Maine Running Photos Running Photos & Video Across the State of Maine

December 30, 2023

USM New Year’s Invitational

December 30, 2023USM New Year’s RelaysUSM

APM04924 800 MeterAPM04993 1000 Meter

APM05037  Jason HargesheimerAPM04950 Anneliese Collin
APM05111  55 meter
APM05273 Boys RaceAPM05699 Girls Mile

Yes, we do have a great number of photos & video that we can share. First, We have to take care of the people who do support this effort. We do value our viewers. The numbers of people who follow us help to open the many doors to events But the events still find ways to tax the media standing we have earned. WE welcome your gifts as well as the views. This year we have new & higher costs of doing business. Cost of online storage, website & now this year cost foe parking! We will be sharing some more media but perhaps not all. We need all types of help. Please ask how you might help?

APM07858 Makenna Drouin

  • See video cut Courtesy of Drouin media
  • APM03748

    Girls 400 Meter Heat 1

    APM06410  Girls 400 Meter

  • If we shared any thing it should be here Courtesy of David Colby Young
  • January 14, 2017

    2017-01-14 SMAA Track & Field @ USM

    1/14 SMAA: BE-DEERING-GORHAM-MARSHWOOD Gorham, ME Photos see MMS pay to view  Photos sponsored by MRP
    1/14 SMAA: BID-SP-SCAR-NOB Gorham, ME  Photos sponsored by MRP Video see MMS pay to view
    1/14 SMAA: MGA-POR-WEST-MASS Gorham, ME  Photos sponsored by MRP
    1/14 SMAA: TA-CHEV-WIN Gorham, ME

    Courtesy of the Sub5

    January 14, 2017  SMAA Week 3: Meet 1 ResultsScores; Meet 2 ResultsScores  USM
     January 14, 2017  SMAA Week 3: Meet 3 ResultsScores; Meet 4 ResultsScores  USM



    Photos ~ Saturday, January 14

    • Set 1 ~ 8:30 ~ Bonny Eagle,Deering,Gorham,Marshwood ~ 342 photos
    • Set 2 ~ 11:15 ~ Maine Girls Academy,Massabesic,Portland,Westbrook ~ 401  photos & 8 videos
    • Set 3 ~ 2:00 pm ~ Biddeford,Noble,Scarborough,South Portland ~ 356 photos
    • Set 4 ~ 4:45 pm ~ Cheverus,Thornton,Windham (perhaps no media for this Meet, we will look for some)

    Other Media: 1.,2.,3.,4.5,.6

    January 23, 2016

    2016-01-23 SMAA Track Meet

    Courtesy of the Meet results:

    January 23, 2016  SMAA Meet 1: ResultsScores; Meet 2: ResultsScores; Meet 3: ResultsScores; Meet 4: ResultsScores  USM

    More soon

    Meet 1 of 4 ~ 8:30 Biddeford-Gorham-Noble-South Portland ~ See Me.MileSplit

    Meet 2 of 4 ~ 11:15 Bonny Eagle-Marshwood-Portland-Thornton ~ See Me.MileSplit

    Meet 3 of  4 ~ 2:00 Cheverus-Massabesic-Westbrook ~


    Photos & Video

    • Set 1 courtesy of David Colby Young (Photos & Video)
    • YouTube Video courtesy of David Colby Young

    Meet 4 of 4 ~ 4:45 Deering-McAuley-Scarborough-Windham ~

    Photos & Video

    January 2, 2016

    2 Jan 2016 SMAA Track & Field Meet

     January 2, 2016  SMAA Meet 1: ResultsScores; Meet 2: ResultsScores; Meet 3: ResultsScores; Meet 4: ResultsScores


    Meet 1: Photos Set 1 courtesy of David Colby Young (32 photos) ~ Deering, South Portland, Marshwood  ~ see Me.MileSplit

