Maine Running Photos Running Photos & Video Across the State of Maine

May 7, 2024


  • Raw Results
  • We do not have file photos of all the winners & in a few cases might not been posted as the winner of their events.
    CNY_3973  Abigail RobertsTWB_6065 Finn Morrisstart girls846 Rahel DelaneyDOM_0325 Sam LaVerdiere

    October 5, 2023

    WMC XC Meet @ ST Doms Auburn

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 9:54 pm

    DOM_0325 Sam LaVerdiereDOM_0075  Abigail Roberts

  • Shared Albums Courtesy of David Colby Young
  • St. Doms bib list
  • St. Doms XC Meet Results
  • September 27, 2023

    WMC XC Meet Lake Region, Fryeburg, St Dominic, Sacopee Valley

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 5:54 pm

    WMC_5205 Sam LaVerdiereCNY_3973  Abigail Roberts

    Lake Region, Fryeburg, St Dominic, Sacopee Valley – GirlsBoys


  • Photos to View Courtesy of MyShotphotography of Lake Region
  • Maine Mile Split from 22 Sept 2023
  • September 22, 2023

    September 22, 2023 Lake Region, Gray-New Gloucester, York, Greely, Waynflete, Fryeburg

    September 22, 2023Lake Region, Gray-New Gloucester, York, Greely, Waynflete, Fryeburg – GirlsBoysLake Region
  • Shared Photos View or Buy courtesy of My Shot Photography Youth Sports Photography in Maine
  • August 31, 2023

    2023 Lake Region Rumble 2023 @ Gray New Gloucester

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 6:01 pm

    File photos only

    CNY_4288  Carter LibbyCNY_3973  Abigail Roberts
    Down East Sports Timing – Contractor License HY-TEK’s Meet Manager
    LAKE REGION RUMBLE – 8/31/2023
    Last Completed Event

    Event 1 Girls 5k Run CC
    Name Year School Finals Points
    1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 21:55.31 1
    2 Knowles, Mirabelle Fryeburg Academy 24:51.03 2
    3 Harris, Skylar Waynflete School 24:51.28 3
    4 Kramer, Leah Waynflete School 25:09.28 4
    5 Mechtenberg, Maeve Waynflete School 25:40.44 5
    6 Daum, Charlotte Waynflete School 26:10.06 6
    7 Plummer, Sadie Lake Region 26:19.38 7
    8 Macht, Isabel Fryeburg Academy 26:20.00 8
    9 Bartlett, Emily Poland Regio 26:29.44 9
    10 Webster, Molly Lake Region 26:34.02 10
    11 Corriveau, Brianna Poland Regio 27:17.53 11
    12 Demelia, Autumn Poland Regio 27:47.00 12
    13 Linehan, Kestrel Waynflete School 28:00.91 13
    14 Rogers, Maya Waynflete School 28:04.37 14
    15 Hood, Kayleigh Poland Regio 28:15.25 15
    16 Morello, Elianna Poland Regio 29:57.25 16
    17 Long, Madelyn Lake Region 32:49.56 17
    18 Stiffler, Kimberly Lake Region 33:01.50 18
    19 Cormier, Sage Lake Region 33:21.62 19
    20 Lawson, Lana Waynflete School 33:45.41 20
    21 Bachman, Annabelle Fryeburg Academy 33:45.66 21
    22 Brennan, Lily Waynflete School 33:59.56
    23 Warren, Danielle Poland Regio 34:52.22 22
    24 Fanning, Gloria Waynflete School 35:05.31
    25 Albert, Maggie Fryeburg Academy 35:53.25 23
    26 Parlin, Vanessa Gray New Glo 36:29.62
    27 Stumpf Artero, Barbara Fryeburg Academy 36:45.59 24
    28 Lougee, Trixie Fryeburg Academy 37:25.03 25
    29 Choi, Jiawon Fryeburg Academy 43:54.00 26

    Team Scores
    Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
    1 Waynflete School 31 3 4 5 6 13 14 20
    Total Time: 2:09:51.97
    Average: 25:58.40
    2 Lake Region High School 53 1 7 10 17 18 19
    Total Time: 2:20:39.77
    Average: 28:07.96
    3 Poland Regional High Scho 63 9 11 12 15 16 22
    Total Time: 2:19:46.47
    Average: 27:57.30
    4 Fryeburg Academy 78 2 8 21 23 24 25 26
    Total Time: 2:37:35.53
    Average: 31:31.11

    Down East Sports Timing – Contractor License HY-TEK’s Meet Manager
    LAKE REGION RUMBLE – 8/31/2023
    Last Completed Event

    Event 2 Boys 5k Run CC
    Name Year School Finals Points
    1 Libby, Carter Gray New Glo 17:17.00 1
    2 Laverdiere, Sam Lake Region 17:18.00 2
    3 Tucker, Bhavnish Lake Region 18:37.00 3
    4 Gerry, Preston Gray New Glo 18:55.00 4
    5 Crosby, Pi Waynflete School 18:59.00 5
    6 Barmby, Will Waynflete School 19:25.00 6
    7 Gerry, Gavin Gray New Glo 19:43.00 7
    8 Bsullak, Johnny Poland Regio 19:45.00 8
    9 Libby, Jackson Gray New Glo 19:56.00 9
    10 Mitchell, Colby Gray New Glo 20:19.00 10
    11 Clarke, Michael Lake Region 21:02.00 11
    12 Baptista, Arkie Fryeburg Academy 21:09.00
    13 Falcon, Domenico Lake Region 21:09.40 12
    14 Doyle, Harper Poland Regio 22:02.00 13
    15 Kelly, Ryan Poland Regio 22:08.00 14
    16 Lamb, Riley Poland Regio 22:21.00 15
    17 Scribner, Tyler Gray New Glo 22:22.00 16
    18 Nelson, Colton Waynflete School 22:23.00 17
    19 Bassett, Lucian Lake Region 22:25.00 18
    20 Lougee, James Fryeburg Academy 22:26.00
    21 Kutella, Ethan Lake Region 22:28.00 19
    22 Dionne, George Poland Regio 22:40.00 20
    23 Castonguay, Ethan Poland Regio 22:41.00 21
    24 Tibbetts, Jr Poland Regio 22:57.00 22
    25 Reiling, Tony Gray New Glo 23:45.00 23
    26 Maffei, Zachary Poland Regio 24:18.00
    27 Curcio, Peter Gray New Glo 24:47.00
    28 Southall, Soren Waynflete School 24:50.00 24
    29 Adams, Wyatt Waynflete School 24:51.00 25
    30 Rawlins, Lorin Waynflete School 24:51.40 26
    31 McKenney, Ryan Lake Region 24:59.00 27
    32 Kramer, Caleb Waynflete School 25:02.00 28
    33 Lunt, Gabriel Lake Region 25:04.00
    34 Jines, Jayden Lake Region 25:13.00
    35 Michaud, Cayden Poland Regio 26:24.00
    36 Clark, Lincoln Waynflete School 26:36.00
    37 Fuller, Benny Poland Regio 27:20.00
    38 Jaronczyk, Daniel Lake Region 27:31.00
    39 Klein, Averey Lake Region 28:11.00
    40 Adams, Asa Waynflete School 28:59.00
    41 Douglas, Kirby Waynflete School 29:27.00
    42 Foss, Lucas Poland Regio 31:21.00
    43 Swanson, Declan Gray New Glo 32:45.00
    44 LaVallee, Neal Gray New Glo 35:14.00
    45 Comeau, Ben Poland Regio 36:37.00
    46 Farrell, David Poland Regio 36:41.00
    47 Hebert, Odin Lake Region 38:23.00
    48 D’Auteuil, Brayden Poland Regio 42:27.00

