- 2009 Photos

There was a short one K race but we do not have the race results We do have photos of the kids race
Results Here (175 finishers) Courtesy of the WayBack Machine & Coolrunning ~ www.3CRaceProductions.com
Results Here (175 finishers) Courtesy of the WayBack Machine & Coolrunning ~ www.3CRaceProductions.com
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
Fastest male: Jeff Banger, 18:03.75 June 5, 2004
Fastest female: Juliet Connolly, 19:34 June 3, 2006
This app no longer works We will have to make out a work order to repair it
Windham Benefit 5K walk / Run
Joint fundraiser between Windham Lions Club and Neighbor Helping Neighbors
Registration Form |
On-Line Printable Brochure Part 1 Part 2 |
Supporting Businesses |
On-Line Registration with Active.com (click Here) |
Road Race Results: 2006 2007 2008 2008 report Photos 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 |
Email them at: snowwis1@roadrunner.com
Visit the clubs web site: http://windhamlionsme.lionwap.org
2009 Farm Team/FRC 5K Turkey Trot
10am Saturday Nov. 21, 2009 @ the UMF Fitness & Recreation Center
Kid’s Fun Run (10 and under) @ 9:30am
Please Support the UMF Cross Country Team and the FRC!
Pre Registration
Due Date: Monday, Nov. 16th
Non Student Fee: $10.00
Student Fee: $8.00
Kid’s Run Fee: $2.00
Race Day Registration
Due Date: Saturday, Nov. 21 at 8:30am
Non Student Fee: $15.00
Student Fee: $10.00
Kid’s Run Fee: $5.00
Age Group Categories
Under 18 Kid’s Run Categories:
19?29 Under 6
30?39 7?8
40?49 9?10
*** Awards to the top male and female finisher in each category***
Name: ____________________________________________________________ Age:
Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Email:___________________ Phone #:______________________________
T Shirt size:____________________________ (T Shirts to the first 100 registered in the 5K)
Please mail Pre Registration Entries to: Pre Registration Deadline: Monday Nov. 16th
Ryan Wagner Please make checks payable to: UMF FRC
Fitness & Recreation Center
152 Quebec St
Farmington, ME 04938
Photo Release: I herby grant the UMF FRC permission to use, reproduce, publish, or distribute any photographs, films, videotapes and or sound recordings of me for use in the materials the UMF FRC may create.
Participants Signature:
Parent/Guardian Signature (if participant is under 18):
I hereby assume all of the risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of said activity. I hereby release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless, the University of Maine at Farmington, the UMF Fitness and Recreation Center, and the Fitness Center employees and volunteers from any damage and/or liability arising out of or in connection with the participation in said activity. In the event of injury to myself, I assume responsibility therefore, and hereby waive any and all claims for damages or loss against the University of Maine at Farmington, and the UMF Fitness and Recreation Center and it’s employees. The following physical disabilities should be noted: (if none, write “None”)
Participants Signature: Date:
Parent/Guardian Signature (if participant is under 18): Date:
Proceeds will be contributed to the UMF Cross Country Team and the Fitness and Recreation Center.
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