    Meet 2: Photos Set 1  w/ (video cuts 6910–6938 & 6940-6946) see YouTube courtesy of David Colby Young ~ Biddeford , Massabesic , Windham, Portland  ~ see Me.MileSplit

    Meet 3 Photos Set 1 w/cuts 6948-6967 & 6982-6998 & see Play List YouTube courtesy of David Colby Young ~ Westbrook, Bonny Eagle, Noble, Mcauley ~ see Me.MileSplit

    Meet 4 see Me.MileSplit for coverage ~ Thornton Academy, Scarborough, Gorham, Cheverus

    January 28, 2015

    2014 Review for Runner Andrea Killiard

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 10:16 pm

    Monster Dash 5K:  (Do not think we were at this race)

    22 Andrea Killiard 44 F Scarboough ME 609 31:11 10:04


    Portland Trails Trail to Ale 10K Race/Walk: (We had two  people covering this race)

    1003 60/117 F4044 1:04:05 1:03:26 10:13 Andrea Killiard 44 F 1063 Scarborough ME

    6th Annual Sea Dogs Father’s Day 5K: (We covered this race)

    956 235 Andrea Killiard 37:45 12:09 38:24 44 404/536 F 52/71 F4044 SCARBOROUGH ME

    Portland Sea Dog’s Mother’s Day 5K: (We covered this race)

    1631 663 Andrea Killiard 36:30 11:45 37:44 44 1044/1684 F 150/238 F4044 SCARBOROUGH ME

    Irish Road Rover 5K: (We covered this race)

    665 800 Andrea Killiard 33:07 10:40 44 334/455 F 42/62 F4044 SCARBOROUGH ME

    Jimmy The Greek’s Frozen 4-Miler: (We did not cover this race but there were photos taken)

    301 50/72 Andrea Killiard 352 43 F Scarborough ME 42:40 10:40

    January 1, 2015

    Sammy the Seagulls New Years Day 5K

    Filed under: scarborough — Tags: , , , , , , , , — David Colby Young @ 10:05 am

    Sammy The Seagull New Year’s Day 5K

    Scarborough, ME, January 1, 2015

    [Awards | Age Group Results | Team Awards ]

    Overall Results

    For more race information, see 5K Sports Race Management .

