Maine Running Photos Running Photos & Video Across the State of Maine

October 14, 2007

2007 Phil Soule Phlail 5K

Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 3:41 pm

Brunswick, ME, October 14, 2007

Overall results

  • image courtesy of Maine Running Photos
  • Courtesy of the race director

    For more race information, see Maine Running Photos.

    Joey Luchini Photo of Joey Luchini Dana Ricker Dana Riker ,
    Photos of Joey Luchini & Dana Riker , courtesy of Don Penta of the Maine Track Club

    Place	Last Name  First Name	Gender	Min/Sec	Age Group/Age Group Place
    1	Luchini	        Joey	M	16:49	20-29	     1
    2	"Johnson, Jr."	Paul	M	17:40	30-39	     1
    3	Deering	        Dan	M	17:49	40-49	     1
    4	Bell	        Andy	M	18:34	14-19	     1
    5	Riker	        Dana	F	20:21	14-19	     1
    6	Hart	      Austin	M	20:27	14-19	     2
    7	McCullon        Mike	M	20:28	40-49	     2
    8	Thayer	    Chandler	M	20:36	20-29	     2
    9	Stormo	        Ben	M	20:46	20-29	     3
    10	Noyes	      John	M	20:52	60-69	     1
    11	Soule	      Adam	M	20:53	20-29	     4
    12	Dinning	       Sam	M	20:54	20-29	     5
    13	Snyder	      Dana	M	20:59	40-49	     3 
    14	McGrath	     Alan	M	21:04	30-39	     2
    15	Braun-Ohler  Peter	M	21:05	14-19	     3
    16	Key	      Max	M	21:06	20-29	     6
    17	Halladay      Rob	M	21:07	20-29	     7
    18	Lunt	   William	M	21:08	40-49	     4
    19	Gluck	     Alex	M	21:10	20-29	     8
    20	Lohotsky    Brian	M	21:49	14-19	     4
    21	Hart	     Leah	F	21:52	14-19	     2
    22	Murphy	   Brendan	M	21:55	40-49	     5
    23	Diamond	    David	M	22:00	20-29	     9
    24	Allukian   Nathan	M	22:06	20-29	    10
    25	Lunt	Paula Jean	F	22:39	40-49	    1
    26	Wason	    Kate	F	22:46	14-19	    3
    27	Kring	    Randy	M	22:59	14-19	    5
    28	Rizzo	    Frank	M	23:00	20-29	    11
    29	Yates	    Paul	M	23:03	50-59	    1
    30	Johnson	     Dan	M	23:04	20-29	   12
    31	Johnson	    Beth	F	23:12	20-29	    1
    32	Hart	     Dan	M	23:27	30-39	    3
    33	Tecce	   Chris	M	23:29	40-49	    6
    34	Orr	   Brian	M	23:30	20-29	   13
    35	Donahue	    Dave	M	23:31	20-29	   14
    36	Herter	   Jimmy	M	23:32	14-19	   6
    37	Soule	   Billy	M	23:37	14-19	   7
    38	Soule	    Bill	M	23:41	40-49	   7
    39	Palmer	     Stu	M	23:44	40-49	   8
    40	Morgan	    Norman	M	23:45	30-39	   4
    41	Poles	   Damian	M	23:49	20-29	  15
    42	Onyebuchi  Chinoye	F	24:05	14-19	  4
    43	Dwyer	   Blair	M	24:06	50-59	  2
    44	Cook	   Samuel	M	24:08	30-39	  5
    45	Wagner	Christopher	M	24:12	20-29	  16
    46	Carey	  Thomas	M	24:13	50-59	  3
    47	Chan	 Allison	F	24:15	14-19	  5
    48	Cavas	   Scott	M	24:23	20-29	  17
    49	Corcora    Happy	M	24:24	40-49	  9
    50	Dossman	  Bryant	M	24:28	14-19	  8
    51	Sickel	     Tim	M	24:32	50-59	  4
    52	Hart	     Ria	F	24:32	30-39	  1
    53	McGrath	     Ken	M	24:35	40-49	 10
    54	Soule	  Lindsay	F	24:38	14-19	  6
    55	Beale	 Stephen	M	24:39	60-69	  2
    56	Russell	 Vanessa	F	24:40	20-29	  2
    57	Lekous	  George	M	24:42	40-49	 11
    58	Powers	  Trevor	M	24:55	20-29	 18
    59	Chen	  Alyssa	F	24:56	20-29	  3
    60	Soule	    Matt	M	25:10	30-39     6
    61	Curran	     Meg	F	25:11	14-19	  7
    62	Miller	Mary Helen	F	25:12	20-29	  4
    63	Diefendorf Ashleigh	F	25:15	20-29     5
    64	Barker	     Dan	M	25:20	50-59	  5
    65	Gibbons	    John	M	25:32	60-69	  3
    66	Beede	Jonathan	M	26:05	30-39	  7
