Photos & Results courtesy of
Photos & Results courtesy of
see also Blog reports:,2.,3.,4.5,.6,.7
2012 Harbor View 5K
Rockport, ME, June 16, 2012
[2012 Harbor View 5K Awards ]
2012 Harbor View 5K Results
Page 1
Rockport, ME 06/16/2012 Weather: Breezy, Cloudy, 55 deg
Place Name No. Age S City St Club Time Pace
===== =================== ===== === = =============== == ========== ======= =====
1 Ben Trapani 118 16 M Rockport ME 18:09 5:51
2 Luke Snow 133 34 M Spruce Head ME 20:45 6:41
3 Matthew Revitt 150 30 M montville ME 20:55 6:44
4 Sheldon Main 111 35 M Warren ME 21:18 6:52
5 Karl Enroth 129 49 M Rockport ME 21:25 6:54
6 Dan Dishner 120 58 M Camden ME 22:40 7:18
7 Steve Frampton 144 49 M Camden ME 22:59 7:24
8 Vern Demmons 117 66 M Warren ME 23:03 7:26
9 Horch Peter 134 34 M Thomaston ME 23:13 7:29
10 Adam Bishop 143 35 M Rockland ME 23:19 7:31
11 David Flint 116 14 M Rockport ME 23:20 7:31
12 Emma Trapani 108 13 F Rockport ME 23:37 7:37
13 Kerry Gross 137 21 F Camden ME 23:37 7:37
14 Kyle Wood 130 12 M Lincolnville ME 24:04 7:45
15 Jessica Shipman 148 42 F York ME 24:13 7:48
16 Jordan Loeven 146 21 M Camden ME 24:19 7:50
17 Emily Kessel 102 13 F Rockport ME 24:21 7:51
18 Glenn Montgomery 103 64 M Belfast ME 24:27 7:53
19 Cindy Battel 147 52 F union ME 24:40 7:57
20 Micah Ellis 112 32 M Hope ME 24:48 7:59
21 Katie Ortega 105 26 F Thomaston ME 25:14 8:08
22 Jim Gamage Jr. 135 37 M Rockport ME 25:47 8:18
23 Reade Brower 153 55 M Rockland ME 25:54 8:21
24 Carol Weeks 139 58 F Bellingham MA 26:12 8:26
25 Jill Delano 136 39 F Camden ME 26:23 8:30
26 Ken Gross 140 58 M Camden ME 26:27 8:31
27 Vanessa Ellis 101 31 F Hope ME 26:28 8:32
28 Catherine Elliott 138 21 F Camden ME 26:46 8:37
29 Cameron Christie 128 12 M Rockport ME 26:56 8:41
30 Reed Lowden 115 57 M Rockland ME 26:58 8:41
31 David Laite 131 44 M Camden ME 27:03 8:43
32 Renee Grim 113 37 F Thomaston ME 27:14 8:46
33 Hillary Pride 104 25 F Rockland ME 27:19 8:48
34 Scott Kessel 121 45 M Rockport ME 27:27 8:51
35 Breana Coyle 106 23 F Rockport ME 27:37 8:54
36 Melissa Howard 141 42 F Searsmont ME 27:48 8:57
37 Troy Curtis 132 37 M Rockport ME 28:00 9:01
38 Sarah Burgess 145 31 F Union ME 28:00 9:01
39 Shelley Mills 110 46 F Rockport ME 29:02 9:21
40 Suzanne Dunavent-Wh 123 41 F Camden ME 29:03 9:22
41 Noah Howard 142 13 M Searsmont ME 29:52 9:37
42 Kim Ratner 109 38 F Camden ME 30:03 9:41
43 Nina Christie 127 37 F Rockport ME 31:32 10:09
44 William Welte 124 23 M Camden ME 31:33 10:10
45 Sandy Welte 126 57 M Camden ME 33:29 10:47
46 Kim Coyle 107 50 F Rockport ME 36:00 11:36
47 Peter Susca 152 59 M San Antonio TX 36:12 11:40
48 Elizabeth Susca 151 25 F Atlanta GA 36:12 11:40
49 Paul McFarland 122 68 M Lincolnville ME 37:20 12:01
50 Sharon Pratt 119 51 F West Rockport ME 37:20 12:01
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USATF Certified. Registration No.
Rockport, ME 06/16/2012 Weather: Breezy, Cloudy, 55 deg
Place Name No. Age S City St Club Time Pace
===== =================== ===== === = =============== == ========== ======= =====
51 Diane Stevens 125 63 F Searsport ME 37:37 12:07
52 Alisia Revitt 149 32 F Montville ME 37:57 12:13
53 Stephanie Hess 114 33 F Thomaston ME 39:30 12:43
54 Ron Smith 45 70 M Camden ME Walker 24:57 8:01
55 Devon Smith 40 56 F Camden ME Walker 25:37 8:14
56 James Gregory 37 32 M So. Thomaston ME Walker 00:00 00:00
57 Jamie Gregory 38 28 F So. Thomaston ME Walker 00:00 00:00
58 Sue Dixson 39 62 F Rockport ME Walker 00:00 00:00
59 Rebecca Beckett 43 37 F Warren ME Walker 00:00 00:00
60 Sandra Lawrence 44 54 F Rockland ME Walker 00:00 00:00
61 Peaches Bass 46 58 F Searsport ME Walker 00:00 00:00
Photos Set 1 Set 2
Please see villagesoup for some great photos , courtesy of Holly Vanorse
(We will add a link to the local newspaper as well, if and when, we find that they covered this event. The timing service for this event has started to use Facebook. It looks like they are starting to take a few photos of the events they also time. You might say they are going the extra mile.)
2009 Results
Photos 2011
Video cut 1 (Passing of Don Sanborn) Cut 2 (Finish Line) Cut 3 (Finish Line) Cut 4 (Awards)
The first two videos have very little sound. The camera was inside a parked car.
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