    BSC_0100  Robert AshbyBSC_0118 Erin Flynn

                                                                          Page 1
                       Sammy the Seagull's New Year's Day 5K
            Januray 1, 2015 11AM Clambake Restaurant Scarborough, Maine
           Timing & Finish Line Management by 5K Sports Race Management   207-865-4501
    Place Name                Ag S City            St No. Time    Pace     
    ===== =================== == = =============== == === ======= ===== 
        1 Robert Ashby        46 M Brunswick       ME   1   17:21  5:36 
        2 Nathan Skvorak      18 M Windham         ME  78   17:35  5:40 
        3 DUNCAN UMPHREY      16 M CONCORD         MA 177   17:58  5:47 
        4 ERIN FLYNN          35 F DENMARK         ME 154   18:16  5:53 
        5 CARTER THACHER      16 M YORK            ME 182   19:24  6:15 
        6 Jodi Theriault      34 F Portland        ME  61   19:28  6:16 
        7 Dana Welch          33 M Gray            ME 108   19:30  6:17 
        8 Scott Peiser        46 M Old Orchard Bea ME  18   19:36  6:19 
        9 RANDY SPENCER       53 M YARMOUTH        ME 170   19:45  6:22 
       10 Nick Duncan         26 M                    120   20:17  6:32 
       11 Cameron Ashby       14 M                      3   20:27  6:35 
       12 Erik Martin         34 M Naples          ME 135   20:52  6:43 
       13 Sophia Prouty       14 F                     63   20:54  6:44 
       14 Jamie Theriault     30 F Lewiston        ME  68   21:00  6:46 
       15 HILLARY UMPHREY     16 F BIDDEFORD       ME 176   21:12  6:50 
       16 Keith Carroll       24 M                    146   21:14  6:50 
       17 Mark Bonderud       55 M Monmouth        ME  26   21:25  6:54 
       18 Charlie Quatrano    34 M Ocean Park      ME  41   21:36  6:58 
       19 Micaela Ashby       12 F                      2   21:50  7:02 
       20 Daniel King         54 M Kennebunk       ME  45   22:03  7:06 
       21 Brenda Ashby-Hughes 48 F                      4   22:05  7:07 
       22 Diane LaVangie      56 F South Portland  ME 114   22:06  7:07 
       23 Kelly Jordan        33 F South Portland  ME  40   22:13  7:09 
       24 Steve McLaughlin    48 M Portland        ME 124   22:15  7:10 
       25 Jeffrey Dorais      31 M Biddeford       ME  73   22:16  7:10 
       26 ANN BOISVERT        50 F SCARBOROUGH     ME 159   22:31  7:15 
       27 Carey Russ          39 F Norwich         VT 104   22:35  7:16 
       28 KIM DEMADO          52 F PORTLAND        ME 161   22:40  7:18 
       29 Scott Baldwin       51 M                     97   22:45  7:20 
       30 Benjamin Porter     41 M North Berwick   ME 105   22:47  7:20 
       31 Brett Carter        16 M                    123   23:00  7:24 
       32 Marigan Bishop      31 F Biddeford       ME 126   23:06  7:26 
       33 Chloe Prouty        12 F                     64   23:13  7:29 
       34 Bill Scott          54 M South Portland  ME  92   23:14  7:29 
       35 Jon Mennealy        58 M Sabattus        ME   9   23:23  7:32 
       36 Erik LoSacco        11 M                    143   23:32  7:35 
       37 Jean Fahey          54 F                    142   23:34  7:35 
       38 Hughes Matthew       9 M                      5   23:37  7:36 
       39 Kenneth Volock      41 M Portland        ME  10   23:41  7:38 
       40 JANET BRITTON       44 F SCARBOROUGH     ME 152   23:43  7:38 
       41 Tasha Deschambault  32 F Falmouth        ME 136   23:52  7:41 
       42 PAUL MILLS          62 M FARMINGTON      ME 189   24:11  7:47 
       43 Tina Lawrie         51 F Scarborough     ME   6   24:15  7:49 
       44 Elizabeth Koharian  34 F Portland        ME 139   24:24  7:52 
       45 Tim Thompson        41 M Lewiston        ME  47   24:33  7:54 
       46 Tammy Volock        41 F Portland        ME  11   24:34  7:55 
       47 Ursula Charlton     58 F Camden          ME  76   24:36  7:55 
       48 KRISTIN COOK-CENTER 43 F OOB             ME 173   24:45  7:58 
       49 Kurt Lennig         47 M                     42   24:54  8:01 
       50 Haley Duncan        25 F Brunswick       ME 107   24:55  8:02 
                                                                          Page 2
                       Sammy the Seagull's New Year's Day 5K
            Januray 1, 2015 11AM Clambake Restaurant Scarborough, Maine
           Timing & Finish Line Management by 5K Sports Race Management   207-865-4501
    Place Name                Ag S City            St No. Time    Pace     
