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January 29, 2025
KVAC Meet 6C Indoor
January 1, 2018
2018 Droughty Bear Set the Pace 5k
- Set 1 (Not online now, check with newspaper &/or photographer) courtesy of holly_vanorse_spicer
Local Media:villagesoup.com~ Bundled participants brave harsh cold in ‘Set The Pace’ 5K
Event web site
January 1, 2015
2015 Set the Pace 5K in Camden New Year’s Day
Results 89 finishers
Here are the individual results from the race with place, bib number, name, town if available, age, gender, and time.
1, 179, Tyler Lupien, 39, M, 17:43.6; 2, 104, Keith Drago, Camden, 27, M, 18:25.9; 3, 177, David Root, 45, M, 18:35.2; 4, 159, Patrick Odonnell, Warren, 33, M, 18:57.7; 5, 197, Mike Pierce, 45, M, 19:42.1; 6, 161, Cassandra Howard, Searsmont, 18, F, 19:52.0; 7, 135, Grant Sorterup, Waldoboro, 50, M, 19:54.5; 8, 134, Ronald Stevenson, Knox, 43, M, 20:08.4; 9, 101, Matthew Eaton, Linconville, 19, M, 20:48.8; 10, 121, Will Daggett, Washington, 20, M, 21:01.8; 11, 184, Ross Moseley, 16, M, 21:10.3; 12, 174, John Priestly, 57, M, 21:13.7; 13, 172, Amy Root, 43, F, 21:27.0; 14, 188, Andrew Stewart, 39, M, 21:47.0; 15, 123, Kyle Mitchell, Frankfort, 31, M, 21:48.7; 16, 146, Joshua Moore, Camden, 43, M, 21:55.8; 17, 175, Adam Bishop, 37, M, 21:57.1; 18, 108, Scott Kessel, Rockport, 47, M, 22:40.9; 19, 176, Phoebe Sage Root, 11, F, 22:53.9; 20, 198, Steve Cartwright, 63, M, 22:57.4; 21, 118, Monica Minson, Campbell Ca, 25, F, 23:43.1; 22, 183, Lori Richter, 47, F, 23:44.7; 23, 129, Kyle Weaver, Camden, 25, M, 23:53.3; 24, 105, James Tolles, Hope, 70, M, 24:01.5; 25, 192, Jala Tooley, 35, F, 24:11.7; 26, 141, Levi Soper, Trenton, 20, M, 24:15.7; 27, 116, Vickie Lailer, Bath, 48, F, 24:25.3; 28, 138, Shawn Richards, Corinna, 44, M, 24:45.3; 29, 162, Noah Howard, Searsmont, 16, M, 24:47.1; 30, 126, Hannah Raymond, Belfast, 30, F, 24:50.1; 31, 120, Kathryn Daggett, Washington, 46, F, 24:53.6; 32, 189, Lindsey O’Hara, 31, F, 25:11.2; 33, 171, Lucas Brower, 26, M, 25:33.2; 34, 190, Reade Brower, 58, M, 25:55.4; 35, 153, Don Andrus, Rockport, 66, M, 25:55.8; 36, 152, Sarah Andrus, Rockport, 60, F, 25:58.4; 37, 195, Rebecca B, 36, F, 26:02.3; 38, 199, Jodi Wiley, 31, F, 26:09.2; 39, 111, Dale Clay, Bath, 51, F, 26:17.5; 40, 130, Laura Clapp, Blue Hill, 25, F, 26:21.4; 41, 131, Mark Clapp, Blue Hill, 29, M, 26:21.7; 42, 106, Shawn Fournier, Bangor, 30, M, 26:34.4; 43, 140, Amy Mitchell, Rockland, 50, F, 26:37.7; 44, 115, Kelly Kimble, Northport, 46, F, 26:44.4; 45, 107, Ryan Harmon, Palermo, 40, M, 27:00.6; 46, 124, Stephen Peats, Camden, 63, M, 27:04.2; 47, 156, Regina Harmon, Palermo, 14, F, 27:11.7; 48, 133, James Parent, Readfield, 51, M, 27:35.3; 49, 139, Julie Richards, Corinna, 43, F, 27:35.5; 50, 173, Hilda Livingstone, 60, F, 27:40.6; 51, 112, Joshua Cross, Searsport, 36, M, 27:42.0; 52, 119, Emily Stearns, Searsport, 33, F, 27:42.2; 53, 136, Brian Krick, Waldoboro, 44, M, 27:45.0; 54, 178, Chloe Root, 8, F, 27:46.0; 55, 102, Jen McDevitt, Rockland, 33, F, 27:50.3; 56, 109, Marianne Kessel, Rockport, 47, F, 27:56.2; 57, 117, Faith