Maine Running Photos Running Photos & Video Across the State of Maine

August 31, 2006

2006 Aug Race Results Review

Filed under: Photos — David Colby Young @ 5:29 am

Maine 2006 Race Results

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Aug 30Back Cove Weekly 5KPortland
Aug 30Craig Cup Race #1 of 3 Five K X-C RacesCumberland
Aug 272nd Annual Westport Island 10K Shore RunWestport Island
Aug 27L-A 5K Bridge RunAuburn
Aug 2612th Annual CMS New Balance Camp Sunshine 5KSKowhegan
Aug 263rd Annual Back To School 5-Kilometer Road RaceLincolnville
Aug 2628th Annual Northeast Harbor 5 MilerNortheast Harbor
Aug 26Warren Bishop Memorial 2.84 mile X-C RunHampden
Aug 23Back Cove Weekly 5KPortland
Aug 20Dixfield 4th Annual 5KDixfield
Aug 20Dixfield 4th Annual Road RaceDixfield
Aug 20Dixfield 4th Annual Road RaceDixfield
Aug 19Breakaway 5KOld Orchard Beach
Aug 19Brownfield Main Street 5KBrownfield
Aug 19Thirty-first Annual Blueberry 5 MilerMachias
Aug 19Jefferson Annual Troop 216 Boy Scouts 5KJefferson
Aug 19Winthrop High School 5KWinthrop
Aug 19Washburn August Festival XC Road RaceWashburn
Aug 18Scarborough Summerfest Kids’ One MilerScarborough
Aug 18Scarborough Summerfest 5K Road RaceScarborough
Aug 18The 2nd Annual Caribou Alumni & Community 2.8 mile Fun RunCaribou
Aug 16Back Cove Weekly 5KPortland
Aug 13Alvin Sproul Samoset 10KBristol
Aug 1227th Annual Johnson’s International 5-milerCalais
Aug 126th Annual County Open Half Marathon ResultsHoulton
Aug 12George Schaefer Memorial 5KGouldsboro
Aug 12Orono Bicentennial 5KOrono
Aug 12Coach Cowan 4 MIle ClassicReadfield
Aug 11St Peter’s 4 MilerPortland
Aug 9Back Cove Weekly 5KPortland
Aug 659th Maine Lobster Festival 10K Road RaceRockland
Aug 6York day Road RaceYork
Aug 510th Annual Pony Pride 5K Road RaceDoverFoxcroft
Aug 510th Annual Pony Pride 5K Road RaceDoverFoxcroft
Aug 5TD Banknorth Beach to Beacon 10kCape Elizabeth
Aug 5Andover Olde Home Days Road RaceAndover
Aug 5Andover Olde Home Days Road RaceAndover
Aug 4Wilton Blueberry Festival 10 KmWilton
Aug 4Wilton Blueberry Festival 10 KmWilton
Aug 4Wilton Blueberry Fest Kid’s Fun RunWilton
Aug 4Wilton Blueberry Fest 10KWilton
Aug 2Back Cove Weekly 5KPortland

August 30, 2006

Craig Cup Race #1 of 3 Five K X-C Races Cumberland, ME, August 30, 2006

Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 12:02 pm

Sheri Piers

Craig Cup Race #1 of 3 Five K X-C Races
Cumberland, ME, August 30, 2006
Overall Results
Results Courtesy of Steve Ballou, Race Director

For more race information, see Maine Running Photos.

