.78
     60 Ramzi, Nicholas              Sentinel Str          16:16.51
     61 Mokom, Bernard               Unattached            16:21.50
     62 Gans, Nicholas               Fairfield Co          16:24.54
     63 Figueroa, Jacob              Awesome Powe          16:25.27
     64 Dumont, Cameron              Granite Stat          16:27.24
     65 Peters, Stuart               Fairfield Co          16:28.94
     66 Moretti, Brandon             Sentinel Str          16:29.58
     67 Ball, Scott                  Fairfield Co          16:36.03
     68 Cass, Marty                  Holy Spirit           16:39.46
     69 Rivers, Andrew               New Haven Ag          16:47.73
     70 Stevens, Russell             Unattached            16:54.23
     71 Unknown, Unknown2            Unattached            16:56.80
     72 Hoey, Quinton                Litchfield T          16:57.16
     73 Matthews, Paul               Unattached            16:58.73
     74 Combs, Alexander             West Point R          16:59.67
     75 Blinkoff, Eli                ST Patricks           17:00.66
     76 Klein, Robert                Notre Dame T          17:04.26
     77 Cammarota, Anthony           Fairfield Co          17:06.13
     78 Mimms, Patrick               Fairfield Co          17:12.36
     79 Kollmer, Charles             Unattached            17:12.75
     80 Thomas, Ryan                 Fairfield Co          17:13.90
     81 Greene, Kevin                Fairfield Co          17:18.35
     82 Kishonis, Tristan            Litchfield T          17:25.91
     83 Gray, Ben                    Litchfield T          17:36.80
     84 Madaffari, Chris             Unattached            17:37.55
     85 Shannon, Luke                Wilton Runni          17:52.83
     86 Cottrell, Julian             West Point R          17:55.12
     87 Abbott, Seth                 Litchfield T          17:56.11
     88 Giordano, Michael            Unattached            18:19.31
     89 Messina, Anthony             Unattached            18:20.31
     90 Trehy, Kevin                 Unattached            18:28.02
     91 Arrigga, Christopher         Rabbit TC             19:15.92
     92 Freedman, Jacob              Awesome Powe          19:16.54
     93 Staples, Dustin              Scarborough           20:41.15
     94 Candelario, Nelson           Prospect Par          21:06.57  
    Event 11  Girls 3k Run CC MIDGET
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Women
      1 Scott, Kaylee                Averill Park          12:01.18
      2 McCabe, Molly                Gcs Triad             12:05.32
      3 Berkson, Madeline            Providence C          12:10.12
      4 Allen, Cate                  Fairfield Co          12:11.57
      5 Kern, Julia                  Waltham TC            12:15.72
      6 Kirkpatrick, Shaniqua        Ruff Kutz TC          12:19.84
      7 Olsen, Sabrina               Litchfield T          12:21.98
      8 Rapaic, Olja                 Waltham TC            12:24.78
      9 Mussafer, Olivia             Unattached            12:25.21
     10 Wright, Shannon              Gcs Triad             12:25.65
     11 Winship, Gwenyth             Granite Stat          12:27.72
     12 HoSang, Kathleen             Granite Stat          12:28.05
     13 Richardson, Gabrielle        Granite Stat          12:28.62
     14 Gibbons, Erin                Bullet Hill           12:28.98
     15 Frazier, Talia               Waltham TC            12:30.09
     16 Swallow, Sarah               Gcs Triad             12:31.30
     17 Stevens, Katie               Unattached            12:38.73
     18 Coughlin, Emily              Sentinel Str          12:41.50
     19 Paredes, Caitlin             Sentinel Str          12:42.12
     20 Jampel, Sonya                Waltham TC            12:45.54
     21 Mattson, Stephanie           Sentinel Str          12:48.10
     22 Lacombe, Ariana              RUN                   12:48.39
     23 Blair, MacKenzie             Litchfield T          12:52.13