Mackey, Searsport, 20, F, 27:57.0; 58, 154, Trisha Cochran, Camden, 29, F, 28:07.7; 59, 160, Becky Lowe, Camden, Me 37, F, 28:42.5; 60, 170, Scott Davis, 44, M, 28:45.2; 61, 194, Bernadette O’Donnell, 34, F, 28:50.2; 62, 142, Jody Dinsmore, South Thomaston, 42, F, 28:51.0; 63, 187, Isabel Paine, 13, F, 28:57.4; 64, 110, Kaitlyn Kessel, Rockport, 14, F, 28:58.0; 65, 164, Kylea Odone, South Thomaston, 31, F, 29:05.5; 66, 168, Debra Lund, 23, F, 29:15.5; 67, 155, Isaiah Cochran, Union, 29, M, 30:05.3; 68, 166, Ricki Waltz, 50, F, 30:09.8; 69, 165, Art Warren, Camden, 79, M, 31:02.6; 70, 158, Ellen Spring, Thomaston, 62, F, 31:14.1; 71, 149, Kelly Zeiner, Marble Head MA, 56, F, 31:31.5; 72, 114, Anthony Kimble, Northport, 45, M, 31:36.2; 73, 196, Sarah Glenn, 32, F, 31:53.0; 74, 180, Kristen Brown, 54, F, 32:58.5; 75, 137, Ralph Walkling, Rockport, 65, M, 32:59.8; 76, 122, Becky Mitchell, Frankfort, 39, F, 34:02.3; 77, 127, Holly Harmon, Palermo, 36, F, 34:35.7; 78, 186, Parker Moseley, 12, M, 36:08.6; 79, 143, Trina Johnson, Thomaston, 38, F, 37:02.4; 80, 128, Heather Bickford, Corinna, 38, F, 37:04.0; 81, 169, Charlie Lorentsen, 23, F, 37:29.3; 82, 167, Toni Call, 44, F, 37:54.2; 83, 200, Jane Rasmussen, 78, F, 37:54.6; 84, 150, Joan Merriam, Rockland, 66, F, 42:33.1; 85, 145, Hector Pietra Sentra, 56, M, 45:49.3; 86, 132, Deborah Parent, Readfield, 50,vF, 46:16.2; 87, 144, Karen Martin, Camden, 56, F, 50:51.9; 88, 181, Dawn Wilson, 61, F, 1:07:52.6; and 89, 182, Jackie McLain, 83, F, 1:07:52.9.
Well over 50 participants took to the course, which ran up Mechanic to Free St, over to Pearl, down Mechanic, into Cobb Road around the development and back onto Mechanic down hill to the Smokestack Grill.
The mission of Go! Malawi is “to collaborate with rural Malawian communities to develop sustainable programs in education, healthcare, commerce and conservation.”
The Team Vision is that “the mission of the organization has remained steadfast to support orphans and vulnerable children in rural Malawi. The goals are to reduce the factors that lead to extreme poverty! We wish to send, as a team, 50+ children to school in impoverished Malawi.”
The next race for Go! Malawi will be Saturday, Feb. 14 at 10 a.m. for the Luv Me 5k, held this year at the Samoset Resort in Rockport. All participants are welcome — walkers, runners, joggers, strollers, chairs and friendly dogs.
Photos & Media Reports
- Report 1 courtesy of penbaypilot.com by Ron Hawkes
- Photos courtesy of Ron Hawkes (statement on 28 Jan 2015, This gallery will expire in just 21 days)
- More photos courtesy of RaceME fb (You might check with Joe McGurn)
Video courtesy of Ron Hawkes
January 1, 2014
1-1-2014-SmokeStack Grill Set the Pace 5K
Race results pdf courtesy of penbaypilot.com & 2014 The Annual Smokestack Grill ~ Set the Pace 5k form on coolrunning.com as PDF
Blog & other media Reports: 1.www.penbaypilot.com,2.knox.villagesoup.com,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,
- Set 1 courtesy of Ron Hawkes (346 photos) Sorry the photo have been moved or deleted
- Set 2 courtesy of Ken Waltz (200+ photos)