Photo Courtesy of David Colby Young of the Maine Track Club

Craig Cup XC Race Series
Race 1 – August 30, 2006
Cumberland, Maine

Place Name Age Sex Division City / State Time

1 Michael Payson 43 M M4049 Falmouth, ME 17:14
2 Josh Zolla 20 M M2029 Freeport, ME 17:55
3 Pete Bottomley 44 M M4049 Cape Elizabeth, ME 18:01
4 Dan Dearing 44 M M4049 Lisbon Falls, ME 18:40
5 Scott Gorneau 33 M M3039 South Portland, ME 18:50
6 Chris Gatchell 20 M M2029 Waterford, ME 19:04
7 Floyd Lavery 49 M M4049 Gorham, ME 19:16
8 Stephen Wells 32 M M3039 Cumberland, ME 19:27
9 Tom Hathaway 46 M M4049 Scarborough, ME 19:30
10 David Roberts 51 M M5059 Cape Elizabeth, ME 19:38
11 Sheri Piers 35 F F3039 Falmouth, ME 19:46
12 Dick Graves 51 M M5059 Gorham, ME 19:59
13 Wayne Piers 43 M M4049 Falmouth, ME 20:06
14 Michael Griffin 42 M M4049 Yarmouth, ME 20:28
15 Carl Moulton 48 M M4049 Wells, ME 20:40
16 Marjorie Graff 38 F F3039 South Portland, ME 20:42
17 Jeff Walker 40 M M4049 Falmouth, ME 21:03
18 Stephen Smith 21 M M2029 Topsham, ME 21:20
19 Rich McCauley 46 M M4049 Cumberland, ME 21:22
20 Jamie Anderson 34 M M3039 East Waterboro, ME 21:24
21 Kelly Brown 42 F F4049 Lewiston, ME 21:27
22 Michael Dupras 39 M M3039 Portland, ME 21:37
23 Michael Dinehart 50 M M5059 Kennebunk, ME 21:38
24 Paul Hendry 43 M M4049 South Portland, ME 21:47
25 Darrell Hoy 21 M M2029 Freeport, ME 21:55
26 Jim Dunn 38 M M3039 Falmouth, ME 21:59
27 Ian Parlin 30 M M3039 Portland, ME 22:11
28 Steve Moriarty 56 M M5059 Cumberland, ME 22:14
29 Emily Durgin 12 F F19 under Standish, ME 22:25
30 Michelle Fitts 35 F F3039 Portland, ME 23:21
31 David Colby Young 53 M M5059 Danville, ME 23:35
32 Susan Wiemer 40 F F4049 Freeport, ME 23:43
33 David McCann 11 M M19 under New Gloucester, ME 23:46
34 Mark Britten 48 M M4049 Scarborough, ME 23:48
35 Murthy Ambaru 30 M M3039 Portland, ME 23:49
36 Dennis McCann 39 M M3039 New Gloucester, ME 23:49
37 Mark Finnerty 47 M M4049 Portland, ME 24:01
38 Judith Hardenbrook 60 F F6069 Kennebunk, ME 24:08
39 Kevin Robinson, Sr. 50 M M5059 North Yarmouth, ME 24:12
40 Shauna Baxter 37 F F3039 Gorham, ME 24:32
41 Michael Beaudoin 63 M M6069 Portland, ME 24:54
42 Bob Payne 68 M M6069 Raymond, ME 25:07
43 Rachel Landry 38 F F3039 Cumberland, ME 25:18
44 Chris Douglass 27 M M2029 Lisbon, ME 25:37
45 Jerry LeVasseur 68 M M6069 Brunswick, ME 27:50
46 Robbie Blair 10 M M19 under 28:10
47 Carol Blakeney-Watts 45 F F4049 Cumberland, ME 28:25
48 Mary Schendel 55 F F5059 Cumberland, ME 30:10
49 Sam Humphries 13 M M19 under North Yarmouth, ME 30:44
50 Tara Humphries 11 F F19 under North Yarmouth, ME 31:09
51 Doug Green 50 M M5059 Windham, ME 31:31

Results were posted the next day at 12:00 noon DCY

Back Cove Weekly 5K Portland, ME, August 30, 2006

Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 11:06 am



Back Cove Weekly 5K
Portland, ME, August 30, 2006
Back Cove Weekly 5K (August 30, Portland, Maine)

  • Photos
  • Photos
    1. Mike Ciazzo 16:46
    2. Mark Goettel 17:15
    3. Shale Rosen 17:56
    4. Dave Saltmarsh 18:12
    5. Adam Zukowski 18:17
    6. Eric Neuts 18:26
    7. Blaine Moore 19:25
    8. Isaac Creisman 19:43
    9. Matt Lunt 19:44
    10. Edward Riley 20:58
    11. Nate Slocum 21:04
    12. Jen Oliver 21:48
    13. Sarah Conner 21:48
    14. (more…)