    ===== =================== == = =============== == === ======= ===== 
       51 Madison Stedl       61 F Topsham         ME 102   24:59  8:03 
       52 Morgan Rocheleau    34 M Portland        ME 149   25:03  8:04 
       53 Rebecca Maiorano    45 F South Portland  ME  37   25:04  8:05 
       54 ANNE UMPHREY        50 F BIDDEFORD       ME 175   25:33  8:14 
       55 Jane Foehrenbach    54 F Saco            ME  19   25:36  8:15 
       56 Erik Kurlanska      42 M Saco            ME 106   25:53  8:20 
       57 Joseph Shepard      30 M Westbrook       ME  66   25:57  8:21 
       58 Carmel Collins      51 F Bridgton        ME  51   26:03  8:24 
       59 Tony Serpico        57 M Duluth          GA 137   26:14  8:27 
       60 Dale Gardner        64 M Woolwich        ME 109   26:16  8:28 
       61 Craig Smith         59 M Cape Elizabeth  ME 138   26:18  8:28 
       62 Baerbel LoSacco     43 F Scarborough     ME 128   26:20  8:29 
       63 SHELDON ASHBY       43 M PORTLAND        ME 184   26:22  8:30 
       64 Randall Farr        40 M Scarborough     ME  32   26:24  8:30 
       65 Kimberly Wood       53 F Portland        ME  71   26:27  8:31 
       66 Cassie Drummond     27 F Westbrook       ME 140   26:34  8:34 
       67 Nicholas Mowatt     27 M Saco            ME  20   26:36  8:34 
       68 Joan Lavery-McLaugh 50 F                    141   26:38  8:35 
       69 Pamela Baldwin      53 F Gorham          ME  91   26:39  8:35 
       70 Cade Potts           6 M                     52   26:54  8:40 
       71 Steve Potts         41 M                     53   26:57  8:41 
       72 Linda Davis         65 F So. Casco       ME  54   27:04  8:43 
       73 Jon Roberts         41 M Scarborough     ME 111   27:30  8:52 
       74 Kristen Carter      19 F Lisbon Falls    ME 116   27:42  8:55 
       75 Anne O'Connor-Prout 45 F Sout Hampton    MA  60   27:49  8:57 
       76 Joanna Piepgrass    55 F Brooklyn        NY  39   28:04  9:02 
       77 James Jones         62 M WELLESLEY       MA   7   28:12  9:05 
       78 Tom Bryand          61 M                     29   28:13  9:05 
       79 Rick Poulin         55 M Old Orchard Bea ME  12   28:23  9:08 
       80 Ashley Martin       31 F                    145   29:01  9:21 
       81 Kim Graham          41 M North Yarmouth  ME  77   29:02  9:21 
       82 Linda Burns         52 F Portland        ME 127   29:12  9:24 
       83 James Scott         35 M Montgomery      AL  21   29:17  9:26 
       84 Layla Sweet         40 F                     22   29:18  9:26 
       85 Sharon Coulombe     53 F Kennebunk       ME 115   29:51  9:37 
       86 Lisa Sweet          41 F North Yarmouth  ME  48   29:52  9:37 
       87 Jeanne Bryand       60 F Biddeford       ME  27   29:54  9:38 
       88 Neiley Harris       41 F Monmouth        ME  99   29:55  9:38 
       89 Amy Roberts         42 F Scarborough     ME 110   29:59  9:39 
       90 Pamela Kinney       51 F Gray            ME  90   30:10  9:43 
       91 Gene Longobardi     49 M South Portland  ME  36   30:16  9:45 
       92 Joan Wright         61 F Limerick        ME  49   30:23  9:47 
       93 JORDAN COLE         16 M LISBON          ME 163   30:28  9:49 
       94 PETER COLE          39 M LISBON          ME 164   30:29  9:49 
       95 LISA STURGIS        12 F GRAY            ME 186   30:31  9:50 
       96 NICOLE COBB         11 F GRAY            ME 188   30:32  9:50 
       97 MATTHEW STURGIS     46 M GRA             ME 187   30:33  9:50 
       98 Lauri Andrews       48 F                    122   30:41  9:53 
       99 Judy Martin         59 F Dayton          ME  75   30:43  9:53 
      100 Debby Jones         55 F                    121   30:46  9:54 
                                                                          Page 3
                       Sammy the Seagull's New Year's Day 5K
            Januray 1, 2015 11AM Clambake Restaurant Scarborough, Maine
           Timing & Finish Line Management by 5K Sports Race Management   207-865-4501
    Place Name                Ag S City            St No. Time    Pace     
    ===== =================== == = =============== == === ======= ===== 
      101 Chuck Spencer       54 M Scarborough     ME 103   30:49  9:55 
      102 Drew McLaren        26 M Sanford         ME  86   31:00  9:59 
      103 Mary Baumer         52 F Portland        ME 132   31:14 10:04 
      104 JIM BAUMER          52 M PORTLAND        ME 174   31:15 10:04 
      105 Brian Fahey         54 M Scarborough     ME 125   31:20 10:05 
      106 CASEY MAYNARD       27 F WESTBROOK       ME 155   31:23 10:06 
