January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
August 31, 2010
August 29, 2010
2010 ~ LA Bridge Run 5k
2010-08-29 Results Photos Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
(Photos set 1 is courtesy of runner & Photojournalist David Colby Young)
(Photo sets 2 & 3 are courtesy of photojournalist, Don Penta)
Maine Senior Games 5K Results 2010 Video of Awards & Later Printed Results
Video Cut 1 Cut 2 Cut 3 Cut 4 Cut 5 Cut 6
Video of the LA Bridge Awards Cut 1 Cut 2 Cut 3
Awards for Triple Crown standings after the 3 races Cut 1 Cut 2
Media Clips & photos: WMTWtv 2010 & Lewiston Sun Journal
Past Results
2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999
2009 Photos
Photos by Don Penta posted
Photos 2004-2008
2009 Race Video
2009 Video Clips of Awards (Collection of 25 clips in a slide show)
12 minutes & 36 seconds of video of the bib drawing
Watch 2009 Lewiston Auburn Bridge Run Bib drawing-0000.mpg in Family | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Did not see Blaine Moore at the LA Bridge Run but he might still make a report
August 28, 2010
August 21, 2010
2010 Belfast Harbor 5K
http://www.belfastharborfest.com/bug%20run%20photos.html (sorry this link does not work)
Overall Race Results
Krajewski Jenna F3 17:35
Gagnon Todd M5 17:45
Carr Lucy F5 18:27
Skillings Robert M3 18:40
Kao Ezra M3 18:46
Morrison Will M3 19:15
Leach Willie M2 19:16
Strock Jacob M2 19:27
Goupee Kate F3 19:44
Michaud Adam M4 19:54
Howard Chad M4 19:59
Martin Guy M6 20:02
Hayslip John M3 20:10
Kirby Tom M6 20:27
Wirey Bruce M6 20:31
Cale M4 20:48
Kiernan Seth M3 20:49
Rubenstein Peter M5 20:55
Watts Joe M5 21:09
Stone Kevin M3 21:14
Johnstone Hunter M2 21:14
Rhoda Jason M3 21:16
Kynock Cole M2 21:17
Leavitt Michelle F3 21:18
Johnstone Doug M7 21:22
Miles Kate F4 21:24
Richards Grant M2 21:29
Blass Jonathan M3 21:31
Montgomery Glenn M7 21:44
Hendley Kathryn F4 21:49
Avener Dan M7 21:55
Pelletier Scott M5 22:10
Gallagher Bonnie F5 22:13
Cohen Beth F3 22:38
Davidson Gerald M4 22:44
DeGiovanni Valentine F2 22:45
Guiod Daniel M6 22:46
Beilenberg Zane M2 22:48
Sterling Cindy F5 22:51
Herbig Erin F3 22:54
Povec Josh M4 22:55
Brown Melissa F4 22:57
Clapper Joe M5 23:03
Bennett Dan M4 23:15
Pippenger Cara F4 23:16
Caler Alan M6 23:43
Lewis Jordan M3 23:58
MacKenzie Holly F3 24:01
Haskell Adam M3 24:06
Miller Dan M5 24:10:47
Kynoch Brent M6 24:10:65
Stewart Shannon F3 24:11
Bickford Jordan M2 24:12
Blasius Douglas M6 24:27.45
MacMillan Megan F 24:27.58
Hanscom Hannah F3 24:30
Spigal Lindsay F4 24:33
Bielenberg John M6 24:36
Good Cipperly F4 24:48
Larson Nancy F3 25:09.26
Fasl Jeremiah M3 25:09.67
Varney Jason M3 25:10
Rhoda Joanie F6 25:20
Houghton Amy F4 25:29
Lewis John M5 25:32
Michaud Michelle F4 25:34
McBee Amy F4 26:49
McBee Zac M4 26:50
Campbell Andrew M4 27:04.29
Fahey Gerry M7 27:04.64
Houghton Rick M5 27:11
Joseph Amanda F4 27:14
Dunn Wayne M6 27:22.16
McLaughlin Sean M4 27:22.69