    August 27, 2006

    2006 LA Bridge Run

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 3:35 pm

    Ethan HemphillDSC_0100 Kristin Barry

  • Newspaper results
  • Results
  • Shared 203 images posted to Photo Works/Shutterfly
  • Shared Album 216 images on Flickr
  • Jonathan Labonte  ~ Paul Labonte

    August 26, 2006

    2006 OOB Breakaway 5k

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 4:21 am

    Race Results 2006
    Ethan Hemphillygp6410

    August 20, 2006

    2006 Rotary Bridge 4-Miler

    Filed under: Photos — David Colby Young @ 11:48 pm

    August 18, 2006

    Scarborough Summerfest 5K Road Race Scarborough, ME, August 18, 2006

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , , — David Colby Young @ 6:41 pm

    Chris HarmonKelly Conley
    Scarborough Summerfest 5K Road Race ~ Results ~ 128 finishers (5k)
    Scarborough, ME, August 18, 2006 ~ Results One Mile Fun Run ~ 34 Finishers

  • Photos Courtesy of David Colby Young ~ Shutterfly photos
  • Photos A few photos moved to flickr
  • Scarborough Summerfest 5K Road Race
    Scarborough, ME, August 18, 2006
    Overall Results

    Results Courtesy of Ron Kelly, Race Director

    For more race information, see Maine Running Photos.

    Photos Courtesy of David Colby Young, Maine Track Club
    Photos Courtesy of David Colby Young, Maine Track Club