    Team Scores
    Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
    1 Gray New Gloucester High 31 1 4 7 9 10 16 23
    Total Time: 1:36:10.00
    Average: 19:14.00
    2 Lake Region High School 46 2 3 11 12 18 19 27
    Total Time: 1:40:31.40
    Average: 20:06.28
    3 Poland Regional High Scho 70 8 13 14 15 20 21 22
    Total Time: 1:48:56.00
    Average: 21:47.20
    4 Waynflete School 77 5 6 17 24 25 26 28
    Total Time: 1:50:28.00
    Average: 22:05.60

    August 26, 2023

    Dan Dors Invitational 2023

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 12:39 pm
  • Shared Albums Courtesy of David Colby Young
  • Dan Dors Invitational 2023 Bib list

  • CNY_4288  Carter LibbyCNY_3973  Abigail Roberts

  • More photos Shared Courtesy of My Shot Photography
    Youth Sports Photography in Maine
  • Two more photographers might shared their photos later

  • ME Mile Split Photos Members only ~ Pay for view

    December 20, 2022

    2022 Dec 20 WMC Pre-Season Meet “December Jam”

    December 20, 2022WMC Pre-Season Meet

    Licensed to Pine Tree Race Services – Contractor License
    HY-TEK’s Meet Manager 12/20/2022 07:58 PM
    December Jam Indoor Track Meet – 12/20/2022
    University of Southern Maine

    Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name Year School Finals H#
    1 Noble, Abby Yarmouth Hig 7.87 1
    2 Boudreau, Lizalyn Freeport Hig 7.99 1
    3 Riggs, Lucy Freeport Hig 8.05 1
    4 Lawwill, Julia Yarmouth Hig 8.31 1
    5 Groves, Rachel Yarmouth Hig 8.36 1
    6 Bouse, Abbie Yarmouth Hig 8.38 1
    7 Brewer, Hailey Lake Region 8.39 2
    8 Brown, Ella Gray New Glo 8.40 1
    9 Chase-Lessard, Lyedin Gray New Glo 8.57 5
    10 Harlow, Marissa Lake Region 8.66 2
    11 Lerette, Maisie Gray New Glo 8.74 2
    12 Cain, Bryn Yarmouth Hig 8.78 6
    13 Stiffler, Kimberly Lake Region 8.82 3
    14 Mulumbo, Priscilla Yarmouth Hig 8.84 5
    15 Lynch, Jennah Gray New Glo 8.93 2
    16 Rose, Barrett Freeport Hig 9.00 1
    17 MacDonald, Skylar Freeport Hig 9.02 3
    18 Rich, Cat Yarmouth Hig 9.03 6
    19 Hunt, Sisi Yarmouth Hig 9.05 5
    20 Thibodeau, Kylie Gray New Glo 9.09 3
    21 Abbott, Brooke Yarmouth Hig 9.13 3
    21 Wright, Chloe Yarmouth Hig 9.13 5
    23 Austin, Ava Gray New Glo 9.22 6
    24 Romeo, Nina Yarmouth Hig 9.27 3
    25 Long, Madelyn Lake Region 9.29 3
    26 Knight, Madeline Freeport Hig 9.36 3
    27 Miller, Ali Yarmouth Hig 9.38 5
    28 Abbott, Shea Yarmouth Hig 9.50 3
    29 Coolidge, Catelyn Yarmouth Hig 9.56 6
    30 Siebert, Hanna Lake Region 9.61 4
    31 Samantha, Poulin Gray New Glo 9.62 6
    32 Lemont, Hope Poland Regio 9.73 5
    33 Borkowski, Abby Poland Regio 9.77 4
    34 Knight, Annie Freeport Hig 9.80 2
    35 Noyes, Savannah Poland Regio 9.81 4
    36 Mantle, Emily Yarmouth Hig 9.85 4
    37 Polstein, Annie Yarmouth Hig 9.88 6
    38 Durkin, Caroline Freeport Hig 9.89 2
    39 Thompson, Lilah Gray New Glo 9.98 6
    40 Shepard, Madison Lake Region 10.01 4
    41 Gobel, Olivia Poland Regio 10.06 5
    41 Napuli, Gianna Yarmouth Hig 10.06 4
    43 Kluck, Elara Gray New Glo 10.22 5
    44 Cricones, Alexia Lake Region 10.42 4
    45 Lane, Kaitlin Lake Region 10.56 4
    46 MacDonald, Ella Freeport Hig 11.42 2

    Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name Year School Finals H#
    1 Noble, Abby Yarmouth Hig 28.66 7
    2 Boudreau, Lizalyn Freeport Hig 29.24 6
    3 Riggs, Lucy Freeport Hig 29.28 7
    4 Johnson, Campbell Lake Region 29.40 7
    5 Hornschild-Bear, Mia Freeport Hig 30.76 7
    6 Oranellas, Taylor Yarmouth Hig 31.06 7
    7 Brewer, Hailey Lake Region 31.50 6
    8 Cain, Bryn Yarmouth Hig 32.33 2
    9 Battarbee, Kate Freeport Hig 32.34 6
    10 Lerette, Maisie Gray New Glo 32.72 5
    10 Bradford, Lucy Freeport Hig 32.72 6
    10 Mulumbo, Priscilla Yarmouth Hig 32.72 1
    13 MacDonald, Skylar Freeport Hig 32.81 4
    14 Stiffler, Kimberly Lake Region 33.54 3
    15 Lynch, Jennah Gray New Glo 33.72 6
    16 Lawwill, Julia Yarmouth Hig 33.78 5
    17 Abbott, Brooke Yarmouth Hig 33.84 4
    18 Moore, Lia Freeport Hig 33.98 7
    19 Austin, Ava Gray New Glo 34.03 1
    20 Long, Madelyn Lake Region 34.06 3
    21 Knight, Madeline Freeport Hig 34.12 4
    22 MacDonald, Ella Freeport Hig 34.14 5
    23 Thibodeau, Kylie Gray New Glo 34.22 4
    24 Hunt, Sisi Yarmouth Hig 34.58 2
    25 Romeo, Nina Yarmouth Hig 35.86 3
    26 Knight, Annie Freeport Hig 36.25 4
    27 Siebert, Hanna Lake Region 36.65 3
    28 Abbott, Shea Yarmouth Hig 36.85 3
    29 Polstein, Annie Yarmouth Hig 36.98 1
    30 Durkin, Caroline Freeport Hig 37.20 5
    31 Warren, Danielle Poland Regio 37.39 2
    32 Thompson, Lilah Gray New Glo 38.23 2
    33 Kluck, Elara Gray New Glo 38.74 1

    Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name Year School Finals H#
    1 Boudreau, Lizalyn Freeport Hig 1:04.46 2
    2 Oranellas, Taylor Yarmouth Hig 1:09.33 2
    3 Chase-Lessard, Lyedin Gray New Glo 1:12.56 1
    4 Demelia, Autumn Poland Regio 1:13.23 1
    5 Dougherty, Tessa Yarmouth Hig 1:13.87 2
    6 Benner, Kessa Freeport Hig 1:16.80 2
    7 Moore, Lia Freeport Hig 1:17.40 2
    8 Warren, Danielle Poland Regio 1:31.50 1

    Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 2:34.51
    2 Penney, Esther Freeport Hig 2:41.90
    3 Grimnes, Eliza Yarmouth Hig 2:41.94
    4 DiRusso, Lana Freeport Hig 2:46.90
    5 Spaulding, Josie Freeport Hig 2:47.02
    6 McKenzie, Sara Yarmouth Hig 3:38.85

    Girls 1 Mile Run
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 5:39.07
    2 Bartlett, Emily Poland Regio 6:11.01
    3 Carter, Caroline Freeport Hig 6:14.01
    4 Battarbee, Ellie Freeport Hig 6:15.66
    5 Corriveau, Brianna Poland Regio 6:39.52

    Girls 2 Mile Run
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Bartlett, Emily Poland Regio 14:59.29
    2 Corriveau, Brianna Poland Regio 15:06.00

    Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Bradford, Lucy Freeport Hig 10.90
    2 Baker-Schlendering, Aver Freeport Hig 11.10
    3 Patriquin, Sara Gray New Glo 11.33
    4 Rose, Barrett Freeport Hig 11.46
    5 Polstein, Annie Yarmouth Hig 12.66
    6 Richardson, Jahkera Poland Regio 13.11

    Girls 4×200 Meter Relay
    School Finals H#
    1 Freeport High School 2:04.69 1
    2 Lake Region High School 2:07.02 2
    1) Brewer, Hailey 2) Harlow, Marissa
    3) Johnson, Campbell 4) Roberts, Abigail
    3 Freeport High School ‘B’ 2:11.10 2
    4 Yarmouth High School 2:13.13 2
    5 Gray New Gloucester High Schoo 2:13.18 2
    1) Austin, Ava 2) Lerette, Maisie
    3) Lynch, Jennah 4) Patriquin, Sara
    6 Gray New Gloucester High Schoo ‘B’ 2:24.85 2
    7 Poland Regional High School 2:25.94 1
    1) Borkowski, Abby 2) Demelia, Autumn
    3) Gobel, Olivia 4) Lemont, Hope

    Girls High Jump
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Johnson, Campbell Lake Region 5-00.00
    2 Baker-Schlendering, Aver Freeport Hig 4-08.00
    3 Patriquin, Sara Gray New Glo 4-06.00
    4 Dougherty, Tessa Yarmouth Hig 4-06.00
    5 Harlow, Marissa Lake Region 3-10.00

    Girls Pole Vault
    Name Year School Finals
    — Bowman, Ingrid Yarmouth Hig NH
    — Benner, Kessa Freeport Hig NH

    Girls Long Jump
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Johnson, Campbell Lake Region 14-10.75
    2 Patriquin, Sara Gray New Glo 14-04.50
    3 Lawwill, Julia Yarmouth Hig 13-08.75
    4 Noble, Abby Yarmouth Hig 13-07.50
    5 Bouse, Abbie Yarmouth Hig 13-05.00
    6 Brown, Ella Gray New Glo 13-04.50
    7 Chase-Lessard, Lyedin Gray New Glo 11-03.75
    8 Coolidge, Catelyn Yarmouth Hig 10-04.00
    9 Cricones, Alexia Lake Region 8-07.00
    10 McGrath, Chelsea Yarmouth Hig 7-11.50
    11 Napuli, Gianna Yarmouth Hig 7-11.00
    12 Thibodeau, Kylie Gray New Glo 7-08.00

    Girls Triple Jump
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Hunt, Sisi Yarmouth Hig 26-08.00
    2 Wright, Chloe Yarmouth Hig 24-10.00
    3 Polstein, Annie Yarmouth Hig 21-04.00
    3 Miller, Ali Yarmouth Hig 21-04.00

    Girls Shot Put
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Piper, Lorenza Gray New Glo 32-10.00
    2 Butsch, Emma Yarmouth Hig 30-02.50
    3 Hutchings, Emma Gray New Glo 29-09.50
    4 Hutchings, Alexis Gray New Glo 29-04.50
    5 Jutras, Ava Yarmouth Hig 25-07.50
    6 Samantha, Poulin Gray New Glo 21-05.00
    7 Shepard, Madison Lake Region 21-04.00
    8 Lane, Kaitlin Lake Region 18-01.00
    9 Siebert, Hanna Lake Region 18-00.00
    10 Borkowski, Abby Poland Regio 15-08.00
    11 Cricones, Alexia Lake Region 15-07.00

    Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name Year School Finals H#
    1 Garey, Nick Poland Regio 6.91 1
    2 Dougherty, Harry Yarmouth Hig 6.93 5
    2 Merrill, Wes Yarmouth Hig 6.93 1
    4 Garey, Nolan Poland Regio 6.97 4
    5 Knighton, Jordan Freeport Hig 7.13 1
    6 Hatton, Tristan Freeport Hig 7.28 2
    7 Ditanduka, Israel Freeport Hig 7.30 1
    8 Gilbert, Max Yarmouth Hig 7.34 1
    9 Perry, Reece Freeport Hig 7.35 2
    10 Chute, Braeden Gray New Glo 7.46 2
    11 Jiang, Steven Yarmouth Hig 7.51 2
    12 Ferrell, Caleb Yarmouth Hig 7.54 6
    13 Riggs, Mason Freeport Hig 7.55 1
    14 Cardoso, Luis Yarmouth Hig 7.56 5
    15 Ting, Colby Yarmouth Hig 7.57 1
    15 Demuth, Cohen Poland Regio 7.57 4
    17 Bindas, Zac Yarmouth Hig 7.59 6
    18 Thibodeau, Cole Gray New Glo 7.65 2
    19 Rouleau, Michael Freeport Hig 7.71 3
    20 Sands, Alerick Poland Regio 7.76 3
    21 Abbott, Stephen Yarmouth Hig 7.78 3
    22 Noble, Sean Lake Region 7.79 3
    23 Gardner, Sam Yarmouth Hig 7.85 2
    24 Oshetski, Andrew Freeport Hig 7.88 2
    24 Dunham, William Freeport Hig 7.88 3
    26 Dickson, Sam Yarmouth Hig 7.93 5
    27 Machino, Jacob Gray New Glo 8.00 4
    28 Williamson, Ian Freeport Hig 8.06 2
    29 Galway, Mason Freeport Hig 8.14 3
    30 Langlois, Ryan Poland Regio 8.29 4
    31 Webb, Aidan Poland Regio 8.31 5
    32 Dugan, Noah Freeport Hig 8.36 3
    33 Muayad, Abdul Yarmouth Hig 8.44 5
    34 Lang, Curtis Gray New Glo 8.48 4
    35 Ouellette, Cole Gray New Glo 8.62 3
    36 Lafrinea, Dodge Poland Regio 8.68 4
    37 O’Driscoll, Nolan Poland Regio 8.87 4
    38 Brown, Brayden Poland Regio 8.91 6

    Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name Year School Finals H#
    1 Dougherty, Harry Yarmouth Hig 24.73 2
    2 Ditanduka, Israel Freeport Hig 25.60 5
    3 Hatton, Tristan Freeport Hig 26.26 5
    4 Gilbert, Max Yarmouth Hig 26.38 4
    5 Demuth, Cohen Poland Regio 26.42 2
    6 Riggs, Mason Freeport Hig 26.70 5
    7 Bindas, Zac Yarmouth Hig 26.94 1
    8 Chute, Braeden Gray New Glo 27.08 4
    9 Ting, Colby Yarmouth Hig 27.10 5
    10 Jiang, Steven Yarmouth Hig 27.20 5
    11 Dickson, Sam Yarmouth Hig 27.45 2
    12 Thibodeau, Cole Gray New Glo 27.78 4
    13 Sands, Alerick Poland Regio 27.80 3
    14 Mulumbo, Marcelino Yarmouth Hig 28.22 1
    15 Gardner, Sam Yarmouth Hig 28.32 4
    16 Burns, Tyler Freeport Hig 28.33 4
    16 Castonguay, Ethan Poland Regio 28.33 1
    18 Abbott, Stephen Yarmouth Hig 28.41 3
    19 Dunham, William Freeport Hig 28.63 4
    20 Noble, Sean Lake Region 28.84 3
    21 Burgess, Joe Gray New Glo 29.22 3
    22 Lang, Curtis Gray New Glo 30.71 3
    23 Webb, Aidan Poland Regio 30.76 2
    24 Ouellette, Cole Gray New Glo 31.12 3
    25 Dionne, George Poland Regio 31.20 1
    26 Muayad, Abdul Yarmouth Hig 31.39 2
    27 O’Driscoll, Nolan Poland Regio 32.99 2
    — Garey, Nick Poland Regio FS 5

    Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name Year School Finals H#
    1 Horne, Henry Freeport Hig 54.73 2
    2 Knighton, Jordan Freeport Hig 57.07 2
    3 Freitas, Alecssander Lake Region 58.76 2
    4 Hatton, Tristan Freeport Hig 1:02.00 2
    5 Williamson, Ian Freeport Hig 1:02.69 2
    6 Castonguay, Ethan Poland Regio 1:03.14 1
    7 Spearrin, Taylor Lake Region 1:05.99 1

    Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Moore, Ian Freeport Hig 2:14.23
    2 Gronlund, Ezra Lake Region 2:17.32
    3 Leinwand, Joshua Yarmouth Hig 2:19.61
    4 Walker, Harry Freeport Hig 2:20.44
    5 Burgess, Joe Gray New Glo 2:21.14
    6 Tippie, Noah Yarmouth Hig 2:46.07
    7 Dionne, George Poland Regio 2:46.39
    8 Lamb, Riley Poland Regio 3:03.09

    Boys 1 Mile Run
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Moore, Ian Freeport Hig 4:57.61
    2 Spaulding, Will Freeport Hig 4:58.23
    3 Kemp, Grady Lake Region 5:02.94
    4 Gerry, Preston Gray New Glo 5:03.17
    5 Morris, Sam Freeport Hig 5:14.46
    6 Pires, Nathan Yarmouth Hig 5:23.09
    7 Pendleton, Isaac Yarmouth Hig 5:31.40
    8 Tippie, Noah Yarmouth Hig 5:44.43
    9 Owen, Jeffrey Yarmouth Hig 5:44.85
    10 Cormier, Tristan Lake Region 5:50.42
    11 Lamb, Riley Poland Regio 5:59.71
    12 Dugan, Noah Freeport Hig 6:15.67
    13 Dunham, Sam Freeport Hig 6:18.68
    14 Thompson, Sam Yarmouth Hig 7:10.23

    Boys 2 Mile Run
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Gerry, Preston Gray New Glo 11:30.24
    2 Gerry, Gavin Gray New Glo 11:48.53
    3 Pires, Nathan Yarmouth Hig 11:52.94
    4 Maffei, Zachary Poland Regio 12:11.00
    5 Pendleton, Isaac Yarmouth Hig 12:13.29
    6 Cormier, Tristan Lake Region 12:18.44

    Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Garey, Nolan Poland Regio 8.00
    2 Freitas, Alecssander Lake Region 10.04
    3 Ting, Colby Yarmouth Hig 11.17
    4 Dionne, George Poland Regio 12.10

    Boys 4×200 Meter Relay
    School Finals H#
    1 Freeport High School 1:41.90 2
    2 Poland Regional High School 1:42.26 1
    1) Garey, Nick 2) Demuth, Cohen
    3) Garey, Nolan 4) Sands, Alerick
    3 Yarmouth High School 1:42.68 1
    4 Lake Region High School 1:48.55 2
    1) Canilao, Jay Mar 2) Freitas, Alecssander
    3) Gronlund, Ezra 4) Kemp, Grady
    5 Freeport High School ‘B’ 1:49.33 2
    6 Gray New Gloucester High Schoo 1:59.45 1
    1) Burgess, Joe 2) Gerry, Preston
    3) Gerry, Gavin 4) Ouellette, Cole

    Boys High Jump
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Horne, Henry Freeport Hig 6-00.00
    2 Knighton, Jordan Freeport Hig 5-08.00
    3 Webber, Brady Freeport Hig 5-02.00
    4 Spearrin, Taylor Lake Region 5-02.00
    5 Gronlund, Ezra Lake Region 5-00.00

    Boys Pole Vault
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Perry, Reece Freeport Hig 13-05.00
    2 Ting, Colby Yarmouth Hig 9-00.00
    3 Galway, Mason Freeport Hig 9-00.00
    4 DiRusso, Jack Freeport Hig 7-09.00
    5 Creamer, Greyson Freeport Hig 7-00.00
    — Webber, Brady Freeport Hig NH
    — Dugan, Noah Freeport Hig NH

