January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
October 31, 2008
October 29, 2008
Maine Track Club does well in the Great Pumpkin 10K
The Maine Track Club finished the last of the 2008 Maine USATF Grand Prix Series race on Sunday.
The team members were for the Women:
Open, Masters & Seniors (same women on the three age group teams)
The team members were for the Men:
open & masters (same men on both teams)
Men’s Seniors
total time ( 132:53)
Penta takes photos at 25 Oct 2008 Roaster Run
This app no longer works We will have to make out a work order to repair it
October 26, 2008
October 26, 2008: Windham Lions Road Race
This is an interesting race hosted by the Windham Loins Club at least three years. Only one thing wrong about the races was some errors in the results when they gave out the awards. Running ace, Paul Yates, in age 50-59 was over looked at the time of the passing out of the awards. Paul Yates who runs the same pace in most of the 5K & 10K races he does is often a target for other runners who try to beat him. At this event they failed once again. Paul Yates did well in this race today. I knew that Doug Green did not beat him. Another runner who was over looked was Charlie Sawyer who was in the 60-69 age group. After the passing of the awards the two the errors were quickly corrected. Mr. Sawyer was still present but Paul Yates did not stay for the awards or at least did not stay to fight for what he had rightfully won. I am sure I will be seeing him again soon so I picked up his award and will give it to him the next time I see him. Paul Yates will have the option of doing whatever he wants to do with the medal he won.
Watch 2008windhamlions5k.avi in Maine Running Sports Online | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
October 25, 2008
2008 Oct 25 Pumpkin Run 5K Yarmouth, ME
October 18, 2008
One Mile Race in New Gloucester, Maine on 2008-10-18
New Lungs for George – one mile run
This event was held at the New Gloucester Community Fair, 106 Bald Hill Road, New Gloucester, Maine. Runners & walkers were required to go twice around 1/2 mile former horse race track. The application fee was only one dollar. Will they have this race next year? We have not asked that question yet. You can contact: Carl Wilcox (New Lungs for George), 15 Farm View Drive, New Gloucester, ME, USA, 04260. or call 1-207-926-3008 or e-mail: jwilcox@securespeed.us for more information on this event.
Watch 2008 10 18 New Lungs for George – one mile run in Activism Videos | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
5th Annual Jack O’Lantern 5K & Fun Run
St. Andre's Church 5th Annual Jack O'Lantern 5K & Fun Run Saturday October 18, 2008 Biddeford Pool, Maine Results by Split-Time Race Management Falmouth, Maine 207-329-4284

file photos of Robert Gomez & Carry Buterbaugh. They were overall winners of their race. Photos courtesy of Maine Running Photos & Don Penta