    Scarborough Track Club
    #2 Mixed 5k Run RR
    Comp# Name Team Time Points
    1 111 Harmon, Chris 18 Unattached 16:22.30
    2 117 Talbot, Ben 16 Unattached 16:35.00
    3 101 Nelson, Tyler 18 Unattached 17:07.00
    4 61 Segars, Guy 46 Unattached 17:47.00
    5 138 Boisvert, Zak 18 Unattached 18:49.00
    6 140 Robinson, Craig 16 Unattached 18:52.00
    7 139 Bartlett, Randy 50 Unattached 18:55.00
    8 48 Griffin, Sean 14 Unattached 19:08.00
    9 120 Prosack, Joe 14 Unattached 19:24.00
    10 53 Nakinishi, Brad 15 Unattached 19:33.00
    11 52 Myatt, Tony 20 Unattached 19:52.00
    12 109 Burns, Taylor 16 Unattached 19:54.00
    13 149 Genesin, Mark 43 Unattached 20:07.00
    14 102 Pakulski, Tom 44 Unattached 20:11.00
    15 157 Arsenault, John 41 Unattached 20:14.00
    16 162 Johnson, Ken 42 Unattached 20:22.00
    17 62 St. Cyr, Brian 22 Unattached 20:36.00
    18 133 Conley, Kelly 37 Unattached 20:37.00
    19 122 Vachon, Jay 16 Unattached 20:47.00
    20 104 McCann, David 11 Unattached 20:59.00
    21 132 Finnerty, Mark 47 Unattached 21:11.00
    22 165 Britten, Mark 48 Unattached 21:11.90
    23 152 Tyson, John 42 Unattached 21:22.00
    24 166 Jacek, Jeremiah 24 Unattached 21:25.00
    25 123 Moulin, Wout 11 Unattached 21:26.00
    26 127 Hennessey, Paul 57 Unattached 21:28.00
    27 124 Moulin, Johan 40 Unattached 21:31.00
    28 105 McCann, Dennis 39 Unattached 21:45.00
    29 58 Russ, Joel 62 Unattached 21:58.00
    30 43 Dibiase, Nicholas 36 Unattached 22:01.00
    31 148 Robinson, Courtney 15 Unattached 22:33.00
    32 116 Vachon, Peter 48 Unattached 22:47.00
    33 131 Kill, Alison 17 Unattached 22:53.00
    34 51 Mailhot, Jeff 25 Unattached 22:57.00
    35 7 Call, Katelyn 16 Unattached 23:18.00
    36 154 Cook-Center, Kristin 35 Unattached 23:25.00
    37 11 Frost, Katelyn 24 Unattached 23:27.00
    38 168 Goodrich, Samuel 24 Unattached 23:42.00
    39 64 St. Cyr, Stephen 51 Unattached 23:51.00
    40 63 Hartford, Merle 59 Unattached 23:55.00
    41 153 Center, Harry 44 Unattached 24:02.00
    42 8 Collins, Cindy 40 Unattached 24:05.00
    43 74 Ellison, AJ Unattached 24:12.00
    44 65 Albert, Chris Unattached 24:17.00
    45 93 Tuma, Peter Unattached 24:18.00
    46 84 Mansuco, Kenny Unattached 24:19.00
    47 28 Robertson, Jennifer 17 Unattached 24:28.00
    48 167 Oconnor, Keelin 16 Unattached 24:28.50
    49 107 Payne, Bob 68 Unattached 24:32.00
    50 42 Cohen, Andrew 13 Unattached 24:37.00
    51 126 Kipp, Tim 47 Unattached 24:42.00
    52 29 Schroeder, Lizzie 16 Unattached 24:54.00
    53 170 Taylor, Sarah 37 Unattached 24:58.00
    54 163 Cohen, Mark 38 Unattached 24:59.00
    ….#2 Mixed 5k Run RR
    55 10 Flaherty, Ellen 38 Unattached 25:05.00
    56 143 Darling, Nicholas 11 Unattached 25:07.00
    57 169 Hendrix, Theresa 14 Unattached 25:10.00
    58 160 Dugas, Sarah 13 Unattached 25:13.00
    59 41 Cohen, Adam 12 Unattached 25:14.00
    60 46 Flaherty, Matt 12 Unattached 25:15.00
    61 161 Dugas, Marc 42 Unattached 25:17.00
    62 56 Ornstein, Daniel 11 Unattached 25:22.00
    63 125 Obrien, Rick 59 Unattached 25:24.00
    64 19 Libby, Ily 7 Unattached 25:42.00
    65 54 Needham, James 51 Unattached 25:43.00
    66 90 Pogar, Tom Unattached 25:44.00
    67 25 Obrien, Misty 24 Unattached 25:49.00
    68 39 Chadbourne, David 39 Unattached 25:49.60
    69 21 McConnell, Roseann 42 Unattached 26:02.00
    70 20 Libby, Tiffany 26 Unattached 26:13.00
    71 37 Black, David 44 Unattached 26:30.00
    72 128 Bell, Jason 32 Unattached 26:49.00
    73 119 Youth, Brian 38 Unattached 26:51.00
    74 156 Cook, Bryon 59 Unattached 27:04.00
    75 26 Pouliot, Kendra 20 Unattached 27:16.00
    76 82 Lawrence, Nick Unattached 27:16.90
    77 33 Zaharis, Barbara 52 Unattached 27:18.00
    78 22 McElwain, Lorraine 43 Unattached 27:27.00
    79 14 Guburd, Lisa 41 Unattached 27:29.00
    80 9 Dimick-Corbeau, Julie 41 Unattached 27:32.00
    81 38 Burleigh, Russell 67 Unattached 27:35.00
    82 -9 Unknown 28:04.00
    83 50 Kilfoil, Fred 60 Unattached 28:04.80
    84 66 Alofs, Garrett Unattached 28:06.00
    85 114 Sheesley, Shirley 53 Unattached 28:07.00
    86 34 Alofs, Jake 15 Unattached 28:08.00
    87 87 Murray, Spencer Unattached 28:09.00
    88 83 Leblanc, Brendon Unattached 28:12.00
    89 67 Bendle, Jon Unattached 28:17.00
    90 110 Burns, David 41 Unattached 28:22.00
    91 24 Needham, Diane 51 Unattached 28:25.00
    92 71 Delisle, Craig Unattached 28:25.50
    93 103 McCann, Lisa 38 Unattached 28:29.00
    94 134 Conley, Shannon 10 Unattached 28:30.00
    95 -9 Unknown 28:36.00
    96 164 Doe, Paula 36 Unattached 28:53.00
    97 57 Renaud, Mike 49 Unattached 28:59.00
    98 49 Grimm, David Unattached 29:02.00
    99 60 Sebastian, Grimm 7 Unattached 29:02.50
    100 135 Conley, Phil 39 Unattached 29:13.00
    101 108 Carlson-Lynch, Heather 41 Unattached 29:22.00
    102 -9 Unknown 29:31.00
    103 55 Nguyen, Son 26 Unattached 29:58.00
    104 23 McKeen, Denise 36 Unattached 30:18.00
    105 136 Farrington, Tobey 32 Unattached 30:34.00
    106 72 Doyer, Pete Unattached 31:13.00
    107 16 Kerrick, Jill 25 Unattached 31:36.00
    108 47 Fox, Stephen 40 Unattached 31:36.70
    109 75 Erwin, Maxwell Unattached 33:52.00
    ….#2 Mixed 5k Run RR
    110 70 Christian, Phil Unattached 35:35.00
    111 113 Poulin, Elizabeth 8 Unattached 35:37.00
    112 79 Heggers, AJ Unattached 36:26.00
    113 88 Oconnor, Colin Unattached 36:29.00
    114 81 Jordan, Spencer Unattached 36:37.00
    115 92 Smith, Darren Unattached 38:14.00
    116 -9 Unknown 38:22.00
    117 95 Wakem, Tom Unattached 38:24.00
    118 -9 Unknown 38:24.80
    119 94 Wahrer, Ben Unattached 38:40.00
    120 89 Passarelli, Joe Unattached 38:41.00
    121 78 Ham, Brendan Unattached 38:56.00
    122 97 Wohltjen, Will Unattached 38:56.50
    123 76 Gergler, Kristopher Unattached 39:10.00
    124 77 Gorman, Billy Unattached 39:10.60
    125 69 Cardinal, Adam Unattached 39:19.00
    126 98 Woodbury, Brian Unattached 39:19.60
    127 86 Mollica, Charles Unattached 39:19.80
    128 -9 Unknown 39:20.00

