Brandon Feyler Memorial 5K
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Brandon Feyler Memorial 5K
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The first annual MVHS Nature Trail 5-Kilometer Run/Walk Fundraiser was a success, said veteran Panther coach George Gould, with O’Donnell finishing first among 18 participants.
“Donations were received from several non-runners,” Gould said, adding, “Several Medomak Valley runners used the event for an off-day training session.”
MVHS runners had competed at Lincoln Academy in Newcastle the previous day in a regular-season meet. Saturday’s event benefited the Panther cross-country program.
The results for the runners were:
1, Pat O’Donnell, 17, 20:02;
2, Andrew Allen, 15, 21:42;
3, Tim Burch, 57, 22:20;
4, Mike Gilman, 17, 22:31;
5, Brendon O’Donnell, 16, 22:39;
6, Vinny Vannah, 14, 22:50;
7, Quinton Vannah, 17, 22:52;
8, Ellen Spring, 56, 28:28;
9, Lucas Oldroyd, 12, 30:04;
10, Shannon Staples, 13, 30:41;
11, Bailey Black, 14, 30:42;
12, Kellon Thames, 53, 31:42;
13, Michael Canfield, 13, 34:38;
14, Adam Wilcox, 11, 41:47.
Two sets of brothers, the O’Donnells, and Vannahs, competed in the event. They all run cross country for MVHS.
The results for the walkers were:
1, Ian Rixson, 16, 45:41;
2, Denise Gould, 58, 47:56;
3, Christpher Moiles, 52, 52:57;
4, Holly Moiles, 52, 53:08
Temperatures in the 80s high humidity and one of the Midcoast’s toughest courses did not stop more than 30 people from running in the first River Festival 5-Kilometer Road Race Saturday morning.
Medomak Valley High School athlete Joshua Anderson of Washington out dueled Rockland District High School graduate Brandon Waltz of South Thomaston for first overall in the race.
Anderson 18 a home schooled student who will attend Union College in Schenectady N.Y. finished the tough in town 3.1-mile course in 18 minutes and 57 seconds. Waltz 21 a student at Wheaton College in Norton Mass. (he has competed in cross country and track and field at the school) finished second in 19:11.
The first female finisher was Gwen Moiles 16 of Waldoboro a standout student-athlete at MVHS. Moiles finished ninth overall in 22:44.
Runners celebrated the Medomak River at the River Festival. The race began and finished at the intersection of Jefferson and Main Streets in Waldoboro Village.
1 Joshua Anderson 18 18:57
2 Brandon Waltz 21 19:11
3 Les Steinbrecher 48 Bellingham Mass. 19:39
4 Darren Winchenbach 28 Waldoboro 19:56
5 Joseph Murphy 15 Union 20:22
6 Ronald Haney 52 Warren 21:06
7 Steve Cartwright 58 Waldoboro 21:41
8 Alex Tomasello 13 Bremen 22:27
9 Gwen Moiles 16 Waldoboro 22:44 and/or see Photosalso photo 2
10 Jonathon Hendrickson-Belloguet 14 Friendship 22:50
11 Benjamin Hewes 22 Cumberland 22:52
12 Megan Wyllie 16 Warren 23:08
13 Jared Todd 36 Rockport 24:11
14 Joey Casas 32 Washington 24:25
15 Levi Mason 28 Waldoboro 25:04
16 Heather Roy 31 Durham 25:43
17 Ellen Spring 56 Thomaston 26:06
18 Julienna Brooks 15 Union 26:16
19 Lee Cunningham 73 Round Pond 27:30
20 Greg Horwitch 36 Waldoboro 28:28
21 Bill Nathan 58 Upper Montclair N.J. 29:24
22 William Avery 65 New Harbor 29:48
23 Alexander Casas 13 Washington 30:35
24 Mel Horwitch 67 Waldoboro 30:49
25 Steph Almasi 28 Warren and Reade Brower 52 Rockland 31:20
27 Tami Casas 32 Washington 32:58
28 Kimmy Ganong 15 Wellesley Mass. 33:16
29 Hannah Floyd 17 Brunswick 36:38
30 Teri Kenniston 37 Warren 41:06
31 Alex Kenniston 12 Warren 41:07
see also www,
2009 Slide show of Ken Waltz Photos
1st female finisher photo by Ken Waltz
We have file photos of Gwen Moiles on flickr we have posted the best one here.
Regional Championships in Orono back in October 1997
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