We do not have file photos of all the winners & in a few cases might not been posted as the winner of their events.
May 7, 2024
October 5, 2023
WMC XC Meet @ ST Doms Auburn
September 27, 2023
WMC XC Meet Lake Region, Fryeburg, St Dominic, Sacopee Valley
September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023 Lake Region, Gray-New Gloucester, York, Greely, Waynflete, Fryeburg
September 22, 2023 | Lake Region, Gray-New Gloucester, York, Greely, Waynflete, Fryeburg – Girls – Boys | Lake Region |
August 31, 2023
2023 Lake Region Rumble 2023 @ Gray New Gloucester
File photos only
Down East Sports Timing – Contractor License HY-TEK’s Meet Manager
Last Completed Event
Event 1 Girls 5k Run CC
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 21:55.31 1
2 Knowles, Mirabelle Fryeburg Academy 24:51.03 2
3 Harris, Skylar Waynflete School 24:51.28 3
4 Kramer, Leah Waynflete School 25:09.28 4
5 Mechtenberg, Maeve Waynflete School 25:40.44 5
6 Daum, Charlotte Waynflete School 26:10.06 6
7 Plummer, Sadie Lake Region 26:19.38 7
8 Macht, Isabel Fryeburg Academy 26:20.00 8
9 Bartlett, Emily Poland Regio 26:29.44 9
10 Webster, Molly Lake Region 26:34.02 10
11 Corriveau, Brianna Poland Regio 27:17.53 11
12 Demelia, Autumn Poland Regio 27:47.00 12
13 Linehan, Kestrel Waynflete School 28:00.91 13
14 Rogers, Maya Waynflete School 28:04.37 14
15 Hood, Kayleigh Poland Regio 28:15.25 15
16 Morello, Elianna Poland Regio 29:57.25 16
17 Long, Madelyn Lake Region 32:49.56 17
18 Stiffler, Kimberly Lake Region 33:01.50 18
19 Cormier, Sage Lake Region 33:21.62 19
20 Lawson, Lana Waynflete School 33:45.41 20
21 Bachman, Annabelle Fryeburg Academy 33:45.66 21
22 Brennan, Lily Waynflete School 33:59.56
23 Warren, Danielle Poland Regio 34:52.22 22
24 Fanning, Gloria Waynflete School 35:05.31
25 Albert, Maggie Fryeburg Academy 35:53.25 23
26 Parlin, Vanessa Gray New Glo 36:29.62
27 Stumpf Artero, Barbara Fryeburg Academy 36:45.59 24
28 Lougee, Trixie Fryeburg Academy 37:25.03 25
29 Choi, Jiawon Fryeburg Academy 43:54.00 26
Team Scores
Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
1 Waynflete School 31 3 4 5 6 13 14 20
Total Time: 2:09:51.97
Average: 25:58.40
2 Lake Region High School 53 1 7 10 17 18 19
Total Time: 2:20:39.77
Average: 28:07.96
3 Poland Regional High Scho 63 9 11 12 15 16 22
Total Time: 2:19:46.47
Average: 27:57.30
4 Fryeburg Academy 78 2 8 21 23 24 25 26
Total Time: 2:37:35.53
Average: 31:31.11
Down East Sports Timing – Contractor License HY-TEK’s Meet Manager
Last Completed Event
Event 2 Boys 5k Run CC
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Libby, Carter Gray New Glo 17:17.00 1
2 Laverdiere, Sam Lake Region 17:18.00 2
3 Tucker, Bhavnish Lake Region 18:37.00 3
4 Gerry, Preston Gray New Glo 18:55.00 4
5 Crosby, Pi Waynflete School 18:59.00 5
6 Barmby, Will Waynflete School 19:25.00 6
7 Gerry, Gavin Gray New Glo 19:43.00 7
8 Bsullak, Johnny Poland Regio 19:45.00 8
9 Libby, Jackson Gray New Glo 19:56.00 9
