Maine Running Photos Running Photos & Video Across the State of Maine

June 15, 2024

2024 Close to the Coast 5K & 10K

Filed under: Photos — Tags: , , , — David Colby Young @ 6:22 am

WNL_0386 Joe ViselliWNL_0400 Ayla MillerWNL_0682  Andrew BurnsWNL_0756 Emily Wesolowski

  • Shared Albums Courtesy of Maine Running Photos
  • see event fb page
  • Shared Albums Selected images of NE 65 and friends at Close to the Coast and Racoon Run 5K by Alynn and David Edited by Jerry LeVasseur
  • 061524C2C5kAgeGroupResults
  • 061524C2C5kOverallResults
  • 061524C2C10kAgeGroupResults
  • 061524C2C10kOverallResults
  • Maine Running Photos was one of the media sponsors of this event. If you are a friend of MRP thank you for your help. It you are not yet a friend please join us. The doorway to the media could close soon. If the links do not work please let us know. It is important to us that all our past, present & future friends enjoy our reports. David Colby Young, PO Box 152, Danville, Maine 04223 207-786-2129 or


    1. Are there more photos or is this all of them!
      Thanks 🙂

      Comment by Beth — June 19, 2024 @ 6:38 am

    2. Sorry, I did mean to say I looked at the album I’d 10, 15, and 50 or so. Seems like there should be more?

      Comment by Beth — June 19, 2024 @ 6:40 am

    3. Not all of the media is open to the public. The video was shared to the public. We hope you will enjoy the FREE video. It is up to the event &/or the sponsor of the event to tell us just what is share. The event had their own media person so we did not ask if they wanted to support an outside company. This event did not sponsor us but they were not asked & did not offer to help us. We have come to a point that we feel we can not give away all our media for free so we are changing how we share. Yes, there is more to be seen. It has gone into stock. Thank you for your interest.

      Comment by David Colby Young — June 19, 2024 @ 7:10 am

    4. I’m sorry to keep posting, but what exactly do you mean “gone to stock” ? Do you mean to a reseller library?
      In addition to the 3 videos you also posted images of folks running ( many I know, Jin Menealy,, Rick Blanchette, Kelly Harmon, Chritie Tibets to name a few) I’m just looking for the rest….

      Comment by Beth — June 19, 2024 @ 3:54 pm

    5. All of the photos are under my control & could be made public if there was an event sponsor for the media. The event had at least one photographer. David was his 1st name. Not sure if he was selling his photos or what was going on with his photos. Sorry I have not made any plans on what I will do with the photos I have not posted. Some of the people you have named have public photos posted for this event. I do not do this for the money but on the other hand I need to set boundaries. To continue to cover events we will have to get
      some support to cover the events. That support might come from the runners, the event, & or some sponsor/fan of running. I have fixed cost & then there are the cost of getting to the events. Sometimes there is the cost of parking. I am the sponsor, the owner/sponsor of my work & the work of a few other volunteers. So yes, we enjoy doing this but there are boundaries. So if any one wants to help please call me 207-786-2129

      Comment by David Colby Young — June 19, 2024 @ 9:06 pm

    6. Why would the photos of a race we paid for entry and didn’t sign a disclosure to have our photos to be taken for one or sold ….I’d say just share them for free especially if people who were photographed want to see

      Comment by Tom — June 20, 2024 @ 5:08 pm

    7. I am on the road but when I return you can try to reach me with your questions. 207-786-2129. I do not understand your question.
      The event had a photographer named David. My name is also David. We both took photos. I also took photos & video. All the video I took is now on YouTube. I posted some of the photos. I took sharing them with my friends. Are you a friend? Would you like to be a friend? I have not sold any photos of this event. I do not know if the event wants to sell photos or what their plans are. I have no agreement to sell photos of this event. Just because I have photos, does not mean I have to sell them or give them away. I see my role as media. I could well miss understand your questions. Please forgive me. If it had been ABC, CBS, or NBC taking the photos & video would you been asking the same questions & wanting what you think is right. It might be best if we talk by phone when I return home. Now if there are published photos of you that you want removed, I am willing to remove them. Just give me your bib number & name & I will remove them as I have time. I am the person who is sponsoring the service. David Colby Young 207-786-2129 We try to have people happy but there needs be boundaries

      Comment by David Colby Young — June 20, 2024 @ 7:52 pm

    8. Hello David, I ran the race last Saturday, finished 8th of the 10k race (bib 365).
      Are there any more pictures available than the ones you shared on the website ? Thank you in advance.

      Comment by Samuel — June 21, 2024 @ 9:21 am

    9. All of the video was share.Did you watch the video? There was a person named David who was working for the event. I have not seen his photos yet. Perhaps he plans to sell them. I have share some photos with the public & more with my friends. I have found I have to set boundaries. Starting this year I plan to take more photos but I find I will have more cost of sharing. Since the money to sponsor my hobby come from me I to make sure some of my product is paid for by person out side of my family. Since my family & friends have been been helping me, I share with them. I hope you can understand & do not thing of me as a “Bad person”.

      Comment by David Colby Young — June 21, 2024 @ 10:30 pm

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