Maine Running Photos Running Photos & Video Across the State of Maine

July 24, 2011

2011 Emily’s Run

Filed under: Auburn — Tags: , , , , , , , — David Colby Young @ 1:41 am



(We are sorry to learn that Don Penta was unable to make it to the Emily Fletcher 5K race this year, 2011, because of a transportation problem. The only photos shared so far are the ones taken at the half way point courtesy of David Colby Young)

2010 Results


2010 Photos set 1 set 2

2010 Video

Cut 1Cut 2 – & Cut 3

2009 Photos

2009 Video of the Race
(30 minutes coverages of the first 459 finishers)

Penta Photos

Past Year Photos

Emily Fletcher 5K

2009 Results

Emily’s Run (5 kilometers)

Auburn, ME, July 26, 2009

[Awards ]

Overall Results

Timing and results by Split-Time Race Management

2008 Video

2008 Post on this emily event

See also Elmily Fletcher


The Blog Press Reports

Blaine Moore’s Run To Win

2007 Results no photo report

2006 Results No photo report & another Race in 2006 out of state

2005 Results Photos posted on Flickr

January 7, 2009

David Colby Young Wins Auburn, Maine Ward 4 Council Seat

Filed under: election — Tags: , , , — David Colby Young @ 12:08 pm
courtesy of the Twin City Times

courtesy of the Twin City Times

Auburn Ward 4 City Councilor

The issues of the Day
Auburn Schools
#1  David Young does not favor a  major renovation to the ELHS without state participation. It is not fair to place the total tax burden on Auburn taxpayers especially when cities like Falmouth and Gorham get help. These towns with high incomes remain high on the State of Maine’s list to get money for their local school projects.
Auburn annexing other towns and/or cities
#2  David Young does not favor a rush to consolidate with Lewiston or any other town. Rushing to do this for the sake of immediate cost savings will erode our control and it will not save any money. Savings can be found both in house and with some cooperation with Lewiston and/or other Androscoggin or even Cumberland County towns. Why take the risk of a marriage?  We need to look at the total picture. A marriage or civil union means we will pool our resources & debts with another city or town. Lewiston has more debt and different priorities. As we tell our children not to rush into marriage without looking first, this should be no different. This is an unpopular arguement as the vocal supporters are only looking at the good points.  They say “We know the other city has debt but after the merger this will change.”  Warning! in a 60% Lewiston to 40% Auburn power split,  just whose taxes will be paying for whose priorities? As with the teenage son or daughter the more objections you point out the more they dismiss the negatives.  Please look at the facts without emotion. In the end it will be the role of the State House & Senate to approve a merger, of course some people mistrust them.  This is not to say that the City of Lewiston is bad, only that they have significant financial problems.   Auburn should  look closely before they become cosigners for Lewiston’s loans. We should  build on our similarities and enhance our relationship. If Auburn & Lewiston were the same size with the same interests there would be fewer problems with a merger.
Public Transportation
#3  David Young favors prioritizing transportation by exploring more efficient alternatives such as railroads  and bus lines.
Public Service
#4  David Young has experience with the Auburn Schools both as a three term Auburn School Committee member and as the parent of two children who attended Auburn schools. I value education and will seek to collaborate with the school department to ensure that art, music, and theater don’t get left behind in these difficult budget times. I have also have experience on other boards & committees (i.e. Maine Track Club, Maine Genealogical Society, Maine State Grange, Life Underwriters to name a few)
Taxes & Services
#5  I believe that property taxes should be held at a reasonable level while demanding the most efficient delivery of the important services that the City provides. In the end we will have a stronger leaner government.
LA Arts & the Great Falls Performing Arts Center
The CLT, the Share Center and the other renters at Great Falls school should be offered long term leases (five years). I  can support the plan #3.  More information about plan #3 on request.
Even if you plan to vote for one of the two others, I value you opinion on the above issues.  It helps to see important issues from different perspectives.
2009 01 05 the three of us running for Ward 4 Auburn City Council given one minute to say a few words.

April 11, 1925

1925 William Lehman of Auburn, Maine

Filed under: Photos — Tags: , , , — David Colby Young @ 6:21 am

The date of the article Lewiston newspaper – April 11, 1925. courtesy of Michelle Breton

see more ofthe news clippings

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