10 Mitchell, Colby Gray New Glo 20:19.00 10
11 Clarke, Michael Lake Region 21:02.00 11
12 Baptista, Arkie Fryeburg Academy 21:09.00
13 Falcon, Domenico Lake Region 21:09.40 12
14 Doyle, Harper Poland Regio 22:02.00 13
15 Kelly, Ryan Poland Regio 22:08.00 14
16 Lamb, Riley Poland Regio 22:21.00 15
17 Scribner, Tyler Gray New Glo 22:22.00 16
18 Nelson, Colton Waynflete School 22:23.00 17
19 Bassett, Lucian Lake Region 22:25.00 18
20 Lougee, James Fryeburg Academy 22:26.00
21 Kutella, Ethan Lake Region 22:28.00 19
22 Dionne, George Poland Regio 22:40.00 20
23 Castonguay, Ethan Poland Regio 22:41.00 21
24 Tibbetts, Jr Poland Regio 22:57.00 22
25 Reiling, Tony Gray New Glo 23:45.00 23
26 Maffei, Zachary Poland Regio 24:18.00
27 Curcio, Peter Gray New Glo 24:47.00
28 Southall, Soren Waynflete School 24:50.00 24
29 Adams, Wyatt Waynflete School 24:51.00 25
30 Rawlins, Lorin Waynflete School 24:51.40 26
31 McKenney, Ryan Lake Region 24:59.00 27
32 Kramer, Caleb Waynflete School 25:02.00 28
33 Lunt, Gabriel Lake Region 25:04.00
34 Jines, Jayden Lake Region 25:13.00
35 Michaud, Cayden Poland Regio 26:24.00
36 Clark, Lincoln Waynflete School 26:36.00
37 Fuller, Benny Poland Regio 27:20.00
38 Jaronczyk, Daniel Lake Region 27:31.00
39 Klein, Averey Lake Region 28:11.00
40 Adams, Asa Waynflete School 28:59.00
41 Douglas, Kirby Waynflete School 29:27.00
42 Foss, Lucas Poland Regio 31:21.00
43 Swanson, Declan Gray New Glo 32:45.00
44 LaVallee, Neal Gray New Glo 35:14.00
45 Comeau, Ben Poland Regio 36:37.00
46 Farrell, David Poland Regio 36:41.00
47 Hebert, Odin Lake Region 38:23.00
48 D’Auteuil, Brayden Poland Regio 42:27.00
Team Scores
Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
1 Gray New Gloucester High 31 1 4 7 9 10 16 23
Total Time: 1:36:10.00
Average: 19:14.00
2 Lake Region High School 46 2 3 11 12 18 19 27
Total Time: 1:40:31.40
Average: 20:06.28
3 Poland Regional High Scho 70 8 13 14 15 20 21 22
Total Time: 1:48:56.00
Average: 21:47.20
4 Waynflete School 77 5 6 17 24 25 26 28
Total Time: 1:50:28.00
Average: 22:05.60
August 26, 2023
Dan Dors Invitational 2023
Youth Sports Photography in Maine
Two more photographers might shared their photos later
December 20, 2022
August 27, 2022
Dan Dors Invitational 2022 ~ Aug 27, 2022
Dan Dors Invitational 2022
Aug 27, 2022
Lake Region HS XC Course
Naples, ME
3:00PM Boys Start
Hosted by Lake Region MS
Down East Sports Timing – Contractor License HY-TEK’s Meet Manager
LAKE REGION – 8/27/2022
Last Completed Event
Event 2 Boys 5k Run CC
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Laverdiere, Sam Lake Region 17:14.80 1
2 Libby, Carter Gray New Glo 17:52.00 2
3 Kemp, Grady Lake Region 18:55.00 3
4 Tucker, Bhavnish Lake Region 19:08.00 4
5 Joly, Graden Windham High School 19:10.00 5
6 Gerry, Preston Gray New Glo 19:29.00 6
7 Burgess, Joe Gray New Glo 19:30.00 7
8 Bsullak, Johnny Poland 19:41.00 8
9 Young, Caleb Windham High School 19:44.00 9
10 Schneider, Evan Old Orchard Beac 19:47.00 10