    Results posted same night as race at 10:15 PN DCY
    Scarborough Summerfest Kids’ One Miler
    Scarborough, ME, August 18, 2006
    Overall Results

    Results Courtesy of Ron Kelly, Race Director

    For more race information, see Maine Running Photos.

    Photos Courtesy of David Colby Young, Maine Track Club
    Photos Courtesy of David Colby Young, Maine Track Club

    Scarborough Track Club
    Mixed 1 Mile Run RR
    Comp# Name Team Time Points
    1 32 Tolman, Emily 12 Unattached 6:27.00
    2 30 Sullivan, Lauren 13 Unattached 6:34.00
    3 34 Alofs, Jake 15 Unattached 6:45.00
    4 59 Saltz, Mason 13 Unattached 6:46.00
    5 106 Blair, Robbie 10 Unattached 6:46.50
    6 137 Farrington, Andrew 11 Unattached 6:50.00
    7 31 Tolman, Andrea 12 Unattached 7:09.00
    8 144 Spencer, Thomas 8 Unattached 8:22.00
    9 129 Bell, Andrew 8 Unattached 8:30.00
    10 130 Bell, Eric 7 Unattached 8:38.00
    11 4 Barr, Sarah 9 Unattached 8:46.00
    12 35 Barr, Ryan 7 Unattached 8:54.00
    13 118 Youth, Elliot 7 Unattached 8:56.00
    14 121 Benner, Noah 11 Unattached 9:11.00
    15 141 Shell, Elizabeth 9 Unattached 9:25.00
    16 146 Fitzpatrick, Sara 9 Unattached 9:25.50
    17 2 Baginski, Sarah 9 Unattached 9:25.80
    18 112 Poulin, Katie 8 Unattached 9:32.00
    19 113 Poulin, Elizabeth 8 Unattached 9:33.00
    20 18 Kimmel, Catherine 7 Unattached 9:38.00
    21 142 Shell, Erin 7 Unattached 10:05.00
    22 6 Benson, Olivia 9 Unattached 10:16.00
    23 5 Benson, Emily 6 Unattached 10:17.00
    24 3 Barr, Rachel 7 Unattached 10:31.00
    25 1 Baginski, Laura 6 Unattached 10:32.00
    26 45 Flaherty, Chris 10 Unattached 11:07.00
    27 145 Fitzpatrick, Anna 16 Unattached 11:13.00
    28 159 Dugas, Sophie 7 Unattached 11:42.00
    29 151 Cohen, Alec 10 Unattached 11:46.00
    30 150 Cohen, Aiden 6 Unattached 11:47.00
    31 19 Libby, Ily 7 Unattached 12:31.00
    32 155 Xiang, John 7 Unattached 12:32.00
    33 15 Howland, Mickella 11 Unattached 17:17.00
    34 115 Tanguay, Joe 10 Unattached 17:18.00