     24 Swallow, Katherine           Gcs Triad             12:55.50
     25 Ruffo, Kerri                 Unattached            12:57.95
     26 Mullins, Haley               Hill n Harri          13:01.62
     27 Go, Leanne                   Waltham TC            13:04.75
     28 Santoro, Adrienne            Unattached            13:05.90
     29 Morrier, Marie               Gcs Triad             13:10.20
     30 Williams, Jexi               Nashua Pal            13:13.02
     31 Livingston, Abigail          Sentinel Str          13:14.03
     32 Slyer, Julia                 Averill Park          13:15.66
     33 Decastro, Alicia             Sentinel Str          13:16.25
     34 Sheehan, Annika              Wilton Runni          13:17.70
     35 Foley, Shea Colema           Delmar Track          13:18.35
     36 Scotti, Kendra               Greenwich TC          13:18.78
     37 Curtis, Gabrielle            New Haven Ag          13:19.48
     38 Perugini, Rebecca            Litchfield T          13:19.77
     39 Sardinha, Luana              Fairfield Co          13:20.04
     40 Meinertz, Rebecca            Sentinel Str          13:20.43
     41 Lizotte, Victoria            Gcs Triad             13:20.70
     42 Kerr, MacKenzie              Gcs Triad             13:20.95
     43 Chiuli, Elena                Waltham TC            13:21.21
     44 Palumbo, Julianna            Bullet Hill           13:21.44
     45 Unknown, Unknown3            Unattached            13:23.21
     46 Gerland, Jennifer            Holy Spirit           13:24.22
     47 Staples, Alissa              Scarborough           13:25.99
     48 Wilson, Olivia               Wilton Runni          13:28.06
     49 Gaffney, Kelly               Bullet Hill           13:30.35
     50 Flay, Sophie                 Fairfield Co          13:31.11
     51 Fitzgerald, Emma             Waltham TC            13:33.32
     52 Fisher, Ngozi                Hall's Expre          13:34.53
     53 Fisher, Laurel               Holy Spirit           13:35.11
     54 Smith, Courtney              Unattached            13:38.34
     55 Chmura, Brette               Gcs Triad             13:40.81
     56 Zengo, Kailey                Wilton Runni          13:43.85
     57 Sexton, Jennifer             Waltham TC            13:45.30
     58 Binney, Rachel               Wilton Runni          13:46.04
     59 Connolly, Kerry              Sentinel Str          13:47.31
     60 Bancroft, Sandreka           Ruff Kutz TC          13:47.62
     61 Ambrosecchio, Alison         Grass Roots           13:48.18
     62 Gaston, Keiley               Wilton Runni          13:55.95
     63 Fidalco, Kaleigh             Fairfield Co          13:56.99
     64 Etheridge, Kharyn            Jeuness               13:58.59
     65 Nixon, Isabel                Greenwich TC          13:59.64
     66 Byrne, Marley                Scarborough           14:02.18
     67 Grady, Mikaela               Sentinel Str          14:06.09
     68 Glass, Samantha              Litchfield T          14:09.36
     69 Butler, Morgane              Age Grp Athl          14:14.31
     70 Rodrigo, Jasmine             Unattached            14:18.42
     71 Sullivan, Brianna            Rutland TC            14:19.95
     72 Robbins, Hannah              Scarborough           14:24.10
     73 Reilly, Sarah                Fairfield Co          14:26.33
     74 Dooley, Julia                Unattached            14:28.54
     75 Mullally, Hannah             Fairfield Co          14:30.11
     76 Leonardi, Erica              New York Sta          14:36.52
     77 Stern, Sarah                 Westchester           14:37.59
     78 O'Hellir, Shannon            Unattached            14:39.28
     79 Mack, Brittney               Averill Park          14:43.84
     80 Parsons, Laine               Wilton Runni          14:53.26
     81 Gilligan, Jennifer           South Windso          14:55.09
     82 O'Brien, Hannah              Bullet Hill           14:59.34
     83 Cass, Colleen                Holy Spirit           15:00.59