      107 Randall Walls       36 M Lisbon Falls    ME  17   31:31 10:09 
      108 BILL UMPHREY        73 M CVONCORD        MA 178   31:32 10:09 
      109 Deb Ricker          52 F Buxton          ME  15   32:01 10:19 
      110 Linda Thompson      40 F Lewiston        ME  50   32:10 10:21 
      111 Moby Richard        58 M South Portland  ME  69   32:15 10:23 
      112 Stephanie Wanzer    45 F Danbury         CT 133   32:21 10:25 
      113 Caitlyn DiFillipo   11 F                    119   32:22 10:25 
      114 Rachel Ross         44 F New Gloucester  ME  98   32:23 10:26 
      115 Carolyn DiFillipo   46 F                    118   32:26 10:27 
      116 Sarah Mallory       28 F Columbia        CT  67   32:31 10:28 
      117 David Roberts       34 M Washington      VA  58   32:34 10:29 
      118 Heidi Breeze        41 F South Portland  ME  70   33:03 10:39 
      119 Carol Bonderud      55 F                     28   33:06 10:39 
      120 Amie Moore          41 F Yarmouth        ME 113   33:22 10:45 
      121 HARRY CENTER        52 M OOB             ME 172   33:24 10:45 
      122 Jodi Dorais         33 F                     81   33:46 10:52 
      123 Lori Girouard       51 F Sanford         ME  96   34:40 11:10 
      124 Katelyn Morin       31 F                     95   34:58 11:16 
      125 Lise Roy            59 F Shapleigh       ME  87   34:59 11:16 
      126 STEPHEN DUMONT      37 M NORTH BERWICK   ME 157   35:03 11:17 
      127 BRIGETTE DUMONT     36 F NORTH BERWICK   ME 158   35:04 11:18 
      128 Cindy Perkins       62 F Old Orchard Bea ME  79   35:49 11:32 
      129 Ruthinian Gregoire  49 F Standish        ME  65   36:05 11:37 
      130 SARAH ADAMS         40 F                    171   36:07 11:38 
      131 Erinn Conn          33 F Portland        ME 112   36:39 11:48 
      132 Noelle Breen        15 F Scarborough     ME 134   36:47 11:51 
      133 KIMBERLY ADAMS      47 F DURHAM          ME 162   36:49 11:51 
      134 Rebecca McDevitt    52 F                     80   36:58 11:54 
      135 Elizabeth Neuts     28 F Freeport        ME  25   37:02 11:56 
      136 Katie Houghtaling   34 F Standish        ME  13   37:05 11:56 
      137 Elaine Richer       71 F Scarborough     ME  88   37:15 12:00 
      138 Bill Vickerson      63 M Scarborough     ME  30   37:17 12:00 
      139 Gus Darling          7 M                     62   37:33 12:06 
      140 Erin Darling        39 F South Berwick   ME  59   37:37 12:07 
      141 Martha Flynn        48 F Kennebunk       ME  94   37:39 12:07 
      142 Alexis DiFillipo    14 F Liberty Townshi OH 131   37:43 12:09 
      143 Delaney DiFillipo    9 F                    144   37:44 12:09 
      144 Tammy Brown         50 F Windham         ME  14   37:47 12:10 
      145 Daniel Provencher   56 M Buxton          ME  72   38:58 12:33 
      146 Sandi Keef          39 f Westbrook       ME 151   42:20 13:38 
      147 Zoe Sweet           39 F Westbrook       ME  55   42:22 13:38 
      148 Staci Yates         37 F South Portland  ME  16   42:24 13:39 
      149 Dennis Beckwith     71 M Scarborough     ME  85   42:58 13:50 
      150 Lisa Reardon        51 F Scarborough     ME  93   44:24 14:18 
                                                                          Page 4
                       Sammy the Seagull's New Year's Day 5K
            Januray 1, 2015 11AM Clambake Restaurant Scarborough, Maine
           Timing & Finish Line Management by 5K Sports Race Management   207-865-4501
    Place Name                Ag S City            St No. Time    Pace     
    ===== =================== == = =============== == === ======= ===== 
      151 Ginger Garramore    51 F Biddeford       ME 129   44:26 14:18 
      152 Stan Lourie         67 M                    117   44:29 14:19 
      153 Betti Abdulla       59 F Salem           NH  35   44:31 14:20 
      154 Susan Goodenough    58 F Exeter          NH  34   44:32 14:20 
      155 Reynolds Farley     76 M Biddeford Pool  ME  31   45:01 14:30 
      156 Joan Lourie         68 F Scarborough     ME 100   45:09 14:32 
      157 Elizabeth Parenteau 65 F Durham          ME 148   46:47 15:04 
      158 louise neuts        55 f freeport        ME 183   46:50 15:05 
      159 Judy Donovan        49 F Gorham          ME  57   47:09 15:11 
      160 JENN PULVINO        43 F SCARBOROUGH     ME 180   47:29 15:17 
      161 JEANNINE BAKER      41 F SCARBOROUGH     ME 181   47:31 15:18 
      162 Holly Lagarde       27 F North Waterboro ME  74   48:55 15:45 

