(Granite State Timing took start photos but not finish Line photos today. Did they get any Maine Runners in their photos? Why not look on FB.
Ras na hEireann U.S.A.
Somerville, MA, March 10, 2013
96 32/594 M3039 20:00 6:27 20:06 Michael Cwiklinski 36 M 748 South Portland Me
772 216/594 M3039 25:01 8:03 26:57 Michael Mackiewicz 30 M 2091 Kennebunk Me
952 130/961 F1829 26:22 8:30 27:58 Anna O’Keefe 27 F 4429 Waterville Me
1127 166/961 F1829 26:34 8:33 28:53 Emily Gaewsky 25 F 4103 Portland Me
1307 210/961 F1829 24:29 7:53 29:58 Kaitlyn Direnzo 26 F 4028 Buxton Me
1390 236/961 F1829 28:59 9:20 30:18 Claudia Marroquin 28 F 4322 Portland Me
3242 517/594 M3039 34:15 11:02 37:56 Daniel Stowell 35 M 3425 South Berwick Me
3653 786/990 F3039 34:37 11:09 40:15 Marisa Pettorini 35 F 2831 Portland Me
See names of Maine Runners & a few photos courtesy of Ted Tyler for the 2012 event