    Boys Long Jump
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Dougherty, Harry Yarmouth Hig 19-03.50
    2 Langlois, Cadyn Poland Regio 18-08.00
    3 Jiang, Steven Yarmouth Hig 16-00.75
    4 Burns, Tyler Freeport Hig 15-05.50
    5 Mulumbo, Marcelino Yarmouth Hig 14-06.50
    6 Rouleau, Michael Freeport Hig 14-03.00
    7 Lang, Curtis Gray New Glo 14-02.50
    8 Tippie, Noah Yarmouth Hig 13-10.50
    9 Owen, Jeffrey Yarmouth Hig 11-06.25

    Boys Triple Jump
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Burns, Tyler Freeport Hig 32-08.00
    2 Jiang, Steven Yarmouth Hig 32-02.00
    3 Paulu, Ryan Yarmouth Hig 31-01.00

    Boys Shot Put
    Name Year School Finals
    1 Oshetski, Andrew Freeport Hig 37-01.00
    2 Graver, Alex Freeport Hig 37-01.00
    3 Amos, Trevor Gray New Glo 35-01.00
    4 Ouellette, Cole Gray New Glo 33-04.50
    5 Soule, Philip Gray New Glo 33-01.00
    6 Galway, Mason Freeport Hig 31-11.00
    7 Machino, Jacob Gray New Glo 31-00.50
    8 Noble, Sean Lake Region 29-08.00
    9 Paulu, Ryan Yarmouth Hig 29-04.00
    10 Meek, Cameron Gray New Glo 28-10.50
    11 Kamm, Owen Yarmouth Hig 28-09.00
    12 Muayad, Abdul Yarmouth Hig 28-00.00
    13 Lafrinea, Dodge Poland Regio 27-09.50
    14 Oakes, Michael Yarmouth Hig 27-04.00
    15 Rouleau, Michael Freeport Hig 27-02.00
    16 O’Driscoll, Nolan Poland Regio 26-05.50
    17 Johnson, Noah Gray New Glo 26-01.00

    Women – Team Rankings – 13 Events Scored
    1) Yarmouth High School 107 2) Freeport High School 105
    3) Lake Region High School 54 4) Gray New Gloucester High 52
    5) Poland Regional High Schoo 35

    Men – Team Rankings – 13 Events Scored
    1) Freeport High School 166 2) Yarmouth High School 96
    3) Poland Regional High Schoo 51 4) Lake Region High School 39
    5) Gray New Gloucester High S 38

    August 27, 2022

    Dan Dors Invitational 2022 ~ Aug 27, 2022

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 4:33 pm

    BRK_3077  Sam LaVerdiereBRK_3435 Abigail Roberts
    Dan Dors Invitational 2022
    Aug 27, 2022
    Lake Region HS XC Course
    Naples, ME
    3:00PM Boys Start

  • Boys Photos

  • Girls Meet Photos
  • Hosted by Lake Region MS
    Down East Sports Timing – Contractor License HY-TEK’s Meet Manager
    LAKE REGION – 8/27/2022
    Last Completed Event

    Event 2 Boys 5k Run CC
    Name Year School Finals Points
    1 Laverdiere, Sam Lake Region 17:14.80 1
    2 Libby, Carter Gray New Glo 17:52.00 2
    3 Kemp, Grady Lake Region 18:55.00 3
    4 Tucker, Bhavnish Lake Region 19:08.00 4
    5 Joly, Graden Windham High School 19:10.00 5
    6 Gerry, Preston Gray New Glo 19:29.00 6
    7 Burgess, Joe Gray New Glo 19:30.00 7
    8 Bsullak, Johnny Poland 19:41.00 8
    9 Young, Caleb Windham High School 19:44.00 9
    10 Schneider, Evan Old Orchard Beac 19:47.00 10
    11 Gerry, Gavin Gray New Glo 19:53.00 11
    12 Young, Andrew Windham High School 20:49.00 12
    13 Baptiata, Arkie Fryeburg Academy 21:09.0

    January 28, 2022

    1/28/2022 11:27 PM
    WMC WEEK 4 – 1/28/2022

  • Photos Courtesy of David Colby Young
  • Girls 55 Meter Dash JR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points

    1 Riggs, Lucy Freeport HS 8.14 8.19 1 6
    2 Brown, Ella GNG 8.51 8.50 1 4
    3 Rickman, Piper CAPE 8.36 8.56 1 3
    4 Harlow, Marissa Lake Region 9.40 8.68 2 2
    5 Bolduc, Hannah GNG 8.79 8.86 1 1
    6 Noble, Emily CAPE 8.98 8.88 1
    7 Albertini, Norah Freeport HS 9.00 8.92 1
    8 Lerette, Maisie GNG 9.18 9.06 1
    9 Bonfiglio-Eaves, Samanth Traip 9.26 9.16 2
    10 Thibodeau, Kylie GNG 9.26 9.18 2
    11 Koontz, Rachel Traip 9.27 9.28 2
    12 Kehl, Celia Traip 9.24 9.31 1
    13 Bowden, Emma NYA 9.31 3
    14 Johnson, Ava Lake Region 9.40 9.35 2
    15 Grover, Delaina Lake Region 9.46 9.49 2
    16 Hemphill, Nizzie NYA 9.35 9.53 2
    17 Maxwell, Elsie CAPE 9.43 9.57 2
    18 Bouman, Ellie NYA 9.69 9.73 3
    19 Shepard, Madison Lake Region 9.95 9.97 3
    20 Cricones, Alexia Lake Region 10.54 10.34 3

    Girls 200 Meter Dash JR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points

    1 Riggs, Lucy Freeport HS 29.38 30.10 1 6
    2 Rickman, Piper CAPE 31.44 31.47 1 4
    3 Harlow, Marissa Lake Region 35.50 32.27 3 3
    4 Bolduc, Hannah GNG 32.26 32.48 1 2
    5 Carbone, Enna Fait 32.06 32.68 1 1
    6 Hemphill, Nizzie NYA 34.89 32.81 2
    7 Lerette, Maisie GNG 33.61 33.34 1
    8 Bonfiglio-Eaves, Samanth Traip 34.45 33.47 2
    9 Albertini, Norah Freeport HS 34.09 33.54 1
    10 Bowden, Emma NYA 34.21 3
    11 Thibodeau, Kylie GNG 34.91 34.96 2
    12 Maxwell, Elsie CAPE 34.18 35.28 2
    13 McGuffin, Taryn Traip 36.03 35.75 3
    14 Koontz, Rachel Traip 34.59 35.76 2
    15 Johnson, Ava Lake Region 35.50 35.98 2
    16 Bouman, Ellie NYA 36.62 36.49 3

