Filed under: Photos,windham — David Colby Young @ 4:15 pm
This is an interesting race hosted by the Windham Loins Club at least three years. Only one thing wrong about the races was some errors in the results when they gave out the awards. Running ace, Paul Yates, in age 50-59 was over looked at the time of the passing out of the awards. Paul Yates who runs the same pace in most of the 5K & 10K races he does is often a target for other runners who try to beat him. At this event they failed once again. Paul Yates did well in this race today. I knew that Doug Green did not beat him. Another runner who was over looked was Charlie Sawyer who was in the 60-69 age group. After the passing of the awards the two the errors were quickly corrected. Mr. Sawyer was still present but Paul Yates did not stay for the awards or at least did not stay to fight for what he had rightfully won. I am sure I will be seeing him again soon so I picked up his award and will give it to him the next time I see him. Paul Yates will have the option of doing whatever he wants to do with the medal he won.