Pelletier Carol F6 27:35
Hansen Bill M7 27:39
Warsen Gretchen F4 27:40
Kynoch Mackenzie F2 27:49
Tibbetts Mark M5 28:21
Perry Michael M2 28:27
Hendley Stanley M4 28:30
Emerson Jennifer F4 28:54
Perry Jamie M4 29:28
Berry Kathy F45 29:55
MacDonald Marie F5 30:16
Kent Sarah F3 30:44
Hankinson Marie F4 31:25
Hankinson Mark M4 31:26
McPeck Linda F5 31:39
Hart Candace F3 31:40
Andrews Jessica F4 32:30
Valleau Kate F4 32:31
Ward Patrick M2 33:26
DeFranzo Beth Ann 33:57
McPeck Michael M2 33:58
Ward Regina F4 34:15
Perry Jesse M1 34:39
Sargent Cathy F3 35:37
Alley Tammie F4 35:56
Wirey Sabrina F3 36:17
Kapiloff Marsha F5 37:50
Bennett Joan F7 46:51
Blasius Courtney F3 1:02:34
Conway-Cole Martha F5 1:02:34
Race Results Alphabetically
Alley Tammie F4 35:56
Andrews Jessica F4 32:30
Avener Dan M7 21:55
Beilenberg Zane M2 22:48
Bennett Dan M4 23:15
Bennett Joan F7 46:51
Berry Kathy F45 29:55
Bickford Jordan M2 24:12
Bielenberg John M6 24:36
Blasius Douglas M6 24:27.45
Blasius Courtney F3 1:02:34
Blass Jonathan M3 21:31
Brown Melissa F4 22:57
Cale M4 20:48
Caler Alan M6 23:43
Campbell Andrew M4 27:04.29
Carr Lucy F5 18:27
Clapper Joe M5 23:03
Cohen Beth F3 22:38
Conway-Cole Martha F5 1:02:34
Davidson Gerald M4 22:44
DeFranzo Beth Ann 33:57
DeGiovanni Valentine F2 22:45
Dunn Wayne M6 27:22.16
Emerson Jennifer F4 28:54
Fahey Gerry M7 27:04.64
Fasl Jeremiah M3 25:09.67
Gagnon Todd M5 17:45
Gallagher Bonnie F5 22:13
Good Cipperly F4 24:48
Goupee Kate F3 19:44
Guiod Daniel M6 22:46
Hankinson Marie F4 31:25
Hankinson Mark M4 31:26
Hanscom Hannah F3 24:30
Hansen Bill M7 27:39
Hart Candace F3 31:40
Haskell Adam M3 24:06
Hayslip John M3 20:10
Hendley Kathryn F4 21:49
Hendley Stanley M4 28:30
Herbig Erin F3 22:54
Houghton Amy F4 25:29
Houghton Rick M5 27:11
Howard Chad M4 19:59
Johnstone Hunter M2 21:14
Johnstone Doug M7 21:22
Joseph Amanda F4 27:14
Kao Ezra M3 18:46
Kapiloff Marsha F5 37:50
Kent Sarah F3 30:44
Kiernan Seth M3 20:49
Kirby Tom M6 20:27
Krajewski Jenna F3 17:35
Kynoch Brent M6 24:10.65
Kynoch Mackenzie F2 27:49
Kynock Cole M2 21:17
Larson Nancy F3 25:09.26
Leach Willie M2 19:16
Leavitt Michelle F3 21:18
Lewis Jordan M3 23:58
Lewis John M5 25:32
MacDonald Marie F5 30:16
MacKenzie Holly F3 24:01
MacMillan Megan F 24:27.58
Martin Guy M6 20:02
McBee Amy F4 26:49
McBee Zac M4 26:50
McLaughlin Sean M4 27:22.69
McPeck Linda F5 31:39
McPeck Michael M2 33:58
Michaud Adam M4 19:54
Michaud Michelle F4 25:34
Miles Kate F4 21:24
Miller Dan M5 24:10.47
Montgomery Glenn M7 21:44
Morrison Will M3 19:15
Pelletier Scott M5 22:10
Pelletier Carol F6 27:35
Perry Michael M2 28:27
Perry Jamie M4 29:28
Perry Jesse M1 34:39
Pippenger Cara F4 23:16
Povec Josh M4 22:55
Rhoda Jason M3 21:16
Rhoda Joanie F6 25:20
Richards Grant M2 21:29
Rubenstein Peter M5 20:55
Sargent Cathy F3 35:37
Skillings Robert M3 18:40
Spigal Lindsay F4 24:33
Sterling Cindy F5 22:51
Stewart Shannon F3 24:11
Stone Kevin M3 21:14
Strock Jacob M2 19:27