    Girls 400 Meter Dash JR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Schroeck, Adelaide Traip 1:11.72 6
    2 Carbone, Enna Fait 1:13.22 1:14.45 4
    3 Johnson, Jacey Traip 1:16.03 1:16.06 3

    Girls 55 Meter Hurdles JR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Grogan, Sadie Freeport HS 10.70 10.73 6
    2 Schroeck, Adelaide Traip 10.82 4
    3 McGuffin, Taryn Traip 12.24 3
    4 Johnson, Jacey Traip 12.25 2

    Girls High Jump JR DIVISION

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Merrill, Celeste NYA 4-00.00 4-02.00 6
    2 Cobbs, Kate Freeport HS 4-04.00 4-00.00 4

    Girls Shot Put JR DIVISION

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Maxwell, Elsie CAPE 27-09.25 28-06.50 6
    2 Lerette, Maisie GNG 23-00.25 22-02.75 4
    3 Grover, Delaina Lake Region 18-10.50 21-10.50 3
    4 Bolduc, Hannah GNG 21-10.00 21-02.75 2
    5 Cricones, Alexia Lake Region 15-08.75 17-03.00 1
    6 Shepard, Madison Lake Region 21-00.50 17-01.75
    7 Sharp, Lexi NYA 13-02.00

    Girls 55 Meter Dash SR DIVISION

    WMK_0537 Tori Hews

    Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points

    1 Hews, Tori CAPE 7.71 7.74 1 6
    2 Whittier, Elizabeth Freeport HS 8.13 8.20 1 4
    3 Hesser, Marcella CAPE 8.25 8.28 1 3
    4 Riendeau, Emmie Freeport HS 8.57 8.59 1 2
    5 Battarbee, Kate Freeport HS 8.73 8.64 1 1
    6 Yilmaz, Alev NYA 8.84 2
    7 Merrill, Jessica NYA 9.43 8.91 2
    8 Weiss, Virginia CAPE 8.91 8.94 1
    9 Buehner, Laurel NYA 8.93 8.94 1
    10 MacDonald, Skylar Freeport HS 9.09 9.15 2
    11 Robbins, Marion NYA 8.99 9.16 1
    12 Keefe, Acadia NYA 9.28 9.42 2
    13 Knight, Madeline Freeport HS 9.44 2

    Girls 200 Meter Dash SR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points

    1 Hews, Tori CAPE 27.95 28.19 1 6
    2 Hesser, Marcella CAPE 30.88 30.06 1 4
    3 Weiss, Virginia CAPE 31.46 31.01 2 3
    4 Plummer, Leah Lake Region 30.14 31.16 1 2
    5 Bradford, Lucy Freeport HS 30.20 31.47 1 1
    6 Battarbee, Kate Freeport HS 30.25 31.61 1
    7 Belleau, Anna NYA 32.50 32.88 2
    8 Nguyen, Hannah Fait 34.43 33.12 2
    9 MacDonald, Skylar Freeport HS 33.04 33.51 2
    10 Buehner, Laurel NYA 33.86 33.73 2
    11 Keefe, Acadia NYA 34.72 34.24 3
    12 Knight, Madeline Freeport HS 34.53 4
    13 Kim, Kellyn Fait 35.18 36.07 3
    14 Jung, Zoe Fait 36.41 38.79 3
    15 Bresolai, Aina Fait 38.90 38.81 3
    16 Taylor, Clara NYA 32.11 38.96 2
    17 Bochm, Ella Fait 39.85 39.31 4
    18 Yoon, Stella Fait 40.64 42.02 4

    Girls 400 Meter Dash SR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Reeve, Siobhan Traip 1:09.62 1:08.06 6
    2 Plummer, Leah Lake Region 1:07.59 1:08.87 4

    Girls 55 Meter Hurdles SR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Cobbs, Molly Freeport HS 9.74 9.88 6
    2 Bradford, Lucy Freeport HS 10.53 10.52 4
    3 Yilmaz, Alev NYA 10.50 10.76 3
    4 Belleau, Anna NYA 11.41 2
    5 Roy, Anna Freeport HS 11.51 11.80 1

    Girls High Jump SR DIVISION

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Plummer, Leah Lake Region 4-08.00 4-08.00 6
    2 Pagnano, Emily Freeport HS 4-06.00 4-04.00 4
    3 Hesser, Marcella CAPE 4-06.00 J4-04.00 3
    4 Roy, Anna Freeport HS 4-04.00 J4-04.00 2
    5 Taylor, Clara NYA 4-02.00 J4-04.00 1

    Girls Shot Put SR DIVISION

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Piper, Lorenza GNG 34-01.25 32-08.50 6
    2 Hutchings, Emma GNG 30-04.00 29-04.00 4
    3 Hutchings, Alexis GNG 27-11.00 28-06.50 3
    4 Lyons, Rylee Freeport HS 25-03.75 26-00.25 2
    5 Robbins, Marion NYA 24-08.50 24-04.25 1

    Girls 800 Meter Run OPEN DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 2:34.93 2:32.68 6
    2 Whittier, Kathryn Freeport HS 2:50.80 2:47.45 4
    3 Plummer, Sadie Lake Region 2:54.05 2:49.63 3
    4 Spaulding, Josie Freeport HS 2:52.14 2:56.98 2
    5 Carter, Caroline Freeport HS 3:00.53 3:00.22 1
    6 Mullen, Emma CAPE 3:09.06 3:05.93
    7 Maxwell, Sage CAPE 3:19.90 3:14.82

    Girls 1 Mile Run OPEN DIVISION

    WMK_0615 Caroline Carter

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Carter, Caroline Freeport HS 6:19.85 6:17.13 6

    Girls 2 Mile Run OPEN DIVISION

    WMK_1037 Ellie Battarbee

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Battarbee, Ellie Freeport HS 13:48.71 6

    Girls 4×200 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION

    School Seed Finals Points

    1 Lake Region ‘A’ 2:05.22 2:04.57 6
    2 Freeport High School ‘A’ 1:58.79 2:04.79 4
    3 Traip Academy ‘A’ 2:00.33 2:11.04 2
    4 Fryeburg ‘A’ 2:00.15 2:32.63
    — Fryeburg ‘B’ SCR
    — Traip Academy ‘B’ SCR
    — Freeport High School ‘B’ X2:15.29


    Girls 4×800 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION

    School Seed Finals Points

    1 Freeport High School ‘A’ 11:31.02 12:28.07 6

    Girls Pole Vault OPEN DIVISION



    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Cobbs, Molly Freeport HS 10-00.00 10-00.00 6
    2 Cobbs, Kate Freeport HS 8-00.00 8-00.00 4
    3 Whittier, Kathryn Freeport HS 6-00.00 6-00.00 3
    — Bradford, Lucy Freeport HS 9-00.00 NH