    67	Scribner Richard	M	26:07	50-59	  6
    68	Carey	    Seth	M	26:12	30-39	  8
    69	Karass	    Anna	F	26:17	20-29	  6
    70	Daly	    Mike	M	26:18	60-69	  4
    71	Balm	    Krista	F	26:19	14-19	  8
    72	Soule	    Mort	M	26:21	40-49	 12
    73	Stevens	  Russell	M	26:26	20-29	 19
    74	Soule	   Maraka	F	26:28	13 under  1
    75	Soule	     Dan	M	26:35	20-29	 20
    76	Harran	     Zoe	F	26:40	14-19	  9
    77	Lyne	    Mike	M	26:44	40-49	 13
    78	Gagnon	   Shaun	M	26:52	20-29	 21
    79	Hanson	    Todd	M	26:52	40-49	 14
    80	Sullivan	Ryan	M	27:02	30-39	  9
    81	Gordon	  Zander	M	27:12	14-19	  9
    82	Gilbert	     Sam	M	27:17	20-29	  22
    83	Lento	   Steve	M	27:21	30-39	  10
    84	Hancock	   Annie	F	27:24	14-19	  10
    85	Hyndman	   Grace	F	27:26	14-19	  11
    86	Spelke	     Amy	F	27:30	30-39	   2
    87	Palmer	  Elizabeth	F	27:31	30-39	   3
    88	Bib           208		27:32		
    89	Halmo	Mike	        M	27:34	50-59	  7
    90	Morrill	   Dennis	M	27:42	60-69	  5
    91	Rivera	   Shamir	F	27:49	14-19	  12
    92	Sullivan	Chris	M	27:51	20-29	  23
    93	Gilbert	      Ted	M	27:52	20-29	  24
    94	Larocque	Nick	M	27:52	20-29	  25
    95	Murphy	   Brendan	M	27:54	20-29	  26
    96	Bostwick	Gary	M	27:58	40-49	  15
    97	Caputi	  Claire	F	27:59	13 under   2
    98	Gordon	 Jackson	M	27:59	13 under   1
    99	Shapell	    Anna	F	28:02	20-29	   7
    100	Fletcher	Ryan	M	28:02	20-29	  27
    101	Righter	    Greg	M	28:04	20-29	  28
    102	Gang	  Rachel	F	2826	14-19	  13
    103	Lyne	  Emmett	M	28:43	40-49	  16
    104	Sciolla	     Tom	M	28:43	40-49	  17
    105	Stratton	Mike	M	28:48	20-29	  29
    106	Finethy	     Kim	F	28:55	50-59      1
    107	Hyde	   Steve	M	28:55	50-59	   8
    108	Mills	   Karen	F	28:56	50-59	   2
    109	Gordon	 Charlie	M	28:56	60-69	   6
    110	Gordon	  Andrea	F	29:07	40-49	   2
    111	Zhang	   Diana	F	29:07	14-19	  14
    112	Theberge	John	M	29:14	40-49	  18
    113	Theberge	Nan	F	29:43	40-49	   3
    114	McGrath	    Anna	F	29:45	14-19	  15
    115	Young	  Chelsea	F	29:48	14-19	  16
    116	Doughtey	Jean	F	29:48	50-59	   3
    117	McCabe	 Patricia	F	30:45	50-59	   4
    118	Costello	Michel	M	30:54	20-29	  30
    119	Young	  Jannett	F	30:54	30-39	   4
    120	Young	 Whitney	F	32:24	30-39	   5
    121	Hinckley	Bill	M	32:41	40-49	  19
    122	Perkins	   Sarah	F	33:08	13 under   3
    123	Shukie	   Steve	M	33:16	20-29	   31
    124	Leahy	 Stephen	M	33:37	40-49	   20
    125	Delogu	 Orlando	M	33:42	70+	    1
    126	Karkos	    Rick	M	34:04	50-59	    9
    127	Pelleria	Alex	M	35:22	20-29	   32
    128	Sturtevant	Alex	F	35:23	13 under    4
    129	Burns	Courtney	F	35:24	13 under    5
    130	Paradise	Valerie	F	37:21	20-29	    8
    131	Morin	    Eric	M	38:38	20-29	   33
    132	Sturtevant	Nick	M	39:40	13 under    2
    133	Sturtevant	Adam	M	39:41	40-49	   21
    134	Soule	  Morton	M	40:10	60-69	    7
    135	Lekousi	     Lisa	F	43:15	30-39	    6
    136	Soule	   Wendy	F	44:41	40-49	   22
    137	Withers	 Shannon	F	44:42	20-29	    9
    138	Alfonso	  Kristy	F	44:42	20-29	   10
    139	Soule	   Lydia	F	45:58	50-59	    5
    140	Soule	     Jim	M	46:00	50-59	   10
    141	Paterson	Jane	F	46:15	40-49	   23
    142	Fitch	   Sally	F	47:21	50-59	    6
    143	Aleto	     Tom	M	47:35	50-59	   11
    144	Hynes	     Ann	F	54:21	50-59	    7
    145	Hynes	  Martin	M	54:27	50-59	    12
     Posted 2007-10-22  9:00  PM  DCY						

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