Place Name No. Age S Time Pace ===== =================== ===== === = ======= ===== 1 Robert Gomez 462 25 M 15:38 5:03 2 Tom Ryan 447 53 M 17:04 5:31 3 Daniel Salvo 441 24 M 17:42 5:43 4 Carry Buterbaugh 448 36 F 17:59 5:49 5 Zach Boyce 457 23 M 18:11 5:52 6 Wesley Milliken 437 31 M 18:49 6:05 7 Reaser Christne 469 42 F 18:56 6:07 8 Jerry Mullin 477 53 M 19:34 6:19 9 Moulton Karl 461 42 M 19:43 6:22 10 Stalley Aaron 449 33 M 20:26 6:36 11 Andrew Dutra 414 24 M 20:28 6:37 12 Jessica Stevenson 442 36 F 20:37 6:40 13 Douglas Kay 428 55 M 20:41 6:41 14 Lauren Austin 456 27 F 20:45 6:42 15 Eric Evans 411 40 M 21:22 6:54 16 Steve Murphy 478 64 M 21:37 6:59 17 Mike Gendron 427 54 M 21:46 7:02 18 Ryan O'Hara 409 24 M 21:55 7:05 19 Lisa Marion 426 35 F 22:01 7:07 20 Kurt Hansbury 424 35 M 22:32 7:17 21 Karen Fortier 452 41 F 22:43 7:20 22 Jack Marshall 479 12 M 23:22 7:33 23 Lajoie Dick 444 68 M 23:50 7:42 24 Meaghan Arzberger 475 23 F 23:57 7:44 25 Shannon Parsons 438 38 F 24:05 7:47 26 Michael Martin 425 38 M 25:09 8:07 27 Lynda Dube 430 34 F 25:33 8:15 28 Erika DeGeorge 410 36 F 25:45 8:19 29 Wayne O'Hara 445 55 M 25:53 8:21 30 Ebbrecht Chris 474 42 M 26:33 8:34 31 Sherri Wakeling 455 33 F 26:40 8:37 32 Ronald LaChance 429 51 M 26:59 8:43 33 Thomas Bryand 433 55 M 27:34 8:54 34 Bill MacKeil 450 47 M 27:58 9:02 35 Jocelyn Sarario 454 27 F 28:18 9:08 36 Margaret Goodwin 440 32 F 28:38 9:15 37 Donald Theriault 473 56 M 28:54 9:20 38 Dave Nelson 453 26 M 29:00 9:22 39 Justin LaCasse 420 25 M 29:28 9:31 40 Laura Charland 407 33 F 29:39 9:34 41 Mandy Spear 405 33 F 30:05 9:43 42 Cheri Poulin 436 38 F 30:32 9:51 43 Rick LaValle 439 56 M 30:42 9:55 44 Annie Boucher 446 35 F 30:53 9:58 45 Kathleen Parrish 413 23 F 30:59 10:00 46 Brooke Gilbert 476 28 F 31:23 10:08 47 Judy Fox 471 53 F 31:30 10:10 48 Pearl Jackie 470 38 F 31:30 10:10 49 Tim Hayes 458 30 M 32:23 10:27 50 Brandy Hayes 459 30 F 32:39 10:32 51 Jonathan Libby 423 31 M 32:41 10:33 52 Stacy Long 404 39 F 32:55 10:38 53 Alison O'Connor 434 12 F 33:37 10:51 54 Katherine O'Connor 435 43 F 33:37 10:51 55 Janet O'Toole 451 52 F 34:12 11:02 56 Kyleigh Keitel 401 19 F 36:59 11:56 57 Roberta Ferreira 416 47 F 37:29 12:06 58 Andrea Dumort 443 10 F 44:24 14:20 59 Fred Fox 472 53 M 44:24 14:20 60 Elizabeth Ferreira 415 11 F 44:29 14:21 61 Christina Lamontage 418 41 F 45:29 14:41 62 Gilbert Cote 417 77 M 45:55 14:49 63 Jeanne Bryand 432 54 F 46:56 15:09 64 Diane Grenier 468 57 F 50:35 16:20 65 Roger Beaupre 467 59 M 50:35 16:20 66 Penny Beupre 466 49 F 50:36 16:20
2008 MTC 50 Mile Ultra
MTC 50-Miler & 50K
October 18, 2008, Brunswick
Place Name Ag S Town Laps Time Pace
1 Jim Eckert 38 M Raymond 13 7:25:00 8:54
Mile 2: 16:27 16:27
Mile 6: 31:49 48:15
Mile 10: 31:43 1:19:58
Mile 14: 31:46 1:51:43
Mile 18: 32:32 2:24:15
Mile 22: 34:08 2:58:23
Mile 26: 36:16 3:34:38
Mile 30: 36:12 4:10:50
Mile 34: 37:16 4:48:05
Mile 38: 39:23 5:27:27
Mile 42: 38:27 6:05:54
Mile 46: 41:37 6:47:30
Finish: 37:31 7:25:00
8 Brian Lathrop 28 M S Portland 13 10:04:30 12:06
Mile 2: 19:16 19:16
Mile 6: 35:58 55:13
Mile 10: 37:34 1:32:47
Mile 14: 38:10 2:10:56
Mile 18: 38:48 2:49:43
Mile 22: 36:24 3:26:07
Mile 26: 44:44 4:10:50
Mile 30: 43:43 4:54:33
Mile 34: 42:52 5:37:24
Mile 38: 1:01:53 6:39:17
Mile 42: 1:10:51 7:50:07
Mile 46: 1:13:59 9:04:06
Finish: 1:00:25 10:04:30
Place Name Ag S Town Laps Time Pace
12 Jeanne Peckiconis 47 F Kennebunk 9 5:51:10 11:19
Mile 2: 22:32 22:32
Mile 6: 42:50 1:05:22
Mile 10: 44:24 1:49:45
Mile 14: 42:59 2:32:44
Mile 18: 44:38 3:17:22
Mile 22: 45:45 4:03:06
Mile 26: 46:54 4:50:00
Mile 30: 48:43 5:38:42
Finish: 12:29 5:51:10
October 5, 2008
2008 Maine Full half relay
2008 resultsVideo & Photos of Years ago