     84 Iannone, Colleen             Litchfield T          15:00.98
     85 Russel, Imani                Prospect Par          15:06.30
     86 Pittella, Elisa              Holy Spirit           15:06.57
     87 Chavarie, Rachael            Unattached            15:07.22
     88 deVries, Mary                Delmar Track          15:08.39
     89 Benoit, Halle                Bullet Hill           15:09.57
     90 Wise, Kyya                   Jeuness               15:09.90
     91 Winbey, Natalie              Litchfield T          15:14.19
     92 Debrecht, Stephanie          Bullet Hill           15:15.04
     93 Fox, Megan                   Wilton Runni          15:22.55
     94 Porr, Mikayla                2nd Wind TC           15:30.22
     95 Lachapelle, Sydney           Scarborough           15:31.43
     96 Duley, Eirinn                Bullet Hill           15:36.33
     97 Strunkey, Ariel              Zodiacs               15:36.57
     98 Porter, Shaneak              Unattached            15:41.32
     99 Strunkey, Arianne            Zodiacs               15:45.39
    100 Izzo, Anna                   Lake Placid           15:46.50  
    Event 12  Boys 3k Run CC MIDGET
        Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points
    Results - Men
      1 Shafer, Will                 Scarborough           11:14.60
      2 MACE, Kelby                  Scarborough           11:24.31
      3 LaChance, Max                Nitehawks SC          11:28.03
      4 Anderson, Zach               Fairfield Co          11:32.31
      5 Tracy, Ryan                  Unattached            11:34.24
      6 Desisto, Robert              Nitehawks SC          11:34.75
      7 Lyons, Williams              Nitehawks SC          11:40.06
      8 Kunal, Shah                  Westchester           11:40.70
      9 Lynch, Patrick               Granite Stat          11:41.76
     10 Fischetti, Matthew           Nitehawks SC          11:44.75
     11 Burke, James                 Infant Jesus          11:46.35
     12 Laderer, Travis              ST Patricks           11:47.10
     13 Di Cesare, Jonathan          Capital Dist          11:48.69
     14 Curtis, Daniel               Scarborough           11:50.21
     15 O'Toole, Garrett             Unattached            11:51.54
     16 McLaughlin, Sean             Nitehawks SC          11:53.19
     17 Shah, Veeral                 Westchester           11:54.44
     18 Goslin, Cooper               South Windso          11:55.35
     19 Lynch, Ryan                  Granite Stat          11:55.76
     20 Rowell, Jacob                Granite Stat          11:56.43
     21 Stoker, Michael              South Windso          11:57.18
     22 Platt, Benjamin              Granite Stat          11:57.56
     23 Rice, John                   Prospect Par          12:00.77
     24 Harris, Isaiah               Scarborough           12:08.58
     25 Mulson, Ryan                 Capital Dist          12:09.58
     26 Lawson, Amado                Ruff Kutz TC          12:11.25
     27 Londregan, Robert            Age Grp Athl          12:15.56
     28 Danielson, Cormac            Granite Stat          12:16.43
     29 Crawford, Wes                Scarborough           12:16.97
     30 Gadski, eric                 Bullet Hill           12:17.56
     31 Domitrz, Ryan                Granite Stat          12:18.27
     32 Mercure, Nathan              Sentinel Str          12:19.16
     33 Johnson, Jacob               Adirondack A          12:20.63
     34 Wilcox, Eric                 Scarborough           12:23.64
     35 Bouwman, Gunnar              Fairfield Co          12:27.90
     36 Barnard, Christian           West Point R          12:29.48
     37 Kaba, Abdullah               Sentinel Str          12:34.64
     38 Corso, Clint                 Wilton Runni          12:35.26
     39 Arnold, Rodney               New Haven Ag          12:36.47
     40 Lostritto, Glenn             ST Patricks           12:37.06
     41 Ray, Daniel                  South Windso          12:37.99
