We have almost completed our 16th year. We have had many more firsts, of individuals reaching personal best, running there first TRI, 5k, or marathon. One of the great things about our group is we have first time runners to individuals who qualify for the Boston Marathon. We also have many folks that take what they learn from others on Tuesday nights and share
this with others ,being a positive influence on their lives. So this just gives us an opportunity to spend a short time talking with folks in a relaxed environment getting to know each other a little more.
I would like you all to take a look at the attached photo. I would like to take this opportunity to remember and Thank Dan Cake ,who passed away this past year, for all he did for the community, our running club, the cycling community, and so much more. This is a picture of Dan finishing at a race at the 7th annual celebration at our home. When he could no longer run because of hip arthritis he started cycling and mentoring the new riders of the MCC. Dan Donated his art work as gifts over the last 10 years ,which so many of you have on your walls at home and offices. We have two more of his prints for prizes this year, that he had given me last year for awards before he decided to give all award winners Joan Benoit’s carved duck print. I hope you continue to honor Dan by continue to give back to your communities as he did.
Will we see you at the next race? Sabattus Rec Club’s Fifth Annual Prediction Run/Walk 5K
Thursday, August 24, 6 p.m.
Past Events