11 Gerry, Gavin Gray New Glo 19:53.00 11
12 Young, Andrew Windham High School 20:49.00 12
13 Baptiata, Arkie Fryeburg Academy 21:09.0
January 28, 2022
1/28/2022 11:27 PM
WMC WEEK 4 – 1/28/2022
Girls 55 Meter Dash JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Riggs, Lucy Freeport HS 8.14 8.19 1 6
2 Brown, Ella GNG 8.51 8.50 1 4
3 Rickman, Piper CAPE 8.36 8.56 1 3
4 Harlow, Marissa Lake Region 9.40 8.68 2 2
5 Bolduc, Hannah GNG 8.79 8.86 1 1
6 Noble, Emily CAPE 8.98 8.88 1
7 Albertini, Norah Freeport HS 9.00 8.92 1
8 Lerette, Maisie GNG 9.18 9.06 1
9 Bonfiglio-Eaves, Samanth Traip 9.26 9.16 2
10 Thibodeau, Kylie GNG 9.26 9.18 2
11 Koontz, Rachel Traip 9.27 9.28 2
12 Kehl, Celia Traip 9.24 9.31 1
13 Bowden, Emma NYA 9.31 3
14 Johnson, Ava Lake Region 9.40 9.35 2
15 Grover, Delaina Lake Region 9.46 9.49 2
16 Hemphill, Nizzie NYA 9.35 9.53 2
17 Maxwell, Elsie CAPE 9.43 9.57 2
18 Bouman, Ellie NYA 9.69 9.73 3
19 Shepard, Madison Lake Region 9.95 9.97 3
20 Cricones, Alexia Lake Region 10.54 10.34 3
Girls 200 Meter Dash JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Riggs, Lucy Freeport HS 29.38 30.10 1 6
2 Rickman, Piper CAPE 31.44 31.47 1 4
3 Harlow, Marissa Lake Region 35.50 32.27 3 3
4 Bolduc, Hannah GNG 32.26 32.48 1 2
5 Carbone, Enna Fait 32.06 32.68 1 1
6 Hemphill, Nizzie NYA 34.89 32.81 2
7 Lerette, Maisie GNG 33.61 33.34 1
8 Bonfiglio-Eaves, Samanth Traip 34.45 33.47 2
9 Albertini, Norah Freeport HS 34.09 33.54 1
10 Bowden, Emma NYA 34.21 3
11 Thibodeau, Kylie GNG 34.91 34.96 2
12 Maxwell, Elsie CAPE 34.18 35.28 2
13 McGuffin, Taryn Traip 36.03 35.75 3
14 Koontz, Rachel Traip 34.59 35.76 2
15 Johnson, Ava Lake Region 35.50 35.98 2
16 Bouman, Ellie NYA 36.62 36.49 3
Girls 400 Meter Dash JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Schroeck, Adelaide Traip 1:11.72 6
2 Carbone, Enna Fait 1:13.22 1:14.45 4
3 Johnson, Jacey Traip 1:16.03 1:16.06 3
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Grogan, Sadie Freeport HS 10.70 10.73 6
2 Schroeck, Adelaide Traip 10.82 4
3 McGuffin, Taryn Traip 12.24 3
4 Johnson, Jacey Traip 12.25 2
Girls High Jump JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Merrill, Celeste NYA 4-00.00 4-02.00 6
2 Cobbs, Kate Freeport HS 4-04.00 4-00.00 4
Girls Shot Put JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Maxwell, Elsie CAPE 27-09.25 28-06.50 6
2 Lerette, Maisie GNG 23-00.25 22-02.75 4
3 Grover, Delaina Lake Region 18-10.50 21-10.50 3
4 Bolduc, Hannah GNG 21-10.00 21-02.75 2
5 Cricones, Alexia Lake Region 15-08.75 17-03.00 1
6 Shepard, Madison Lake Region 21-00.50 17-01.75
7 Sharp, Lexi NYA 13-02.00
Girls 55 Meter Dash SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Hews, Tori CAPE 7.71 7.74 1 6
2 Whittier, Elizabeth Freeport HS 8.13 8.20 1 4
3 Hesser, Marcella CAPE 8.25 8.28 1 3
4 Riendeau, Emmie Freeport HS 8.57 8.59 1 2
5 Battarbee, Kate Freeport HS 8.73 8.64 1 1
6 Yilmaz, Alev NYA 8.84 2
7 Merrill, Jessica NYA 9.43 8.91 2
8 Weiss, Virginia CAPE 8.91 8.94 1