    Results courtesy of  5K Sports Race Management



    • Set 1 Pre-Race (35 photos)
    • Set 2 Start (61 photos)
    • Set 3 Finish (280 photos)
    • Set 4 Post Race (38 photos)


    November 1, 2014

    Maine Runners ~ Run for All Ages 5K

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , , , , , , , , — David Colby Young @ 9:57 am

    Results for ALL STATES
    Photos courtesy of Ted Tyler


    Joan Tremberth

    131 Joan Tremberth 1/7 42/131 69 416 F Scarborough ME 29:12 29:02 9:21

    William Morgan
    223 William Morgan 13/18 129/145 70 351 M Kennebunk ME 40:42 40:29 13:02

    Other History:1.,Archived AOL Blog (2007), 2.,

    October 18, 2014

    Team Kyle 5K

    Filed under: Photos,scarborough — Tags: , , , , , — David Colby Young @ 6:54 pm
    > Printer-friendly page

    Team Kyle 5k

    Scarborough, ME, October 18, 2014

    [Age Groups ]


    October 18, 2014

    Back 40 Events Back 40 Events

    courtesy of the events fb

    courtesy of the events fb


    • Set 1 courtesy of event’s fb
    • Set 2 courtesy of Allyn Genest fb go to his page to see more

    Other Media:1.TeamKyle5kRunWalk,2.,

    September 7, 2014

    Maine Vets 5K

    Filed under: scarborough — Tags: , , , — David Colby Young @ 5:07 pm

    Maine Vets 5K

    Scarborough, ME, September 7, 2014


    Overall Results

    Start courtesy of Allyn Genest

    Start courtesy of Allyn Genest


    • Set 1 (soon) courtesy of Allyn Genest

    August 22, 2014

    St Maximilian Kolbe 5K

    Filed under: scarborough — Tags: , , , — David Colby Young @ 10:41 pm

    St Maximilian Kolbe 5K


    Photos & video

    Older Posts »

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