    Results Posted same night as race 9:45 PM DCY

  • Photos shared on Flickr
  • Keelin O’Conner & Jennifer Robertson


    18 Aug 2006 Strawberry Fest 5k @ Farmington

    Filed under: Photos — David Colby Young @ 4:02 pm

  • Newspaper Archive clippings
  • The 2nd Annual Caribou Alumni & Community 2.8 mile Fun Run Caribou, ME, August 18, 2006

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , , — David Colby Young @ 8:06 am

    The 2nd Annual Caribou Alumni & Community 2.8 mile Fun Run
    Caribou, ME, August 18, 2006
    Overall Results
    Paul Rupprecht
    Results Courtesy of Mary Ann Tardif of Caribou, Maine

    For more race information, see Maine Running Photos.

  • Shared Photos Courtesy of Mary Ann Tardif
    posted to Flickr
  • The winning team minus one member in the alumni community race. From left to right Bruce Freme, Leo Kashian, Brent Jepson, Carl Soderberg and Rob Kieffer. Photo Courtesy of Mary Ann Young Tardif of Caribou, Maine
    The winning team minus one member in the alumni community race. From left to right Bruce Freme, Leo Kashian, Brent Jepson, Carl Soderberg and Rob Kieffer. Photo Courtesy of Mary Ann Young Tardif of Caribou, Maine

    The 2nd Annual Alumni/Community Fun Run
    The Caribou Cross Country team held one of the most
    exciting and unique road races in Maine on Friday
    night (18 Aug 2006). This race was open to individuals
    or three person teams of all ages. The race took place
    under the lights at the Caribou High School Cross Country
    Course. The Open/Alumni Race was 2.8 miles long and the
    Youth Race was approximately 1.7 miles long. We are told
    this year the race was free and all had a a great time.
    Registration began at 7:00pm at the High School Ski Building
    next to the track at Caribou High School.

    1. Paul Rupprecht 14:02
    2. PJ Gorneault 14:12
    3. Bruce Freme 14:27
    4. Jeff Alden 14:36
    5. Jens Johanssen 14:37
    6. Thomas Beckum 14:46
    7. Leo Kashian 14:51
    8. Carl Soderberg 14:58
    9. Jeffrey Sprague 15:06
    10. Sam Sheehan 15:08
    11. John Farra 15:21
    12. Brent Jepson 15:26
    13. Spencer McElwain 15:28
    14. Dan Harrigan 15:36
    15. Spud Landers 15:46
    16. Frank McElwain 15:48
    17. Drew Freme 15:50
    18 Stefan Ciszewski 15:56
    19. Roy Alden 16:02
    20 Katie Stephens 16:03
    21. Joshua Tardif 16:11
    22. Jamie Stephens 16:14
    23. Christian Sleeper 16:18
    24. Jordan Powers 17:08
    25. Lee Foster 17:09
    26. Kyle McBues 17:13
    27. Susan Plissey 17:53
    28. Rob Kieffer 18:02
    29. Steve Melborne 18:13
    30. Matt Belanger 19:11
    31. Chris Rines 18:34
    32. D. Lake 18:51
    33. Amber Ayotte 18:54
    34. Olivia Sleeper 18:55
    35. Timothy Freme 18:58
    36. Thomas Herrir 19:00
    37. Jason Michaud 19:01
    38. David Wakana 19:04
    39. Andrew Ciszewski 19:05
    40. Carin Dubay 19:06
    41. Ricky Michaud 19:07
    42. Kristina Stephens 19:12
    43. Hannah Saunders 19:13
    44. Philip Smith 19:16
    45. Devon Stetson 19:24
    46. Keegan Wakana 19:25
    47. Riley Foster 19:26
    48. John Brewer 20:01
    49. Joe Sturzl 20:05
    50. Marc Shea 20:25
    51. Rene Laliberty 20:21
    52. Tess Miner Farra 20:22
    53. Janelle Gagnon 20:39
    54. Breanna Randolph 20:53
    55. Ethan McDuffie 20:01
    56. Jared Sleeper 21:02
    57. Joe Herrin 21:05
    58. “blank”
    59. “blamk”
    60. Dilan Beckum 21:42
    61. Fran Cyr 21:46
    62. Supansit Sriamaileu 22:03
    63. Lindsay Burbock 22:08
    64. Ezra Duplissie 22:38
    65. Meg Hauger 23:14
    66. Monica Selander 23:16
    67. Linda Selander 23:44
    68. Brian Brewer 23:51
    69. Jesse Stephens 24:10
    70. Nak Puces 24:12
    71. Marisa Hessert 24:49
    72. Alyson Hessert 24:50
    73. William Sheehan 26:18
    74. Chase Gagnon 26:53
    75. Matt Price 27:01