9 Buehner, Laurel NYA 8.93 8.94 1
10 MacDonald, Skylar Freeport HS 9.09 9.15 2
11 Robbins, Marion NYA 8.99 9.16 1
12 Keefe, Acadia NYA 9.28 9.42 2
13 Knight, Madeline Freeport HS 9.44 2
Girls 200 Meter Dash SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Hews, Tori CAPE 27.95 28.19 1 6
2 Hesser, Marcella CAPE 30.88 30.06 1 4
3 Weiss, Virginia CAPE 31.46 31.01 2 3
4 Plummer, Leah Lake Region 30.14 31.16 1 2
5 Bradford, Lucy Freeport HS 30.20 31.47 1 1
6 Battarbee, Kate Freeport HS 30.25 31.61 1
7 Belleau, Anna NYA 32.50 32.88 2
8 Nguyen, Hannah Fait 34.43 33.12 2
9 MacDonald, Skylar Freeport HS 33.04 33.51 2
10 Buehner, Laurel NYA 33.86 33.73 2
11 Keefe, Acadia NYA 34.72 34.24 3
12 Knight, Madeline Freeport HS 34.53 4
13 Kim, Kellyn Fait 35.18 36.07 3
14 Jung, Zoe Fait 36.41 38.79 3
15 Bresolai, Aina Fait 38.90 38.81 3
16 Taylor, Clara NYA 32.11 38.96 2
17 Bochm, Ella Fait 39.85 39.31 4
18 Yoon, Stella Fait 40.64 42.02 4
Girls 400 Meter Dash SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Reeve, Siobhan Traip 1:09.62 1:08.06 6
2 Plummer, Leah Lake Region 1:07.59 1:08.87 4
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Cobbs, Molly Freeport HS 9.74 9.88 6
2 Bradford, Lucy Freeport HS 10.53 10.52 4
3 Yilmaz, Alev NYA 10.50 10.76 3
4 Belleau, Anna NYA 11.41 2
5 Roy, Anna Freeport HS 11.51 11.80 1
Girls High Jump SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Plummer, Leah Lake Region 4-08.00 4-08.00 6
2 Pagnano, Emily Freeport HS 4-06.00 4-04.00 4
3 Hesser, Marcella CAPE 4-06.00 J4-04.00 3
4 Roy, Anna Freeport HS 4-04.00 J4-04.00 2
5 Taylor, Clara NYA 4-02.00 J4-04.00 1
Girls Shot Put SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Piper, Lorenza GNG 34-01.25 32-08.50 6
2 Hutchings, Emma GNG 30-04.00 29-04.00 4
3 Hutchings, Alexis GNG 27-11.00 28-06.50 3
4 Lyons, Rylee Freeport HS 25-03.75 26-00.25 2
5 Robbins, Marion NYA 24-08.50 24-04.25 1
Girls 800 Meter Run OPEN DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 2:34.93 2:32.68 6
2 Whittier, Kathryn Freeport HS 2:50.80 2:47.45 4
3 Plummer, Sadie Lake Region 2:54.05 2:49.63 3
4 Spaulding, Josie Freeport HS 2:52.14 2:56.98 2
5 Carter, Caroline Freeport HS 3:00.53 3:00.22 1
6 Mullen, Emma CAPE 3:09.06 3:05.93
7 Maxwell, Sage CAPE 3:19.90 3:14.82
Girls 1 Mile Run OPEN DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Carter, Caroline Freeport HS 6:19.85 6:17.13 6
Girls 2 Mile Run OPEN DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Battarbee, Ellie Freeport HS 13:48.71 6
Girls 4×200 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION
School Seed Finals Points
1 Lake Region ‘A’ 2:05.22 2:04.57 6
2 Freeport High School ‘A’ 1:58.79 2:04.79 4
3 Traip Academy ‘A’ 2:00.33 2:11.04 2
4 Fryeburg ‘A’ 2:00.15 2:32.63
— Fryeburg ‘B’ SCR
— Traip Academy ‘B’ SCR
— Freeport High School ‘B’ X2:15.29
Girls 4×800 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION
School Seed Finals Points
1 Freeport High School ‘A’ 11:31.02 12:28.07 6