    Girls Long Jump OPEN DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 13-06.50 13-01.50 6
    2 Brown, Ella GNG 12-08.50 13-00.75 4
    3 Whittier, Elizabeth Freeport HS 13-11.00 12-10.00 3
    4 Merrill, Jessica NYA 12-03.25 11-08.50 2
    5 Grogan, Sadie Freeport HS 12-05.00 10-09.25 1
    6 Nguyen, Hannah Fait 10-04.75 10-07.75
    7 Kehl, Celia Traip 10-05.00
    8 Noble, Emily CAPE 10-09.00 10-04.75
    9 McGuffin, Taryn Traip 9-10.25 9-09.50
    10 Koontz, Rachel Traip 10-00.00 9-09.25
    11 Bouman, Ellie NYA 10-01.75 8-05.50
    12 Thibodeau, Kylie GNG 8-07.00 7-11.75
    13 Merrill, Celeste NYA 10-08.25 1-07.25
    — Bonfiglio-Eaves, Samanth Traip 10-05.00 FOUL
    — Cobbs, Kate Freeport HS FOUL

    Girls Triple Jump OPEN DIVISION

    WMK_0983 Abigail Roberts

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Roberts, Abigail Lake Region 31-08.00 32-01.00 6
    2 Noble, Emily CAPE 22-10.75 22-10.00 4

    Boys 55 Meter Dash JR DIVISION

    Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points


    1 Roberts, Jakeem GNG 7.25 7.33 1 6
    2 Reiling, Tony GNG 7.58 7.49 1 4
    3 Chute, Braeden GNG 7.70 7.72 1 3
    4 Thibodeau, Cole GNG 7.83 7.74 1 2
    5 Hardin, Oliver CAPE 7.76 7.92 1 1
    6 Oshetski, Andrew Freeport HS 8.01 7.95 1
    7 Kutella, Ethan Lake Region 8.55 8.00 2
    8 Galway, Mason Freeport HS 8.05 2
    9 DiGristina, Grayson Freeport HS 7.97 8.14 1
    10 Carr, Issac Traip 8.38 8.30 2
    11 McFadd, Dylan CAPE 8.32 8.43 1
    12 Weiss, Vollie CAPE 8.65 8.65 2
    13 Gray, Dan CAPE 8.62 8.80 2
    14 Ouellette, Cole GNG 8.67 8.84 2
    15 Lang, Curtis GNG 8.73 8.91 2
    — Hughes, Conner GNG 9.05 SCR

    Boys 200 Meter Dash JR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points

    1 Roberts, Jakeem GNG 25.57 25.34 1 6
    2 Reiling, Tony GNG 26.39 26.06 1 4
    3 Maurice, Connor Traip 28.26 26.70 1 3
    4 Baptiata, Arkie Fait 26.92 26.91 1 2
    5 Chute, Braeden GNG 27.94 27.85 1 1
    6 Thibodeau, Cole GNG 28.13 28.14 1
    7 Emery, Zack Fait 28.60 28.19 2
    8 DiGristina, Grayson Freeport HS 28.79 28.20 2
    9 McFadd, Dylan CAPE 31.02 30.62 2
    10 Carr, Issac Traip 32.20 30.74 3
    11 Leo, Angelo Lake Region 31.40 31.80 2
    12 Johnson, Sam Fait 32.33 31.98 3
    13 Lang, Curtis GNG 31.33 32.01 2
    14 Ouellette, Cole GNG 31.80 32.13 2
    15 Gray, Dan CAPE 32.45 3

    Boys 400 Meter Dash JR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Ladd, Thomas GNG 1:00.05 58.50 6
    2 O’Grady, Rory CAPE 1:01.26 59.68 4
    3 Walker, Harry Freeport HS 1:03.47 1:02.38 3
    4 LaVerdiere, Sam Lake Region 1:09.99 1:05.59 2

    Boys 55 Meter Hurdles JR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Emery, Zack Fait 9.77 6
    2 Leo, Angelo Lake Region 11.43 11.53 4
    3 Kutella, Ethan Lake Region 12.07 3
    — Maurice, Connor Traip DQ

    Boys 4×200 Meter Relay JR DIVISION


    School Seed Finals Points

    1 Cape Elizabeth High School ‘A’ 1:51.85 2:00.65 6
    — Gray New Gloucester High Schoo ‘A’ 1:47.36 DQ
    — Traip Academy ‘A’ SCR

    Boys High Jump JR DIVISION

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Baptiata, Arkie Fait 5-04.00 5-00.00 6
    2 Emery, Zack Fait 5-00.00 4-08.00 4

    Boys Shot Put JR DIVISION

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Soule, Phil GNG 33-05.00 32-02.50 6
    2 Hardin, Oliver CAPE 34-00.25 32-01.50 4
    3 Amos, Trevor GNG 33-08.00 31-10.75 3
    4 Oshetski, Andrew Freeport HS 32-05.75 30-07.00 2
    5 Galway, Mason Freeport HS 28-07.00 30-00.00 1
    6 Weiss, Vollie CAPE 29-11.50 28-08.00
    7 Ouellette, Cole GNG 31-08.00 28-06.75
    8 Gray, Dan CAPE 27-11.00 28-04.00
    9 Meeks, Cameron GNG 24-06.75 25-08.50
    10 DiGristina, Grayson Freeport HS 21-06.50 21-07.00

    Boys 55 Meter Dash SR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points

    1 Adams, Jacob Fait 7.11 7.17 1 6
    2 Graver, Alex Freeport HS 7.28 7.31 1 4
    3 Gustafson, Oscar CAPE 7.47 7.33 1 3
    4 Knighton, Jordan Freeport HS 7.49 7.48 1 2
    5 Victor, Jayden Fait 7.33 7.52 1 1
    6 Thomas, Wyatt NYA 7.55 7.57 1
    7 Ashe, Robby CAPE 7.63 7.62 1
    8 Rannalleti, Ridge Freeport HS 7.64 7.69 2
    9 Riggs, Mason Freeport HS 7.63 7.69 2
    10 Simmons, Eric Freeport HS 7.55 7.72 1
    11 St. John, Ben Freeport HS 7.87 7.78 2
    12 Wignall, Alex NYA 7.70 7.78 2
    13 McGrath, Padric Fait 7.72 7.89 2
    14 Williamson, Ian Freeport HS 7.99 7.95 3
    15 Dunham, William Freeport HS 8.15 8.02 3
    16 Rapkin-Stiles, Ethan NYA 8.13 3
    17 Jacobs, Kaiden Freeport HS 8.33 8.36 3

    Boys 200 Meter Dash SR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points