     42 Eaton, Carlton               Sentinel Str          12:40.33
     43 DeChane, Tyler               Granite Stat          12:41.32
     44 Quinn, Brett                 Granite Stat          12:41.97
     45 Clifford, Ryan               Bellmore/Nor          12:45.62
     46 Gagnon, Abram                Granite Stat          12:46.36
     47 Gannon, Tommy                Fairfield Co          12:49.11
     48 Messersmith, Michael         South Windso          12:49.90
     49 Potter, Michael              Unattached            12:50.80
     50 Dumas, Nicholas Pa           Augusta Recr          12:52.22
     51 Smith, Matthew               Sentinel Str          12:52.68
     52 Williams, Nigel              Scarborough           12:52.98
     53 Gould, Ian                   Sentinel Str          12:54.04
     54 Flagler, Zachary             Capital Dist          12:55.14
     55 Sogaard, Kristian            Unattached            12:56.73
     56 Conrad, Stephen              Fairfield Co          12:57.28
     57 Adams, Michael               Fairfield Co          13:01.09
     58 Gilbert, Bryan               South Windso          13:02.94
     59 Brown, Spencer               Wilton Runni          13:03.56
     60 Finnigan, Hunter             Wilton Runni          13:07.61
     61 Simard, Carter               Capital Dist          13:09.85
     62 Duncan, Kyle                 Unattached            13:10.82
     63 Claxton, Isaah               Westchester           13:12.56
     64 Carlucci, Machello           Fairfield Co          13:13.09
     65 Zerva, Jordan                Sentinel Str          13:13.70
     66 Booker, Stephen              Capital Dist          13:14.15
     67 Carnes, Turner               Bullet Hill           13:15.01
     68 Bretschneide, Peter          Unattached            13:16.40
     69 Toce, Kyle                   South Windso          13:16.86
     70 Bucher, Eli                  Nitehawks SC          13:18.60
     71 Murphy, Connor               Rutland TC            13:19.08
     72 O'Connell, Riley             Unattached            13:19.39
     73 Levene, Chrisopher           Wilton Runni          13:19.66
     74 Sand, John                   Wilton Runni          13:20.69
     75 Searson, Jimmy               Holy Spirit           13:21.14
     76 Mincy, Israel                Young Exploy          13:21.83
     77 Besse, Jeremiah              Averill Park          13:22.47
     78 Walker, Kyle                 South Windso          13:23.89
     79 Josephs, Tim                 Holy Spirit           13:26.40
     80 Hargil, Aviv                 Prospect Par          13:27.40
     81 Ware, Sam                    Scarborough           13:27.81
     82 Kupperstein, Samuel          Nitehawks SC          13:34.38
     83 Robinson, Brandon            2nd Wind TC           13:36.71
     84 Russell, Isaiah              Prospect Par          13:38.29
     85 Stewart, Bradley             Holy Spirit           13:43.04
     86 Palacios, Richard            Prospect Par          13:43.73
     87 Yarborough, Christopher      Quiet Storm           13:46.23
     88 Gallo, Nathan                Sentinel Str          13:46.54
     89 Kenney, Jerry                Scarborough           13:46.81
     90 Gillich, Robert              Country Mill          13:47.21
     91 Inzerillo, Chris             ST Patricks           13:50.49
     92 Healy, Jordan                Unattached            13:51.37
     93 Russo, Nicholas              Delmar Track          13:52.14
     94 Machabee, Keith              Delmar Track          13:53.92
     95 McCabe, Rory                 Prospect Par          13:55.12
     96 Skidmore, Charles            Bellmore/Nor          13:55.49
     97 Patino, Andrew               ST Patricks           13:56.00
     98 Kilner, Kyle                 West Point R          13:58.48
     99 Dallao, Christopher          Unattached            14:05.26
    100 Martin, Paulie               Infant Jesus          14:05.88
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