Girls Pole Vault OPEN DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Cobbs, Molly Freeport HS 10-00.00 10-00.00 6
2 Cobbs, Kate Freeport HS 8-00.00 8-00.00 4
3 Whittier, Kathryn Freeport HS 6-00.00 6-00.00 3
— Bradford, Lucy Freeport HS 9-00.00 NH
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 13-06.50 13-01.50 6
2 Brown, Ella GNG 12-08.50 13-00.75 4
3 Whittier, Elizabeth Freeport HS 13-11.00 12-10.00 3
4 Merrill, Jessica NYA 12-03.25 11-08.50 2
5 Grogan, Sadie Freeport HS 12-05.00 10-09.25 1
6 Nguyen, Hannah Fait 10-04.75 10-07.75
7 Kehl, Celia Traip 10-05.00
8 Noble, Emily CAPE 10-09.00 10-04.75
9 McGuffin, Taryn Traip 9-10.25 9-09.50
10 Koontz, Rachel Traip 10-00.00 9-09.25
11 Bouman, Ellie NYA 10-01.75 8-05.50
12 Thibodeau, Kylie GNG 8-07.00 7-11.75
13 Merrill, Celeste NYA 10-08.25 1-07.25
— Bonfiglio-Eaves, Samanth Traip 10-05.00 FOUL
— Cobbs, Kate Freeport HS FOUL
Girls Triple Jump OPEN DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 31-08.00 32-01.00 6
2 Noble, Emily CAPE 22-10.75 22-10.00 4
Boys 55 Meter Dash JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Roberts, Jakeem GNG 7.25 7.33 1 6
2 Reiling, Tony GNG 7.58 7.49 1 4
3 Chute, Braeden GNG 7.70 7.72 1 3
4 Thibodeau, Cole GNG 7.83 7.74 1 2
5 Hardin, Oliver CAPE 7.76 7.92 1 1
6 Oshetski, Andrew Freeport HS 8.01 7.95 1
7 Kutella, Ethan Lake Region 8.55 8.00 2
8 Galway, Mason Freeport HS 8.05 2
9 DiGristina, Grayson Freeport HS 7.97 8.14 1
10 Carr, Issac Traip 8.38 8.30 2
11 McFadd, Dylan CAPE 8.32 8.43 1
12 Weiss, Vollie CAPE 8.65 8.65 2
13 Gray, Dan CAPE 8.62 8.80 2
14 Ouellette, Cole GNG 8.67 8.84 2
15 Lang, Curtis GNG 8.73 8.91 2
— Hughes, Conner GNG 9.05 SCR
Boys 200 Meter Dash JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Roberts, Jakeem GNG 25.57 25.34 1 6
2 Reiling, Tony GNG 26.39 26.06 1 4
3 Maurice, Connor Traip 28.26 26.70 1 3
4 Baptiata, Arkie Fait 26.92 26.91 1 2
5 Chute, Braeden GNG 27.94 27.85 1 1
6 Thibodeau, Cole GNG 28.13 28.14 1
7 Emery, Zack Fait 28.60 28.19 2
8 DiGristina, Grayson Freeport HS 28.79 28.20 2
9 McFadd, Dylan CAPE 31.02 30.62 2
10 Carr, Issac Traip 32.20 30.74 3
11 Leo, Angelo Lake Region 31.40 31.80 2
12 Johnson, Sam Fait 32.33 31.98 3
13 Lang, Curtis GNG 31.33 32.01 2
14 Ouellette, Cole GNG 31.80 32.13 2
15 Gray, Dan CAPE 32.45 3
Boys 400 Meter Dash JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Ladd, Thomas GNG 1:00.05 58.50 6
2 O’Grady, Rory CAPE 1:01.26 59.68 4
3 Walker, Harry Freeport HS 1:03.47 1:02.38 3
4 LaVerdiere, Sam Lake Region 1:09.99 1:05.59 2
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Emery, Zack Fait 9.77 6
2 Leo, Angelo Lake Region 11.43 11.53 4
3 Kutella, Ethan Lake Region 12.07 3
— Maurice, Connor Traip DQ
Boys 4×200 Meter Relay JR DIVISION
School Seed Finals Points
1 Cape Elizabeth High School ‘A’ 1:51.85 2:00.65 6
— Gray New Gloucester High Schoo ‘A’ 1:47.36 DQ
— Traip Academy ‘A’ SCR
Boys High Jump JR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Baptiata, Arkie Fait 5-04.00 5-00.00 6
