Maine Running Photos Running Photos & Video Across the State of Maine

May 31, 1950

31 May 1950 Farmington 8th Grade Track Meet

Filed under: Photos — Tags: — David Colby Young @ 12:41 am

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May 30, 1950

30 May 1950 Gorham Road Race

Filed under: Photos — Tags: , , , , , , — David Colby Young @ 12:08 am

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May 28, 1950

28 May 1950 Track Meets Reported

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May 25, 1950

1950 Track Meets

Filed under: Photos — David Colby Young @ 3:20 am

Ralph Robinson, Milton, Proctor,Bridges, Hatch, Hall, Cassidy,,Brant, D. Eriskine, Mekim, Sprague, Ramsdell, Chase, Van Fleet, Bridges, Marsh, Holt, Hoch, Beaudreault, Kennison, Sewell, Ramsdell,Peace, Campbell, Marsh, Proctor,

  • May 13, 1950

    1950 May 13 Andy Valley Conference Championship Meet

    Filed under: Photos — David Colby Young @ 9:38 pm

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    May 11, 1950

    Class of 1950 Rockland HS Win Interclass Track Meet

    Filed under: Photos — David Colby Young @ 2:46 am

    Tuesday-Thursday-Saturai?R ockland Courier-iGazette, Thursday, M ay 1 1 ,1 9 5 0Tags EleVttTK N O X -L IN C O L N S C H O O L PR ESS C L U B N E W S IT E M S’50 WINS RHS INTERCLASS MEETSeniors Top Track Scoring With Six FirstPlaces For 51 Points, Proctor, High M anR o c k p o r t C la ss o f ’5 0 H o n o r sNOTES FROM A ll SCHOOLSThe Senior class walked off with honors Friday in a four-way inter­class track meet at Rockland High School.The Seniors amassed 51 points for first place with the Juniors in second place with a score of 46 ‘ ipoints. A capable Freshman team took third place with 13 points and the Sophomores fourth with lO’.-i points.In 11 events, the Seniors were able to capture six first places to give them the extra edge over the Juniors with five first places. Both the Sophomore and Freshman teams showed promise of good ma­terial for the coming years.Proctor of the Seniors took scor­ing honors with a total of 20 points.Summary:100 Yard Dash—Won by Holt ’53: second, Marsh, ’53; third, Ramsdell, ’53; Fourth, Annis, ’52. Time: 11.5 seconds.220 Yard Dash—Van Fleet, ’50, and Proctor, ’50, tired for first; third, Ramsdell, ’51; fourth, Alex. ’52; time: 36 seconds.440 Yard Dash—Won by Van Fleet. ’50; second, Marsh, ’53; third. Pease, ’52; fourth, Gray, ’52; time. 60.5 seconds.880 Yard Run—Won by Barton. 51; second, Cassidy, ’51; third. London, ’53; fourth, Smallwood, 53; time: 2 minutes, 36 seconds.Mile Run—Won by Cassidy, ’51; second, Robinson, ’50; third, Pease. ’52; fourth, Gustin 50; time 5 minutes, 31 seconds
    High Jump—Won by Barton, 51; tie for second. Ramsdell. ’51, Cross, 52; fourth. Van Fleet, ’50; height 5 feet, 3*4 inches.Broad Jump—Won by Proctor, ’50; second. Holt, ’50; third, Bou­dreau. ’51; fourth, Van Fleet. ’50; distance: 16 feet, 3’i inches.Pole Vault—Won by Proctor, ’50: second. Ramsdell. 51; third. Den­nison. ’51; tie for fourth. Keating. ’52, and Gray, ’50; height. 9 feet, 414 inches.Shot put—Won by Kennison, ’51; second. Holt, 50; third, Proctor, ’50; fourth, Marsh, 53; distance, 35 feet, 1 inch.Discuss—Won by Kennison, ’51; second. Proctor, ’50. third. Marsh, ’53: fourth, Robinson, ’50; dis­tance, 91 feet, 8 inches.Javelin—Won by Robinson, ’50; second, Kennison, ’51; third, Ger- rish, ’51; fourth, Mosher, ’53; dis­tance 127 feet.

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