Tenth Annual Lone Gull 10K
Gloucester, MA, September 25, 2016
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Results ~ 936 Finishers
We will have a list a list of the Maine Runners who finished in this race. We have given Lou Peters the right to be called a Maine Runner & added him to our list as he ran 5 miles on Sat 24 Sept 2016 in Ogunquit, Maine before going back to MA to do another 10K there. Why can we do that? Because he is 90+ years old runs many races in Maine, he makes our list.
Maine Runners: see five photos of Maine Runners
62 786 Andy Spaulding     45 M M4049 Freeport       ME DIRIGO RC                            34:27 5:33  34:29 5:33
81 72 Pete Bottomley     54 M M5059 Cape Elizabeth ME DIRIGO RC                            34:58 5:38  35:04 5:39
83 203 Byrne Decker       49 M M4049 Yarmouth       ME DIRIGO RC                            35:16 5:41  35:19 5:41
144 978 Jeff Walker        50 M M5059 Falmouth       ME DIRIGO RC                            37:25 6:02  37:31 6:03
227 409 Charles Kaufmann   61 M M6069 Portland       ME DIRIGO RC                            41:42 6:43  41:47 6:44
815 486 Hank Lopez         55 M M5059 North Berwick  ME SIX03                              1:06:25 10:42 1:06:41 10:44
888 917 Rebecca Austin     44 F F4049 Berwick        ME                                    1:15:38 12:11 1:16:12 12:16
936 999 Lou Peters         91 M M7099 Methuen        MA  (By right of age & active Maine Runner)