Portland 10 Miler > 10 MI | 22 Apr 18 | Portland | ME ~ Results ~ 1389 Finishers

We did not have any team members to cover this event. There were photos taken. MRP offers FREE photos but nothing is free. Often the person taking the photos is the one who is sponsoring them. It is often the photographer who is paying all types of fees so you can have FREE photos. We will continue to offer this service of FREE photos because a few people do send us gifts. Thank you for your support. We would like to support your efforts more. Please understand there is a limit on our resources.
They used the sound track for the National Anthem
- Set 1 photos from our race photographer, Clancy Creative
See Event FB Page
I read your post on individuals sending gifts. Is there a place to contribute on your site? I’m sure there are many runners, myself included who enjoy following event results here and could help fund current and future endeavors with regard to the running community. I know I appreciate all of the hard work you and your group do.
Comment by Jim Moore — April 24, 2018 @ 11:29 pm