2 Emery, Zack Fait 5-00.00 4-08.00 4
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Soule, Phil GNG 33-05.00 32-02.50 6
2 Hardin, Oliver CAPE 34-00.25 32-01.50 4
3 Amos, Trevor GNG 33-08.00 31-10.75 3
4 Oshetski, Andrew Freeport HS 32-05.75 30-07.00 2
5 Galway, Mason Freeport HS 28-07.00 30-00.00 1
6 Weiss, Vollie CAPE 29-11.50 28-08.00
7 Ouellette, Cole GNG 31-08.00 28-06.75
8 Gray, Dan CAPE 27-11.00 28-04.00
9 Meeks, Cameron GNG 24-06.75 25-08.50
10 DiGristina, Grayson Freeport HS 21-06.50 21-07.00
Boys 55 Meter Dash SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Adams, Jacob Fait 7.11 7.17 1 6
2 Graver, Alex Freeport HS 7.28 7.31 1 4
3 Gustafson, Oscar CAPE 7.47 7.33 1 3
4 Knighton, Jordan Freeport HS 7.49 7.48 1 2
5 Victor, Jayden Fait 7.33 7.52 1 1
6 Thomas, Wyatt NYA 7.55 7.57 1
7 Ashe, Robby CAPE 7.63 7.62 1
8 Rannalleti, Ridge Freeport HS 7.64 7.69 2
9 Riggs, Mason Freeport HS 7.63 7.69 2
10 Simmons, Eric Freeport HS 7.55 7.72 1
11 St. John, Ben Freeport HS 7.87 7.78 2
12 Wignall, Alex NYA 7.70 7.78 2
13 McGrath, Padric Fait 7.72 7.89 2
14 Williamson, Ian Freeport HS 7.99 7.95 3
15 Dunham, William Freeport HS 8.15 8.02 3
16 Rapkin-Stiles, Ethan NYA 8.13 3
17 Jacobs, Kaiden Freeport HS 8.33 8.36 3
Boys 200 Meter Dash SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Jensen, Joseph Fait 25.12 25.37 1 6
2 Graver, Alex Freeport HS 25.32 25.94 1 4
3 Simmons, Eric Freeport HS 25.62 26.19 1 3
4 Riggs, Mason Freeport HS 26.75 26.45 1 2
5 Victor, Jayden Fait 26.22 26.49 1 1
6 Knighton, Jordan Freeport HS 26.87 26.50 2
7 Rannalleti, Ridge Freeport HS 27.39 27.13 2
8 Wignall, Alex NYA 28.50 28.23 3
9 Dunham, William Freeport HS 29.15 28.92 3
10 Burgess, Joseph GNG 28.85 28.99 3
11 Jacobs, Kaiden Freeport HS 28.49 29.36 3
12 Rapkin-Stiles, Ethan NYA 30.31 3
13 Kulyk, Kevin Traip 32.00 32.01 3
— Adams, Jacob Fait 24.75 DQ 1
— Silander, Noah NYA 30.67 SCR
— Choi, Christopher CAPE 31.59 SCR
Boys 400 Meter Dash SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Charlebois, Bowen CAPE 58.96 58.84 6
2 Grimm, Ben Freeport HS 59.02 1:00.75 4
3 Burgess, Joseph GNG 1:02.00 3
4 Thomas, Wyatt NYA 1:07.97 1:07.71 2
Boys High Jump SR DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Horne, Henry Freeport HS 6-00.00 5-08.00 6
2 Leighton, Matthew CAPE 5-06.00 5-06.00 4
3 Rannalleti, Ridge Freeport HS 5-04.00 5-04.00 3
4 Knighton, Jordan Freeport HS 5-02.00 2
5 Gronlund, Ezra Lake Region 4-10.00 4-10.00 1
— Grimm, Ben Freeport HS 4-10.00 NH
— O’Sullivan, Ryan CAPE 5-00.00 NH
— Riggs, Mason Freeport HS 4-10.00 NH
— Jacobs, Kaiden Freeport HS NH
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Gray, Tommy CAPE 43-11.25 42-10.25 6
2 MacCallum, Max GNG 44-03.50 42-06.75 4
3 McGrath, Padric Fait 36-09.25 35-11.50 3
4 Choi, Christopher CAPE 28-07.25 29-04.25 2
5 Noonan, Chris CAPE 31-04.50 25-00.50 1
6 Rollins, Bowman Traip 14-03.50 16-05.50
Boys 800 Meter Run OPEN DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Horne, Henry Freeport HS 2:07.27 2:09.60 6