    Team Results


    First Place-AARD Harriries

    3 Bruce Freme
    7 Leo Kashian
    8 Carl Soderberg
    12 Brent Jepson
    14 Dan Harrigan
    26 Rob Kieffer

    Total Score: 18

    Second Place-Spudland Racers

    5 Jens Johanssen
    6 Thomas Beckum
    9 Jeffrey Sprague
    15 Scott Dorrity (aka Spud Landers)

    Total Score: 20

    Third Place-Fangly Fish (Alumni)

    2 PJ Gorneault
    4 Jeff Alden
    29 Chris Rines
    34 Andrew Ciszweski
    36 Ricky Michaud

    Total 35

    Fourth Place-Duke Lacrose Team
    (high school cross country athletes)

    10 Sam Sheehan
    13 Spencer McElwain
    17 Drew Freme
    18 Stefan Ciszewski
    49 Supasit (Mack) Srisamaileul

    Total Score: 40

    Fifth Place- Retro Caribou

    20 Josh Tardif
    22 Christian Sleeper
    35 Carlin Dubay
    39 Keegan Wakana
    43 Marc Shea
    45 Jared Sleeper

    Total Score: 77

    Sixth Place-Shooting Blanks

    23 Jordan Powers
    30 Timothy Freme
    38 Devon Stetson
    40 Riley Foster
    50 Brian Brewer

    Total Score 91

    Seventh Place-Fluffy Coneheads

    25 Kyle McEwen
    32 Jacob Michaud
    37 Philip Smith
    52 Nick Pucci

    Total Score:94

    Eighth Place-Red Sox

    27 Steven Melbourne
    28 Matt Belanger
    41 John Brewer
    42 Joe Sturzl
    47 Dillon Beckum

    Total Score:96


    First Place-Hubba Bubbas
    6. Amber Ayotte
    7 Olivia Sleeper
    13 Breanna Randolph

    Total Score 26

    Second Place-Spudland Racers

    2 Susan Plissey
    9 Rene Laliberty
    15 Meg Hauger

    Total Score: 26

    Third Place- Banana Bunch

    8 Kristina Stephens
    9 Hannah Saunders
    12 Janelle Gagnon

    Total Score: 29

    Fourth Place-Caribou Alumni

    3 Dian Locke
    13 Lindsay Burlock
    16 Monica Selander
    18 Marisa Hessert

    Total Score:32

    Mixed Teams

    First Place-Team Geritol

    11 John Farra
    16 Frank McElwain
    32 Diana Locke
    38 David Wakana
    52 Tess Farra

    Total Score:59

    Second Place-Dangerous Curves

    1 Paul Rupprecht
    19 Roy Alden
    63 Lindsay Burlock
    66 Monica Selander
    67 Linda Selander

    Total Score:83

    Third Place-Hess Chix & Company

    61 Jesse Stephens
    71 Marisa Hessert
    72 Alyson Hessert
    Dominique Hessert

    Total Score: 204

    Results posted the next dat after the event at 9:30 PM DCY

    Team results added 8-21-06 8:00 pm DCY

    August 16, 2006

    Back Cove Weekly 5K Portland, ME, August 16, 2006

    Filed under: Photos — Tags: , — David Colby Young @ 8:57 pm

    Back Cove Weekly 5K
    Portland, ME, August 16, 2006

    So which Erik was taking the photos?

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