    1 Jensen, Joseph Fait 25.12 25.37 1 6
    2 Graver, Alex Freeport HS 25.32 25.94 1 4
    3 Simmons, Eric Freeport HS 25.62 26.19 1 3
    4 Riggs, Mason Freeport HS 26.75 26.45 1 2
    5 Victor, Jayden Fait 26.22 26.49 1 1
    6 Knighton, Jordan Freeport HS 26.87 26.50 2
    7 Rannalleti, Ridge Freeport HS 27.39 27.13 2
    8 Wignall, Alex NYA 28.50 28.23 3
    9 Dunham, William Freeport HS 29.15 28.92 3
    10 Burgess, Joseph GNG 28.85 28.99 3
    11 Jacobs, Kaiden Freeport HS 28.49 29.36 3
    12 Rapkin-Stiles, Ethan NYA 30.31 3
    13 Kulyk, Kevin Traip 32.00 32.01 3
    — Adams, Jacob Fait 24.75 DQ 1
    — Silander, Noah NYA 30.67 SCR
    — Choi, Christopher CAPE 31.59 SCR

    Boys 400 Meter Dash SR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Charlebois, Bowen CAPE 58.96 58.84 6
    2 Grimm, Ben Freeport HS 59.02 1:00.75 4
    3 Burgess, Joseph GNG 1:02.00 3
    4 Thomas, Wyatt NYA 1:07.97 1:07.71 2

    Boys High Jump SR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Horne, Henry Freeport HS 6-00.00 5-08.00 6
    2 Leighton, Matthew CAPE 5-06.00 5-06.00 4
    3 Rannalleti, Ridge Freeport HS 5-04.00 5-04.00 3
    4 Knighton, Jordan Freeport HS 5-02.00 2
    5 Gronlund, Ezra Lake Region 4-10.00 4-10.00 1
    — Grimm, Ben Freeport HS 4-10.00 NH
    — O’Sullivan, Ryan CAPE 5-00.00 NH
    — Riggs, Mason Freeport HS 4-10.00 NH
    — Jacobs, Kaiden Freeport HS NH

    Boys Shot Put SR DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Gray, Tommy CAPE 43-11.25 42-10.25 6
    2 MacCallum, Max GNG 44-03.50 42-06.75 4
    3 McGrath, Padric Fait 36-09.25 35-11.50 3
    4 Choi, Christopher CAPE 28-07.25 29-04.25 2
    5 Noonan, Chris CAPE 31-04.50 25-00.50 1
    6 Rollins, Bowman Traip 14-03.50 16-05.50

    Boys 800 Meter Run OPEN DIVISION

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Horne, Henry Freeport HS 2:07.27 2:09.60 6
    2 Patry, Owen CAPE 2:11.90 2:10.39 4
    3 Abrahamsen, Carter CAPE 2:17.36 2:12.50 3
    4 Gronlund, Ezra Lake Region 2:22.51 2:25.32 2
    5 DiRusso, Jack Freeport HS 2:34.53 2:30.23 1
    6 Guimarro, Jackson Freeport HS 2:27.93 2:30.44
    7 Morris, Sam Freeport HS 2:38.58 2:30.94
    8 Spaulding, Will Freeport HS 2:29.65 2:31.34
    9 Walker, Harry Freeport HS 2:36.30 2:34.00
    10 Rollins, Bowman Traip 2:53.88 2:59.88


    Boys 1 Mile Run OPEN DIVISION

    WMK_0621 Will Spaulding

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Spaulding, Will Freeport HS 5:05.49 5:24.10 6
    2 Ashe, Nathan CAPE 5:12.00 5:31.63 4
    3 Morris, Finn CAPE 5:41.09 5:40.29 3
    4 Johnson, Sam Fait 6:03.69 6:10.51 2
    5 Cormier, Tristan Lake Region 6:06.69 6:10.64 1

    Boys 2 Mile Run OPEN DIVISION

    WMK_0971 Sam LaVerdiere

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 LaVerdiere, Sam Lake Region 12:17.10 12:00.66 6
    2 Gerry, Preston GNG 12:00.83 4
    3 Gerry, Gavin GNG 13:15.63 3

    Boys 4×200 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION

    School Seed Finals H# Points

    — Cape Elizabeth High School ‘A’ 1:51.85 SCR
    — North Yarmouth Academy ‘A’ 1:51.04 SCR


    Boys 4×800 Meter Relay OPEN DIVISION

    School Seed Finals Points

    1 Freeport High School ‘A’ 9:02.10 9:50.81 6
    2 Lake Region ‘A’ 10:16.86 4
    3 Cape Elizabeth High School ‘A’ 9:25.17 10:31.05 2
    4 Gray New Gloucester High Schoo ‘A’ 10:29.64 11:03.47

    Boys Pole Vault OPEN DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Perry, Reece Freeport HS 11-00.00 11-03.00 6
    2 St. John, Ben Freeport HS 8-06.00 8-06.00 4
    3 Guimarro, Jackson Freeport HS 8-06.00 8-00.00 3
    4 Galway, Mason Freeport HS 7-00.00 J8-00.00 2

    Boys Long Jump OPEN DIVISION


    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Adams, Jacob Fait 21-01.25 19-02.50 6
    2 Gustafson, Oscar CAPE 16-10.50 17-01.00 4
    3 Simmons, Eric Freeport HS 18-04.50 16-11.00 3
    4 Jensen, Joseph Fait 16-06.00 16-09.25 2
    5 Thomas, Wyatt NYA 14-06.50 14-10.00 1
    6 Thibodeau, Cole GNG 12-10.50 14-03.50
    7 Wignall, Alex NYA 13-06.25
    8 Kutella, Ethan Lake Region 13-02.00 12-10.00
    9 Leo, Angelo Lake Region 13-03.00 12-08.50
    10 Carr, Issac Traip 12-03.00
    — Lang, Curtis GNG 13-10.00 FOUL

    Boys Triple Jump OPEN DIVISION

    Name Year School Seed Finals Points

    1 Gustafson, Oscar CAPE 36-07.00 36-04.00 6
    2 Maurice, Connor Traip 32-09.50 31-00.75 4
    3 Ladd, Thomas GNG 29-09.00 3

    Female Team Scores
    Place School Points
    1 Freeport High School FREE 95
    2 Lake Region LKRG 48
    3 Cape Elizabeth High School CAPE 42
    4 Gray New Gloucester High Schoo GNG 30
    5 Traip Academy TRP 26
    6 North Yarmouth Academy NYA 15
    7 Fryeburg FRYE 5

    Male Team Scores
    Place School Points
    1 Freeport High School FREE 73
    2 Cape Elizabeth High School CAPE 63
    3 Gray New Gloucester High Schoo GNG 58
    4 Fryeburg FRYE 45
    5 Lake Region LKRG 23
    6 Traip Academy TRP 7
    7 North Yarmouth Academy NYA 3

    May 8, 2021

    WMC: Sacopee, Fryeburg, Lake Region @ Poland 2021

  • Meet resultscourtesy of Maine Mile Split
  • Licensed to Down East Sports Timing – Contractor License
    HY-TEK’s Meet Manager 5/8/2021 02:42 PM
    POLAND – 5/8/2021

    Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Halie Vachon
    Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points

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