2 Patry, Owen CAPE 2:11.90 2:10.39 4
3 Abrahamsen, Carter CAPE 2:17.36 2:12.50 3
4 Gronlund, Ezra Lake Region 2:22.51 2:25.32 2
5 DiRusso, Jack Freeport HS 2:34.53 2:30.23 1
6 Guimarro, Jackson Freeport HS 2:27.93 2:30.44
7 Morris, Sam Freeport HS 2:38.58 2:30.94
8 Spaulding, Will Freeport HS 2:29.65 2:31.34
9 Walker, Harry Freeport HS 2:36.30 2:34.00
10 Rollins, Bowman Traip 2:53.88 2:59.88
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Spaulding, Will Freeport HS 5:05.49 5:24.10 6
2 Ashe, Nathan CAPE 5:12.00 5:31.63 4
3 Morris, Finn CAPE 5:41.09 5:40.29 3
4 Johnson, Sam Fait 6:03.69 6:10.51 2
5 Cormier, Tristan Lake Region 6:06.69 6:10.64 1
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 LaVerdiere, Sam Lake Region 12:17.10 12:00.66 6
2 Gerry, Preston GNG 12:00.83 4
3 Gerry, Gavin GNG 13:15.63 3
Boys 4×200 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION
School Seed Finals H# Points
— Cape Elizabeth High School ‘A’ 1:51.85 SCR
— North Yarmouth Academy ‘A’ 1:51.04 SCR
Boys 4×800 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION
School Seed Finals Points
1 Freeport High School ‘A’ 9:02.10 9:50.81 6
2 Lake Region ‘A’ 10:16.86 4
3 Cape Elizabeth High School ‘A’ 9:25.17 10:31.05 2
4 Gray New Gloucester High Schoo ‘A’ 10:29.64 11:03.47
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Perry, Reece Freeport HS 11-00.00 11-03.00 6
2 St. John, Ben Freeport HS 8-06.00 8-06.00 4
3 Guimarro, Jackson Freeport HS 8-06.00 8-00.00 3
4 Galway, Mason Freeport HS 7-00.00 J8-00.00 2
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Adams, Jacob Fait 21-01.25 19-02.50 6
2 Gustafson, Oscar CAPE 16-10.50 17-01.00 4
3 Simmons, Eric Freeport HS 18-04.50 16-11.00 3
4 Jensen, Joseph Fait 16-06.00 16-09.25 2
5 Thomas, Wyatt NYA 14-06.50 14-10.00 1
6 Thibodeau, Cole GNG 12-10.50 14-03.50
7 Wignall, Alex NYA 13-06.25
8 Kutella, Ethan Lake Region 13-02.00 12-10.00
9 Leo, Angelo Lake Region 13-03.00 12-08.50
10 Carr, Issac Traip 12-03.00
— Lang, Curtis GNG 13-10.00 FOUL
Boys Triple Jump OPEN DIVISION
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Gustafson, Oscar CAPE 36-07.00 36-04.00 6
2 Maurice, Connor Traip 32-09.50 31-00.75 4
3 Ladd, Thomas GNG 29-09.00 3
Female Team Scores
Place School Points
1 Freeport High School FREE 95
2 Lake Region LKRG 48
3 Cape Elizabeth High School CAPE 42
4 Gray New Gloucester High Schoo GNG 30
5 Traip Academy TRP 26
6 North Yarmouth Academy NYA 15
7 Fryeburg FRYE 5
Male Team Scores
Place School Points
1 Freeport High School FREE 73
2 Cape Elizabeth High School CAPE 63
3 Gray New Gloucester High Schoo GNG 58
4 Fryeburg FRYE 45
5 Lake Region LKRG 23
6 Traip Academy TRP 7
7 North Yarmouth Academy NYA 3
WMC WEEK 4 – 1/28/2022
May 8, 2021
WMC: Sacopee, Fryeburg, Lake Region @ Poland 2021
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HY-TEK’s Meet Manager 5/8/2021 02:42 PM
POLAND – 5/8/2021
Girls 100 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points