Warren Joubert ~ Obituary
RESULTS (2017)
Bug Light 5k:
131 13/19 M6069 36:01 35:50 11:32 Warren Joubert 61 M 1003 Attleboro MA 44.93%
Hugs from Hayley:
99 4 Warren Joubert 40 61 M Attleboro MA 35:58 11:35
9-11 Memorial 5K Run/Walk :
129 Warren Joubert 61 M Attleboro MA 90 34:41 11:10
TD Beach to Beacon 10K (20th annual):
5741 174/213 M6064 1:21:18 1:12:07 11:37 Warren Joubert 60 M 3860 Attleboro MA 45.48%
Casco Days Road Race:
366 5/7 M6069 44:49 11:13 Warren Joubert 60 M 205 Attleboro MA 46.75%
KBIA 5k:
194 7/9 M6069 37:42 37:30 12:04 Warren Joubert 60 M 266 Attleboro MA 42.77%
L.L.Bean 10k:
1111 42/48 M6064 1:14:15 1:12:55 11:44 Warren Joubert 60 M 648 Attleboro MA 45.78%
Randall’s Run for the Gym 5K:
99 5/8 Warren Joubert 104 60 M Attleboro MA 32:20 10:25
13TH Annual Run for Cash 5K:
173 7/7 M6064 Warren Joubert 60 M Attleboro MA 32:42 10:33
Luv 2 Run Portland 5K:
44 WARREN JOUBERT 60 M Attleboro MA 287 34:05 11:00
Snowy Egret 5K:
112 12/16 Warren Joubert 261 60 M Jubes Attleboro MA 32:53 10:35
17th Portland Sea Dogs Mothers’ Day 5K:
467 389 Warren Joubert 31:52 10:16 32:50 60 214/313 M 22/29 M6064 ATTLEBORO MA
Hugs From Hayley 5K:
64 3/5 Warren Joubert 21 62 M Attleboro MA 32:36 10:30
911 Memorial 5K Run/Walk :
48 Warren Joubert 62 M Attleboro MA 51 31:51 10:15
Maine Vets 5K:
220 11/22 Warren Joubert 198 61 M Team Jubeys Attleboro MA 33:22 10:45
Pound the Pavement 5K:
55 Warren Joubert 61 M Attleboro MA 492 33:11 10:41
TD Beach to Beacon 10k:
5336 76/104 M6569 1:21:07 1:13:41 11:52 Warren Joubert 65 M 2252 Attleboro MA USA 46.66%
L. L. Bean 10K:
1059 52/56 M6064 1:13:48 1:12:55 11:44 Warren Joubert 61 M 640 Attleboro MA 45.40%
135 6/7 M6064 Warren Joubert 92 61 M Attleboro 34:16 11:04
18th Sea Dogs Mother’s Day 5K:
750 278 Warren Joubert 33:14 10:42 33:48 61 322/473 M 18/26 M6064 ATTLEBORO MA
5th Annual Narragansett 5K, 1 Mile, & Fun Run:
36 115 Warren Joubert 33:54.51 10:56 61 M
Spartan Sprint 5K:
31 Warren Joubert 275 61 M Attleboro MA 35:36 11:28
Longfellow Frostbite 2.5K :