Maine Track Club Members
I hope you all are staying fit and well during the off season. You continue to set goals, train, and stay injury free. We just had the annual MTC dinner celebrating its 30th anniversary. After awards were given for most improved runners, first time marathoners, and other accomplishments. Out of the 70-80 individuals we have had participate in our Auburn Track workouts, only about 6 of us were present. I also know that many of you accomplished some great things this year. This made me think of you all and to send you a reminder to keep working this off -season. Please request a flier of our on site services if any of you would like help in setting new goals,taking care of acute or old injuries, a conditioning, training, and or nutritional program . For those of you who also train with heart rate monitors this would be a great to have your lactate levels done and validate your heart rate training levels.
Continue to be well, eat healthy, and stay moving. See you all soon.
Call at 783-0018
30 Belgrade Ave., Auburn
Flexible hours, some evening appts.available.