Tibbetts Mark M5 28:21
Valleau Kate F4 32:31
Varney Jason M3 25:10
Ward Patrick M2 33:26
Ward Regina F4 34:15
Warsen Gretchen F4 27:40
Watts Joe M5 21:09
Wirey Bruce M6 20:31
Wirey Sabrina F3 36:17
2010 OOB Breakaway 5K& Kids Fun Run
2010 35th Annual Machias Blueberry Festival 5 Mile Road Race
August 21 | 35th Annual Machias Blueberry Festival 5 Miler – Age Groups – 1 Mile Results | Machias |
Ryan KingSub5 Track Club
· Congratulations to all those participating in today’s 35th Annual Machias Blueberry Festival 5 Mile Road Race. The men’s division and overall winner was Joe Capehart (28:31), in second was Austin Townsend Jr (29:57) and third was Randy Macdonald (30:15). For the women’s division finishing first was Elizabeth Brunton (30:48), in second was Kristine Guaraldo (31:32) and third was Margaret Capehart (35:12). Linked are the race results.
2010 Maine Senior Games Track & Field
Maine Senior Games -08-21-2010 Results
Photos Set 1 Set 2 Set 3* Set 4
*[Please note that Set 3 states Kim Williams’s Gallery, but the fact is that most if not all of the photos have been taken by Warren her number one fan & also spouse]
Video Cut 1
SEPTEMBER 12, 2009 – 8:00a.m. Results
Courtesy of the Press Herald:
<< see Portland Press Herald for full story: back to story >>

John Patriquin/Staff Photographer
WHEN: Saturday through Sept. 24
EVENTS: Softball, road racing (5K and 10K), triathlon, bowling, table tennis, tennis, basketball, track and field, horseshoes, cycling, swimming, racquetball, golf.
HARPSWELL — The windowsills of John Woods’ home are lined with framed photographs of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, the people whom he considers the focal point of his life.
In between the photos are mementos from his years at Harvard, from his time in the military and from road races – certificates, plaques, medals and photos of people whom he has become friends with because of running.
When Woods was younger, he rarely passed up a race, competing in marathons, half marathons and many other races. ………………
Staff Writer Rachel Lenzi can be reached at 791-6415 or at:
Copyright © 2009 MaineToday Media, Inc.
Please check Public Cable next week the Second Act
2004 Results
Sep 11 | Maine Sr Games 200 Meter Dash | Portland |
Sep 11 | Maine Sr Games 400 Meter Dash | Portland |
Sep 11 | Maine Sr Games 800 Meter Dash | Portland |
Sep 11 | Maine Sr Games 1500 Meter Dash | Portland |
Sep 11 | Maine Sr Games 1500 Race Walk | Portland |
Sep 11 | Maine Sr Games 3000 Meter Run | Portland |
August 20, 2010
Carl Brogam Invitational
Report from Mile Split 2010 Results & Video
2010 Photos of the Carl Brogam Invitational courtesy of Don Penta
Photos to the Inaugural SPHS Alumni 2.6 Miler XC Race 2010-08-2010
August 15, 2010
Tri for the Cure
2010 Set 1(Penta Photos) Set 2 (Capstone) Set 3 (Collection meredith.strang-burgess)
Video 2010
2010 Tri for A Cure • South Portland ME from Roger Crowley on Vimeo.
More 2010 Video