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The Maine Track Club hosts a weekly Roasters Run on Saturdays at 7 a.m., The event starting from the parking lot of Maine Roasters Coffee on Route 1 in Falmouth, Maine. This is a great opportunity to discover the social aspects of running. All ability levels are welcome. Runners group themselves based on pace and then go out for runs ranging from 2-20 miles through Falmouth and Portland, Maine.
Filed under: Photos — David Colby Young @ 11:48 pm
What does the Lincoln Day Dinner do with Running?
The Lincoln Day dinner does not have much to do with running. The event was presented by the Androscoggin County Republican Committee. Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of Lincoln’s birth, Abe Lincoln 1809-1865 16th President of the United States of America.
a. Communication from the hiring committee with a recommendation to fill the vacancy of Maintenance Supervisor.
b. Communication from the EMA Director regarding the 1st quarter Federal Government re-imbursement of expenses.
c. Communication from the Town of Greene Board of Selectmen dated February 17, 2009 regarding the Androscoggin County Combined Dispatch Study Committee.
d. Communication from the Town of Leeds Board of Selectmen dated February 18, 2009 regarding the E-911 Dispatch Committee.
Agenda for March 4, 2009
Page 2
e. Communication from the Town of Mechanic Falls Town Council regarding the Dispatch Consolidation Committee.
f. Communication from the Town of Sabattus Board of Selectmen dated February 17, 2009 regarding the Androscoggin County Dispatch Committee.
g. Communication from the Town of Turner Board of Selectmen dated February 17, 2009 regarding the Androscoggin County Dispatch Committee.
h. Communication from the Town Manager of Turner, Eva Leavitt regarding rental space in the Town of Turner for the Sheriff’s Department.
i. Communication from Delta Dental regarding the dental contract and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract.
j. Schedule hearing on issue of elimination of the training officer position in the Sheriff’s Department.
k. Communication from the Sheriff dated February 27, 2009 regarding an employee resignation.
l. Communication from the Sheriff dated February 27, 2009 requesting to hire a full-time Corrections Officer.
a. Communication from the Sheriff dated February 12, 2009 regarding the newly created
job description/investigations officer position. (Tabled at the February 18, 2009
b. Award bid for oil changes in the Sheriff’s department. (Tabled at the February 18,
2009 meeting.).
a. Communication from Gary and Denise Sweet from the Town of Wales requesting a
a tax abatement hearing.
The only topics which may be discussed in executive session are those that fall within one of the categories set forth in Title 1
M.R.S.A. Section 405. Those applicable to municipal government are:
1. Discussion of personnel issues.
2. Discussion or consideration of the condition, acquisition, or the use of real or personal property or economic development
if premature disclosure of the information would prejudice the competitive or bargaining position of the body or agency.
3. Discussion of labor contracts and proposals and meetings between a public agency and its negotiators.
4. Consultations between a body or agency and its attorney.
5. Discussion of information contained in records made, maintained or received by a body or agency when access by the general
public to those records is prohibited by statute.
6. Discussion or approval of the content of examinations administered by a body or agency for licensing, permitting or
employment purposes.
7 Consultations between municipal officers and a code enforcement officer relating to enforcement matter pending in District
Comments Off on 2009-03-04 Androscoggin County Commission
14880     Mike   Brooks Danville ME   63  M  05:35:55  05:40:44  1235  774    21    47%
Photos courtesy of Jan Ursillo-Gagnier
Here are some pictures from the Gasparilla Marathon. My daughter Michelle and son Kyle are in a few of them. I ran the marathon with Mike Brooks. The marathon was good, plenty of port-a-potties, water, gatorade, GU,they even had some fruit. However,20they only had bananas left at we finished running. They didn’t have any food or Free beer left. I guess, that is how it is when you run slow. I also have to wait 6 weeks for my shirt, no big deal – as long as I receive it! The weather wasn’t too bad, We did have a fast, heavy shower and some heavy winds along the way. The rain caused the bridges to be very slippery, we had to walk across them… It could have been worse. I enjoyed the race, I would run it again!