Sunday, June 27th, 2010
Outdoor Expo open: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Municipal Parking Lot
8:00 am 5K Road Race @ at Coburn Park
(We have been ask to tell you about this race. Don Penta & David Colby Young will not be there. If we can find some king photojournalist to sent a report with photos after the event, we will share it with you as soon as we can.)
Enjoy scenic views of Skowhegan as our route takes you through Coburn Park and across Skowhegan’s walking bridge!
$10.00 registration fee. Race registration can be taken care of anytime during the weekend at the River Fest table under the tent. You can also pre-register by calling the Skowhegan Parks & Recreation Department at 474-6901.